Hi Guys,
I have a code which seems to be working fine. I have used zend to debug it but there is nothing wrong with the code. The problem is i'm creating some webpages on my laptop and when i try to create a group the page tells me "

You are not associated with any modules.

You cannot create any groups without being associated with at least one module.

which it's meant to say when i don't have the modules in the databse but i have something in the database.
I'm not sure if anyone understands.
This is the code:

 * Class : WizardStep2  (Create new groups wizard)
class WizardStep2 {

	// Public
	public $wizard = null;
	public $step = 2;

	function WizardStep2(&$wizard) {
		$this->wizard =& $wizard;
		$this->wizard->back_button = '&lt; Back';
		$this->wizard->next_button = 'Next &gt;';
		$this->wizard->cancel_button = 'Cancel';
	}// /WizardStep2()

	function head() {
		$html = <<<HTMLEnd
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">

	function body_onload() {
	}// /body_onload()


	}// /->head()
	[B]function form() {
		$CIS = $this->wizard->get_var('CIS');
		$user = $this->wizard->get_var('user');
		$modules = $CIS->get_staff_modules($user->staff_id);

		$arr_module_id = $this->wizard->get_field('module_id');

		$module_select = $this->wizard->get_field('module_select');
		if (!$modules) {
			<p>You are not associated with any modules.</p>
			<p>You cannot create any groups without being associated with at least one module.</p>
			$this->wizard->next_button = null;
		} else {
			if ($module_select=='multiple') {
				echo('<p>You have opted to populate your groups with students chosen from multiple modules. Usually, groups need only contain students from a single module, but by selecting multiple modules your groups can contain a mixture of students from different modules.</p>');
				echo('<p>The modules below are those you are associated with, as either a lead or additional tutor.</p>');
				echo('<p>Select the modules to take students from by ticking the appropriate box:</p>');
			} else {
				echo('<p>The modules below are those you are associated with, as either a lead or additional tutor.</p>');
				echo('<p>Please select the module you want to take students from:</p>');
			<h2>Your Modules</h2>
			<div class="form_section">
				<table class="form" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
				$input_type = ($module_select=='multiple') ? 'checkbox' : 'radio' ;

				foreach ($modules as $i => $module) {
					$checked_str = ( (is_array($arr_module_id)) && (in_array($module['module_id'],$arr_module_id)) ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ;
					echo("<td><input type=\"$input_type\" name=\"module_id[]\" id=\"module_{$module['module_id']}\" value=\"{$module['module_id']}\" $checked_str /></td>");
					echo("<td><label style=\"font-weight: normal;\" for=\"module_{$module['module_id']}\">{$module['module_id']} : {$module['module_title']}</label></td>");
	}// /->form()
	function process_form() {
		$errors = null;
		if (is_empty($this->wizard->get_field('module_id'))) { $errors[] = 'You must select at least one module to take students from'; }
		return $errors;
	}// /->process_form()
}// /class: WizardStep2


If you take a look at the one's in bold may be there is a problem there that i'm not seeing..Thanks

The bold didn't come out. It's from line 42-50..

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