I am doing a website with asp.net. i have used session variable in my GLOBAL.ASAX file. the code is given below:

Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Session.Timeout = 100
Session("Loggedin") = "No"
End Sub

Sub Session_End(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
' Code that runs when a session ends

End Sub
And in WEB.CONFIG i have used the following information inside <system.web> tag :

<sessionState mode="InProc"

<pages buffer="false"
enableViewStateMac = "false"
I am storing the user details in sql database.
In the login page when theuser enter the usernam and pwd i check with the backend for valid username and pwd. Then i assign

session variable values if valid else i dont let it.
And then in every page i check if session variable is valid if not i do a server.transfer("index.aspx") to the login page.

Here, index.aspx is my login page.
This below code is included in every page after a succesful login to check for valid user. other than that 8i have not put

anyother check to find out valid user.
Sub Page_Load(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
if Session("Loggedin") = "No" then
end if
end sub

Even after using these things when i login suddenly after a minute i am logged out though i am adding/deleting/viewing

records at the moment.
Please please tell me where i am going wrong. I have to give this project to my boss soon and i am stuck here since i am not

able find out the problem why the session expires and i am logged out and send back to the login page.

(Mail ID: gaur.seema at rediffmail.com)

Hi ;) ,

you are giving the session timeout in your code, that might the problem.

Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Session.Timeout = 100
Session("Loggedin") = "No"
End Sub

Please remove the session timeout and try it.


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