I m using the boost graphml.cpp file to extract information from a graphml file. But when trying to compile this i m getting compilation error

C:\boost_1_34_1\libs\graph\src\graphml.cpp expected } at end of input

What can be the reason for this. I checked it out the all combination of braces are correct. Following is the code of graphml.cpp

// Copyright (C) 2006  Tiago de Paula Peixoto <tiago@forked.de>
// Copyright (C) 2004  The Trustees of Indiana University.
// Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
// License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)

//  Authors: Douglas Gregor
//           Andrew Lumsdaine
//           Tiago de Paula Peixoto

#include <boost/variant.hpp>
#include <expat.h>
#include <boost/graph/graphml.hpp>
#include <string>

using namespace boost;

class graphml_reader
graphml_reader(mutate_graph& g):m_g(g), m_canonical_vertices(false) { }

void run(std::istream& in)
const int buffer_size = 4096;
XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreateNS(0,'|');
XML_SetElementHandler(parser, &on_start_element, &on_end_element);
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, &on_character_data);
XML_SetUserData(parser, this);
char buffer[buffer_size];

bool okay = true;
in.read(buffer, buffer_size);

okay = XML_Parse(parser, buffer, in.gcount(), in.gcount() == 0);
while (okay && in.good());

if (!okay)
std::stringstream s;
s << "Parse error: " << XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser))
<< " on line " << XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser)
<<", column " << XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser);
throw parse_error(s.str());

/// The kinds of keys. Not all of these are supported
enum key_kind {

static void
on_start_element(void* user_data, const XML_Char *c_name,
const XML_Char **atts)
graphml_reader* self = static_cast<graphml_reader*>(user_data);

std::string name(c_name);
std::string::size_type pos = name.find('|');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
name.erase(0, pos+1);

if (name == "key")
std::string id;
std::string key_name;
std::string key_type;
key_kind kind = all_key;

while (*atts)
std::string name = *atts++;
std::string value = *atts++;

if (name == "id") id = value;
else if (name == "attr.name") key_name = value;
else if (name == "attr.type") key_type = value;
else if (name == "for")
if (value == "graph") kind = graph_key;
else if (value == "node") kind = node_key;
else if (value == "edge") kind = edge_key;
else if (value == "hyperedge") kind = hyperedge_key;
else if (value == "port") kind = port_key;
else if (value == "endpoint") kind = endpoint_key;
else if (value == "all") kind = all_key;
throw parse_error("unrecognized key kind '" + value + "'");

self->m_keys[id] = kind;
self->m_key_name[id] = key_name;
self->m_key_type[id] = key_type;
self->m_active_key = id;
else if (name == "node")
std::string id;

while (*atts)
std::string name = *atts++;
std::string value = *atts++;

if (name == "id") id = value;

self->m_active_descriptor = id;
else if (name == "edge")
std::string id;
std::string source, target;
while (*atts)
std::string name = *atts++;
std::string value = *atts++;

if (name == "id") id = value;
else if (name == "source") source = value;
else if (name == "target") target = value;
else if (name == "directed")
bool edge_is_directed = (value == "directed");
if (edge_is_directed != self->m_g.is_directed())
if (edge_is_directed)
throw directed_graph_error();
throw undirected_graph_error();

self->m_active_descriptor = self->m_edge.size();
self->handle_edge(source, target);
else if (name == "graph")
while (*atts)
std::string name = *atts++;
std::string value = *atts++;

if (name == "edgedefault")
bool edge_is_directed = (value == "directed");
if (edge_is_directed != self->m_g.is_directed())
if (edge_is_directed)
throw directed_graph_error();
throw undirected_graph_error();
else if (name == "parse.nodeids")
self->m_canonical_vertices = (value == "canonical");
self->m_active_descriptor = "";
else if (name == "data")
while (*atts)
std::string name = *atts++;
std::string value = *atts++;

if (name == "key") self->m_active_key = value;


static void
on_end_element(void* user_data, const XML_Char *c_name)
graphml_reader* self = static_cast<graphml_reader*>(user_data);

std::string name(c_name);
std::string::size_type pos = name.find('|');
if (pos != std::string::npos)
name.erase(0, pos+1);

if (name == "data")
self->handle_property(self->m_active_key, self->m_active_descriptor,
else if (name == "default")
self->m_key_default[self->m_active_key] = self->m_character_data;

static void
on_character_data(void* user_data, const XML_Char* s, int len)
graphml_reader* self = static_cast<graphml_reader*>(user_data);
self->m_character_data.append(s, len);

handle_vertex(const std::string& v)
bool is_new = false;

if (m_canonical_vertices)
size_t id;

//strip leading "n" from name
id = lexical_cast<size_t>(std::string(v,1));
catch (bad_lexical_cast)
throw parse_error("invalid vertex: " + v);

while(id >= m_canonical_vertex.size())
is_new = true;
if (m_vertex.find(v) == m_vertex.end())
m_vertex[v] = m_g.do_add_vertex();
is_new = true;

if (is_new)
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_key_default.begin(); iter != m_key_default.end(); ++iter)
if (m_keys[iter->first] == node_key)
handle_property(iter->first, v, iter->second);

get_vertex_descriptor(const std::string& v)
if (m_canonical_vertices)
//strip leading "n" from name
size_t id = lexical_cast<size_t>(std::string(v,1));
return m_canonical_vertex[id];
return m_vertex[v];

handle_edge(const std::string& u, const std::string& v)

any source, target;
source = get_vertex_descriptor(u);
target = get_vertex_descriptor(v);

any edge;
bool added;
tie(edge, added) = m_g.do_add_edge(source, target);
if (!added)
throw bad_parallel_edge(u, v);

size_t e = m_edge.size();

std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator iter;
for (iter = m_key_default.begin(); iter != m_key_default.end(); ++iter)
if (m_keys[iter->first] == edge_key)
handle_property(iter->first, e, iter->second);

void handle_property(const std::string& key_id, const variant<std::string,size_t>& descriptor, const std::string& value)
if (get<std::string>(&descriptor))
if (get<std::string>(descriptor) == "")
m_g.set_graph_property(m_key_name[key_id], value, m_key_type[key_id]);
m_g.set_vertex_property(m_key_name[key_id], get_vertex_descriptor(get<std::string>(descriptor)), value, m_key_type[key_id]);
m_g.set_edge_property(m_key_name[key_id], get_edge_descriptor(get<size_t>(descriptor)), value, m_key_type[key_id]);

get_edge_descriptor(size_t e)
return m_edge[e];

mutate_graph& m_g;
std::map<std::string, key_kind> m_keys;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_key_name;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_key_type;
std::map<std::string, std::string> m_key_default;
std::map<std::string, any> m_vertex;
std::vector<any> m_canonical_vertex;
std::vector<any> m_edge;
variant<std::string, size_t> m_active_descriptor;
std::string m_active_key;
std::string m_character_data;
bool m_canonical_vertices;
bool m_canonical_edges;

namespace boost
void read_graphml(std::istream& in, mutate_graph& g)
graphml_reader reader(g);

Kindly help

Salem commented: 20+ posts and no code tags -2

Recommended Answers

All 2 Replies

How about you learn to read to begin with?

Lets say, the forum rules.
Or how to post code using code tags
Or maybe even the watermark at the back of the edit window.
Or (gasp, shock, horror) using the preview post feature to make sure what you spewed forth was actually readable.

23 posts, and you STILL haven't figured that out - sheesh!

Ok i will remember that from the next time. Anyways my problem is solved now.

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