My code is getting a small error that is refusing to let me entire code compile.

Take a look.


import*;    //to use InputStreamReader and BufferedReader
import java.util.*;

public class Assignment4
  public static void main (String[] args)
       // local variables, can be accessed anywhere from the main method
       char input1 = 'Z';
       String inputInfo;
       String year, color;
       double price;
       String country, manufacturer, brand;
       String line = new String();

       // instantiate a Pet object
       Car car1 = new Car();


       //Create a Scanner object to read user input
       Scanner scan = new Scanner(;

       do  // will ask for user input
         System.out.print("What action would you like to perform?\n");
         line = scan.nextLine();

         if (line.length() == 1)
           input1 = line.charAt(0);
           input1 = Character.toUpperCase(input1);

           // matches one of the case statement
           switch (input1)
             case 'A':   //Add Car
               System.out.print("Please enter the car information:\n");
               System.out.print("Who is the car\'s manufacturer?\n");
               manufacturer = scan.nextLine();

               System.out.print("What is the car brand?\n");
               brand = scan.nextLine();
               System.out.print("Which country is the car made?\n");
               country = scan.nextLine();

               car1.setMakes(country, manufacturer, brand);

               System.out.print("what year was the car made?\n");
               year = scan.nextLine();

               System.out.print("What color is the car?\n");
               color = scan.nextLine();

               System.out.print("How much was the car\'s price?\n");
               //price = scan.nextDouble();
               price = Double.parseDouble(scan.nextLine());

             case 'D':   //Display Pet
             case 'Q':   //Quit
             case '?':   //Display Menu
               System.out.print("Unknown action\n");
           System.out.print("Unknown action\n");
        } while (input1 != 'Q' || line.length() != 1);

  /** The method printMenu displays the menu to a user **/
  public static void printMenu()
     System.out.print("Choice\t\tAction\n" +
                        "------\t\t------\n" +
                        "A\t\tAdd a Car\n" +
                        "D\t\tDisplay Car\n" +
                        "Q\t\tQuit\n" +
                        "?\t\tDisplay Help\n\n");


public class Makes

    private String country;
    private String manufacturer;
    private String brandName;

public Makes()
        country = "?";
        manufacturer = "?";
        brandName = "?";

public Makes(String nCountry, String nManufac, String nBrand)
         country = nCountry;
         manufacturer = nManufac;
         brandName = nBrand;

        public String getCountry()
                return country;
        public String getManufac()
                return manufacturer;
        public String getBrand()
                return brandName;

        public void setCountry(String nCountry)
                country = nCountry;
        public void setManufac(String nManufac)
                manufacturer = nManufac;
        public void setBrand(String nBrand)
                brandName = nBrand;

         public String toString()
                 String result;
                result = country + "," + manufacturer + "," + brandName;
                 return result;



public class Car
    private String year;
    private String color;
    private double price;
    private Makes make;

    public Car()
    year = "?";
    color = "?";
    price = 0;
    public Car(String Years, String Colors, double Prices)
        year = Years;
        color = Colors;
        price = Prices;
    public String getYear()
        return year;
    public void setYears(String Years)
        year = Years;
    public String getColor()
        return color;
    public void setColor(String Colors)
        color = Colors;
    public double getPrice()
        return price;
    public void setPrice(double Prices)
        price = Prices;

    public Makes getMakes()
        return make;

    public void setMakes(String nCountry, String nManufac, String nBrand)
        String country = nCountry;
        String manufacturer = nManufac;
        String nameBrand = nBrand;

    public String toString()
        String result;
        result = "Year:\t\t" + year + "\n" + "Color:\t\t" + color + "\n" + "Price:\t\t" + price + "\n\n";
        return result;

OVERALL: both my car class and makes class are compiling. I am receiving this error when I try to compile the assignment 4 part:

cannot find symbol:

any input would be greatly appreciated.

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All 3 Replies

Hi.. I think the error appears because you don't have a method setYear.. the method that exists in your car class is setYears..
I hope this is helpful..

The problem you are having is indeed what syncster31 tells you. But just another advice, follow recommended naming conventions.

public void setColor(String Colors)
        color = Colors;

don't start variable names with a capital letter. Change the above (and all other places in your code like it)

to something like:

public void setColor(String colors){
  color = colors;

Even better, do that and also make sure your names accurately reflect their use. If I see a method
void setColor(String colors)
then I would expect to be able to pass more than one color in the String parameter.
Far better to do it properly:

public void setColor(String color){
  this.color = color;

This may look like a small point, but I can't tell you how many man years I have seen wasted on problems caused by misleading variable names.

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