I wasn't able to run a Python script. But then later I was able to run it through the Shell. I was experimenting with cron jobs and set up the python execution in as a cron. The first time it ran, It was fine but then after that, it started giving me some errors. Now when I try to run the script directly, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "userbot.py", line 637, in ?
    con = connect()
  File "userbot.py", line 607, in connect
  File "user.py", line 531, in requestRoster
  File "user.py", line 326, in SendAndWaitForResponse
    return self.waitForResponse(ID)
  File "user.py", line 300, in waitForResponse
  File "xmlstream.py", line 459, in process
    if not len(self.read()): # length of 0 means disconnect
  File "xmlstream.py", line 398, in read
socket.sslerror: (6, 'TLS/SSL connection has been closed')

Any help please?

What is a cron job?

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