This is not working for some reason it is telling me that ds_products does not exist. here is the code...
<CFQUERY NAME="products" DATASOURCE="ds_products">
SELECT ProductName
FROM tblProducts
<h1>Product Listing</h1>
<ul><li><CFOUTPUT QUERY="products">


Hey Krazykrisi,

Try this, your query is right it’s just your output

***your output was

<h1>Product Listing</h1>
<ul><li><CFOUTPUT QUERY="products">


The mistake was here,


It should have been,

# products.ProductName#

You need to include the query name with the column(s) you select within your query.
So if you were searching two things like productName and productType, their part of the output would look like

# products.productName#
# products.productType#

And if you have more than one product to display don’t forget to and a line break “<br /> after # products.ProductName#.

Good luck with everything and take care,


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