I have this script that I am using that work to upload a file and to make sure the file is either jpg, jpeg, or gif. However, I want to restrict the user with the image width no larger than 150px. Is there an easy way to implement in the code I already have below?

$imageextension = substr(strrchr($current_image, '.'), 1);
if (($imageextension!= "jpg") && ($imageextension != "jpeg") && ($imageextension != "gif")) 
die('Unknown extension. Only jpg, jpeg, and gif files are allowed. Please hit the back button on your browser and try again.');
$time = date("fYhis");
$imagecaption = $_POST["imagecaption"];
$new_image = $imagecaption . "." . $imageextension;
$action = copy($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $destination);
if (!$action) 
die('File copy failed. Please hit the back button.');

After the else it is just MySQL code to insert the image into the database providing the extension is correct.

Any suggestions or tips? Thanks!

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Member Avatar for TechySafi

This simple code wont let u put a image wider than 150px.

$sizearray = getimagesize("img_name.jpg");
    $width= $size[0];
echo "its wider than 150px";

I tried implementing it but perhaps I implemented it in the wrong area. Can you let me know where to put it in the code that I have posted? Thanks!

Member Avatar for TechySafi
$imageextension = substr(strrchr($current_image, '.'), 1);
$sizearray = getimagesize('$current_image'); //seems we have a var to retrieve the name
$width= $size[0];
if (($imageextension!= "jpg") or ($imageextension != "jpeg") or ($imageextension != "gif")) //changed to OR 
die('Unknown extension. Only jpg, jpeg, and gif files are allowed. Please hit the back button on your browser and try again.'); //if this test is passed
elseif($width>150) //now check the width....
die ('its wider than 150px');
else //everythings fine...now proceed, i put an extra "}" at the end for this extra else condition (it wasnt in ur code)
$time = date("fYhis");
$imagecaption = $_POST["imagecaption"];
$new_image = $imagecaption . "." . $imageextension;
$action = copy($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $destination);
if (!$action) 
die('File copy failed. Please hit the back button.');

That should work fine...does it?

Still does not work. Well, the file works but I can still upload an image with a width greater than 150. It seems to ignore the width part. However, if I try to upload a PNG for example, that part works. Just not the width part. Seems to be ignored.

I have gone back and tried your code again. The image is uploading to the server fine but now I keep getting an error:

Warning: getimagesize($current_image) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory

$imageextension = substr(strrchr($current_image, '.'), 1);
echo $sizearray = getimagesize('$current_image'); //seems we have a var to retrieve the name
$width= $size[0];
if (($imageextension!= "jpg") or ($imageextension != "jpeg") or ($imageextension != "gif")) //changed to OR 
die('Unknown extension. Only jpg, jpeg, and gif files are allowed. Please hit the back button on your browser and try again.'); //if this test is passed
elseif($width>150) //now check the width....
die ('its wider than 150px');
else //everythings fine...now proceed, i put an extra "}" at the end for this extra else condition (it wasnt in ur code)
$time = date("fYhis");
$imagecaption = $_POST["imagecaption"];
$new_image = $imagecaption . "." . $imageextension;
$action = copy($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $destination);
if (!$action) 
die('File copy failed. Please hit the back button.');
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