Hi all,

I have a webpage in which left side of it has the naviagtion bar and on top of the page has header. Once i click the serach option in the navigation bar then displays a table with 20 columns. As the width of it is so large. The width of my navigation is changing dynamically.
I set my screen size to 100% and the width of navigation as 20%. If i click any other option/function in my navigation. It is working fine. Please review my code and do help me.

sturcture of my navigation

<table id = "structure">
        <td id="navigation">           
<b> <a href="search.php?search=new" style="margin-left:2        em">Search </a>    </b> <br/>
<b> <a href="concessions.php" style="margin-left:2em">Concessions </a>    </b> <br/>
<b> <a href="profile.php" style="margin-left:2em"> Profile </a>    
        <td id = "page">
            <h3> Enter Search Criteria </h3> <br/>
            <?php include "search_form.php" ?>

search_form is the page where my search criteria input screen and the results of search(20 columns table data) is placed.

if( (isset($_POST['form1']) || isset($_POST['Seite']) || isset($_GET['search']))   { ?>
<tr> <!--Output List Headers-->
    <th> Nr.</th>
    <th onClick="procLink('Priority');">
               <a name="Priority"  >Priority</a></th>
    <th onClick="procLink('Tage');" >
              <a name="Tage"  >Tage</a></th>
     <th onClick="procLink('CO.-No.');">
              <a name="CO.-No." >Concession Nr.</a></th>
     <th onClick="procLink('Responsible Person');">
          <a name="Responsible Person" >Responsible Dept</a>
    <th onClick="procLink('ABP');">
            <a name="ABP" >Airbus Blocking Pt.</a></th>
     <th onClick="procLink('Blocking Points');">
             <a name="Blocking Points"  >Blocking Points</a></th>
       <th onClick="procLink('responsible Designer');"><a name="responsible Designer"  >Responsible Designer</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('responsible Staticman');"><a name="responsible Staticman" >Responsible Staticman</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('Forecast');"><a name="Forecast" >Forecast Date</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('status_msg');"><a name="status_msg" >Eroom-Status</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('Current task (Dep)');"><a name="Current task (Dep)" >Current task (Dep)</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('MSN');"><a name="MSN">MSN</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('Version');"><a name="Version">Version</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('Discussion_Date');"><a name="Discussion_Date">Discussion Date</a></th>
                        <th onClick="procLink('Comments_disc');"><a name="Comments_disc">Comments of Discussion</a></th>
                       while ($output = odbc_fetch_array($result)) { ?>
                    <!--Output List items display-->
                    <tr onclick="document.location.href='edit_page.php?page=<?php echo get_page_id_by_concessionNr($output['CO.-No.']); ?>'"
                        style=background-color:#ffffff; color:#2d2455>
                        <td> <?php $number += 1; echo $number ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['Priority'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['Tage'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['CO.-No.'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['Responsible Person'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['ABP'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['Blocking Points'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo mysql_prep($output['responsible Designer']); ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['responsible Staticman'] ; ?>  </td>
                                          <td> <?php echo $output['status_msg'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['Current task (Dep)'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['MSN'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['Version'] ; ?>  </td>
                        <td> <?php echo $output['Comments_disc'] ; ?>  </td>

Please do help me how to make navigation pane as constant. The scroll bar should start from table and not from the navigation. As the width of my table is increasing, the width of navigation pane is decreasing. Since yesterday I was struck in this. Please do help me. I tried the property position is fixed. But that is not working for internet explorer.

sturcture of my navigation after i set the property

<table id = "structure">
        <td id="navigation"[B] style="position:fixed[/B]">          
<b> <a href="search.php?search=new" style="margin-left:2        em">Search </a>    </b> <br/>
<b> <a href="concessions.php" style="margin-left:2em">Concessions </a>    </b> <br/>
<b> <a href="profile.php" style="margin-left:2em"> Profile </a>    
        <td id = "page">
            <h3> Enter Search Criteria </h3> <br/>
            <?php include "search_form.php" ?>

This is code for a nav table and banner, with page conext

<table width="100%"
            <td height="50px"
                <p>Header</p> <!-- can also be a banner page via include call -->

            <td width="150px"> <!-- simple nav bar -->
                <p><a href=

                <p><a href=

                <p><a href="index2.php?action=link&amp;what=about.php">Who are
<!-- call the page to the dynamic cell -->
            <td width="*"
                        if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
                        switch (strtolower($_GET['action'])) {
                        case 'link' : do_link(@$_GET['what']); break;
                        default : break;
                        function do_link($link) {
                        include "$link";

            <td colspan="3">Footer</td> <!-- footer information ie email -->
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