I have a problem on mysql_query on using 2 dbs on 1 mysql server.

Please help, and code is;;

$db1[host] = "localhost";
$db1[user] = "abc";
$db1[pass] = "1234";
$db1[db] = "db1";
$db1[dir] = "a/ab";

$db2[host] = "localhost";
$db2[user] = "abc";
$db2[pass] = "1234";
$db2[db] = "db2";
$db2[dir] = "a/cd";

$db[link] = @mysql_connect($db1[host], $db1[user], $db1[pass]) or die("host, user, pass .");
function in_check() {

if (form1.delete_chk.checked) form1.delete_flg.value=1 ;
if(!document.form1.my_id.value) {
alert("INPUT THE apps ID !!!");
return false;
if(!document.form1.my_id.value) {
alert("INPUT THE myapps ID !!!");
return false;
return true;


<table align= center border=0 width=500 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >
<form name=form1 action="my2db2.php" method="post" onsubmit="return in_check();">
<td align=center><span style="font:32 impact; color:#CDB8CD" >Return</span><br><br></td>
<table width=100% >
<td align=left>my apps</td>
<td align=left>db2 apps</td>
<!--<td><input type=text name=my_id style="width:100%;"></td>-->
<td align=left>
<select name="my_id" >
// $db1[dataz]='SELECT no,name FROM control_table order by no';
// $result_db1=mysql_query($db1[dataz]);

$result_db1 = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT no,name FROM db1.control_table WHERE 1 LIMIT 1"), 0, 0); // databaseA.tableA.fieldA SELECT!
while($data=mysql_fetch_array($result_db1)) {
<option value=<?=$data[name]?> > <?=$data[name]?> </option>";

<td align=left>
<select name="my_id" >
$db2[dataz]='select rpt_num,rpt_id,rpt_name from gb_apps order by rpt_num';
while($data=mysql_fetch_array($result_db2)) {
<option value=<?=$data[rpt_id]?> ><?=$data[rpt_name]?> </option>";

I could not see any datas.

Please read and follow Paradox814's post at this thread:

It will show you some basics of running mysql queries in PHP along with how to read the mysql errors. Use the techniques shown to modify how you run your queries. Create a page that only has the problem--nothing else. Keep the chunk you are working on as small as possible. When you get it working, add one step to it, and test again.

If you run into one step that you can't get working, then post here with just enough information to make your question clear. Most people answering posts don't have time to read entire code modules and debug for you.

Enjoy the journey. [img]dani-images/smilies/fiyellow/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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