
Using Dreamweaver I have created a form that submits data to an sql database using PHP. I have a number of questions that I hope you can help with.

1. Why are some fields on the form a different colour when the background on all fields are set to white.

2. The behaviour of my submit key on click is validate form. If validations are successful, the data is posted to the database.

1. after the data is written the same form is displayed - on a successful write, how do I redirect to a thankyou page. I did have on click validate and on click go to url, but if the client validation failed - I pressed ok to the error and then was re-directed to the thankyou page.

I do not know PHP, so have been using Dreamweaver to set up the code

My submit key has the following code :
<input name="Submit" type="submit" onClick="MM_validateForm('companyname','','R','fullname','','R',
;MM_goToURL('parent','thankyou.htm');return document.MM_returnValue" value="Submit">

so as you can see - I submit the data and go to thankyou, but if there is an error it will still go to the thankyou page.
Many Thanks

I have solved these queries


Using Dreamweaver I have created a form that submits data to an sql database using PHP. I have a number of questions that I hope you can help with.

1. Why are some fields on the form a different colour when the background on all fields are set to white.

2. The behaviour of my submit key on click is validate form. If validations are successful, the data is posted to the database.

1. after the data is written the same form is displayed - on a successful write, how do I redirect to a thankyou page. I did have on click validate and on click go to url, but if the client validation failed - I pressed ok to the error and then was re-directed to the thankyou page.

I do not know PHP, so have been using Dreamweaver to set up the code

My submit key has the following code :
<input name="Submit" type="submit" onClick="MM_validateForm('companyname','','R','fullname','','R',
;MM_goToURL('parent','thankyou.htm');return document.MM_returnValue" value="Submit">

so as you can see - I submit the data and go to thankyou, but if there is an error it will still go to the thankyou page.
Many Thanks

Hi Dave,
How did u solved your ;problem. I am new for php.
I tried to use header to redirect. but it doesn't know. Also want to know the answer of first question.


Hi Dave,
How did u solved your ;problem. I am new for php.
I tried to use header to redirect. but it doesn't know. Also want to know the answer of first question.


Hi Ryan,

Sorry for the late reply - with regards to the different colours - this is due to me having the google toolbar installed. The different colours are a feature that google uses to show input boxes that could be autofill'd with values.

I can not remember how I solved the validation issue, but I will post my answer later.

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