I know the problem that I am having is related to the change in PHP5 about strings and arrays, however I do not understand why my script is affected. It seems like I am not trying to add more variables to an array. I do not success in order solve the problem.
Help me please:

// increment view counter for either the single blog being shown
// or ALL blogs being shown
if ($view_rows[1]["nIdCode"]!="" && strpos($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"],"admin.php")==false){
    if ($viewmode=="single"){
        $blogid = $view_rows[1]["nIdCode"];
        $sql = "UPDATE blog SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nIdCode=".$blogid;
    } else {
        for ($i=1;$i<=count($view_rows);$i++){
            $blog_array[$i] = $view_rows[$i]["nIdCode"];
        $blogids = implode(",",$blog_array);
        $sql = "UPDATE blog SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nIdCode IN (".$blogids.")";
    $result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
    if ($result==false){
        print "<li>Problem with SQL<br>[".$sql."]</li>\n";

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I received error message:
Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /www/sp3web687/public_html/blog/lib/database.php on line 274

The script is:

#= Script : Blog
#= File   : database.php
#= Version: 1.51 beta
#= Author : Jonathan Beckett
#= Email  : [email]jonbeckett@pluggedout.com[/email]
#= Support: [url]http://www.pluggedout.com/development/forums/viewforum.php?f=5[/url]
#= Copyright (c) 2003 Jonathan Beckett
#= You are free to use and modify this script as long as this header
#= section stays intact. This file is part of BLOG.
#= This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#= it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#= the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#= (at your option) any later version.
#= This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#= but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#= GNU General Public License for more details.
#= You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#= along with BLOG files; if not, write to the Free Software
#= Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

// Function    : show_error
// Description : In the event of a database connection error, thus kills the attempt
// Arguments   : None
// Returns     : Nothing
// Author      : Jonathan Beckett
// Last Change : 2003-11-11
function show_error()
	die("Error " . mysql_errno() . " : " . mysql_error());

// Function    : sql_quote
// Description : Returns data passed to it surrounded with single quotes
// Arguments   : $input - the data to be transformed
// Returns     : the transformed data
// Author      : Jonathan Beckett
// Last Change : 2003-11-11
function sql_quote($input)
	return "'".$input."'";

// Function    : db_connect
// Description : Connects to the blog database (using global variables to do so)
// Arguments   : None
// Returns     : handle for database connection
// Author      : Jonathan Beckett
// Last Change : 2003-11-11
function db_connect()

	global $db_server;
	global $db_username;
	global $db_password;
	global $db_name;

	$con = mysql_connect($db_server,$db_username,$db_password);
	if (!(mysql_select_db($db_name,$con)))

	return $con;

// Function    : db_disconnect
// Description : Closes a database connection
// Arguments   : $con - database connection handle
// Returns     : Nothing
// Author      : Jonathan Beckett
// Last Change : 2003-11-11
function db_disconnect($con)

// Function    : db_prepare
// Description : Fills the blog_view, blog_list and blog_view_comments arrays with data
// Arguments   : None (it works from GET parameters)
// Returns     : Nothing (it effects global arrays)
// Author      : Jonathan Beckett
// Last Change : 2003-11-11
function db_prepare(){

	global $viewmode;
        global $showblognum;
	global $day;
	global $month;
	global $year;

        // CRTMOD - calendar
	// New lines
	global $maxMonth;
	global $maxYear;
	global $minMonth;
	global $minYear;

        global $list_rows;
	global $view_rows;
	global $view_comment_rows;

	global $viewcomments;

	// connect to the database
	$con = db_connect();

	$date_today = getdate();
	// work out what to show based on URL parameters
	if ($_GET["blogid"]!="") {

		$blogid = $_GET["blogid"];

		// get the blog entry from the database to find out what month it was (for the list and view sql)
		$sql_findmonth = "SELECT *,MONTH(dEntryDate) AS month,YEAR(dEntryDate) AS year FROM blog WHERE nIdCode=".$blogid;
		$result = mysql_query($sql_findmonth,$con);
		if ($result!=false) {
			$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
			$month = $row["month"];
			$year = $row["year"];
		} else {
			// revert to nothing sent

		$sql_list = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC;";
		if ($viewmode=="single"){
			$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE nIdCode=".$_GET["blogid"].";";
		} else {
			$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC;";


	if ($blogid=="") {

		// Figure out what parts of the date we have got

		if ($_GET["day"]!="" || $_GET["month"]!="" || $_GET["year"]!=""){

			if ($_GET["day"]!=""){
				$day = $_GET["day"];
			} else {
				$day = "";

			if ($_GET["month"]!=""){
				$month = $_GET["month"];
			} else {
				$month = $date_today["mon"];

			if ($_GET["year"]!=""){
				$year = $_GET["year"];
			} else {
				$year = $date_today["year"];

		} else {

			$day = "";
			$month = $date_today["mon"];
			$year = $date_today["year"];

	// CRTMOD - calendar
        // New lines
        // find the date of the first and last posts
        $con = db_connect();
        $sql = "SELECT MONTH(MAX(dEntryDate)) as maxmonth, YEAR(MAX(dEntryDate)) AS maxyear, ";
        $sql.= "MONTH(MIN(dEntryDate)) AS minmonth, YEAR(MIN(dEntryDate)) AS minyear ";
        $sql.= "FROM blog";
        $result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
        if ($result!=false) {
            // Get the date of the last entry
            // Check if we are past the last entry
            if ($year>$maxYear || ($year==$maxYear && $month>$maxMonth)) {

            // Get the date of the first entry
            // Check if we are past the last entry
            if ($year<$minYear || ($year==$minYear && $month<$minMonth)) {
        } else {
            print "<li>Problem with SQL<br>[".$sql."]";

		// Build the SQL statements

		if ($day!=""){
                        // CRTMOD - sort
                        // Changed line
			$sql_list = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." AND DAYOFMONTH(dEntryDate)=".$day." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC;";
			//$sql_list = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." AND DAYOFMONTH(dEntryDate)=".$day." ORDER BY nIdCode DESC;";
			if ($viewmode == "single"){
			    // CRTMOD - sort
			    // Changed line
			    $sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." AND DAYOFMONTH(dEntryDate)=".$day." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC;";
			    //$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." AND DAYOFMONTH(dEntryDate)=".$day." ORDER BY nIdCode DESC;";
			} else {
    			    // CRTMOD - sort
			    // Changed line
			    $sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC;";
			    //$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY nIdCode DESC;";


		} else {
			if ($_GET["month"]!=""){
				// month specified
   			    // CRTMOD - sort
			    // Changed line
			    $sql_list = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC;";
			    //$sql_list = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY nIdCode DESC;";
				if ($viewmode == "single"){
         			    // CRTMOD - sort
                                    // Changed line
				    $sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC LIMIT 1;";
				    //$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY nIdCode DESC LIMIT 1;";
				} else {
         			    // CRTMOD - sort
                            	    // Changed line
				    $sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC;";
				    //$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE MONTH(dEntryDate)=".$month." AND YEAR(dEntryDate)=".$year." ORDER BY nIdCode DESC;";
			} else {
				// no month specified
    			        // CRTMOD - sort
			        // Changed line
				$sql_list = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC LIMIT ".$showblognum.";";
				//$sql_list = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY nIdCode DESC LIMIT ".$showblognum.";";

				if ($viewmode == "single"){
    				    // CRTMOD - sort
				    // Changed line
				    $sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC LIMIT 1;";
				    //$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY nIdCode DESC LIMIT 1;";

				} else {
     				    // CRTMOD - sort
				    // Changed line
				    $sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY dEntryDate DESC LIMIT ".$showblognum.";";
				    //$sql_view = "SELECT * FROM blog ORDER BY nIdCode DESC LIMIT 10;";


	// Get data from the database (store in arrays)

	$list_result = mysql_query($sql_list,$con);
	$view_result = mysql_query($sql_view,$con);

	// Build List Array
	if ($list_result!=false) {
		while ($list_row =@ mysql_fetch_array($list_result)){
			$list_rows[$i] = $list_row;
	} else {
		$problem = "1";

	// Build View Array
	if ($view_result!=false) {
		while ($view_row =@ mysql_fetch_array($view_result)){
			$view_rows[$i] = $view_row;

			// build view_comments array
			if ($viewcomments=="yes") {
			    $sql = "SELECT * FROM blog_comments WHERE nBlogId=".$view_row["nIdCode"]." ORDER BY nIdCode DESC";

				$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
				if ($result!=false){
					while ($comment_row =@ mysql_fetch_array($result)){
						$view_comment_rows[$i][$j] = $comment_row;
	} else {
		$problem = "2";

	// increment view counter for either the single blog being shown
	// or ALL blogs being shown
	if ($view_rows[1]["nIdCode"]!="" && strpos($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"],"admin.php")==false){
		if ($viewmode=="single"){
			$blogid = $view_rows[1]["nIdCode"];
			$sql = "UPDATE blog SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nIdCode=".$blogid;
		} else {
			for ($i=1;$i<=count($view_rows);$i++){
				$blog_array[$i] = $view_rows[$i]["nIdCode"];
			$blogids = implode(",",$blog_array);
			$sql = "UPDATE blog SET nViews=nViews+1 WHERE nIdCode IN (".$blogids.")";
		$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
		if ($result==false){
			print "<li>Problem with SQL<br>[".$sql."]</li>\n";

// Function    : db_hitcount
// Description : Returns the total number of views of all blogs
//                (currently un-used)
// Arguments   : None
// Returns     : Result of calculation
// Author      : Jonathan Beckett
// Last Change : 2003-11-11
function db_hitcount(){
	$con = db_connect();
	$sql = "SELECT SUM(nViews) AS nTotal FROM blog";
	$result = mysql_query($sql,$con);
	if ($result!=false){
		$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
		$total = $row["nTotal"];
	} else {
		$total = 0;
	return $total;


Which line is 274? Is it the third line (if ($view_rows[1]["nIdCode"]!=...)?

When you do a mysql_fetch_array, it is getting a one-dimensional array with all database table columns for a single row as elements of the array. You can address them as:

$view_rows[1] or

but not both the way you have done it. Your version would make it a two-dimensional array (and it isn't!). You have coded it this way in more than one place so they all need to change.

(if ($view_rows[1]["nIdCode"]!=...

Yhanks for your help.I change all code to $view_rows["ndlCode"]
but now no blogs appears! Hou can I do now?
Thanks in advance

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