Hey guys, I have a script that switches between tabs..It works perfectly, but what i am needing is a way for the script to stop when I have my mouse on the tab or content for the tab. I am using bootstrap and here is my fiddle with the working tab switch.

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This fiddle is not working on my system but in case it works on an independent page, you can add a function containing clearInterval(tabCarousel); command to a mouseover event on a main tabs wrapper element.

here is a working example of it..I still cannot get the event to stop on mouseover...Click Here

here is what i tried:


                              alert('timer stopped');
                                  timer = setInterval( tabCarousel, 5000);
                                  alert('timer started');

Ok, so i got it to stop(clear the interVal) but now on mouseout i need it to start back up. I tried this:

$(function() {
var tabCarousel = setInterval(function() {
    var tabs = $('#tab-carousel .nav-tabs > li'),
        active = tabs.filter('.active'),
        next = active.next('li'),
        toClick = next.length ? next.find('a') : tabs.eq(0).find('a');

}, 5000);
//start on hover function
$('#tab-carousel > div').hover(function(){
$('#tab-carousel > div').mouseout(function(){
            });//end hover
});//end function

I fixed it!

$(function() {
var tabCarousel = setInterval(function() {
        var tabs = $('#tab-carousel .nav-pills > li'),
            active = tabs.filter('.active'),
            next = active.next('li'),
            toClick = next.length ? next.find('a') : tabs.eq(0).find('a');

    }, 5000);
    //start on hover function
$('#tab-carousel > div ').hover(
                    tabCarousel = setInterval(function() {
        var tabs = $('#tab-carousel .nav-pills > li'),
            active = tabs.filter('.active'),
            next = active.next('li'),
            toClick = next.length ? next.find('a') : tabs.eq(0).find('a');

    }, 5000);
});//end function

'tabCarousel' variable points to the timer not to its argument.
You need a handle for the function in order to be able to call it ., a named function.

illustrating in JS (DOM 0):

function carousel() { 'function body'; }

var tabCarousel = setInterval( carousel, 5000 );

[tabsContainer].onmouseover = function() { clearInterval( tabCarousel );}
[tabsContainer].onmouseout = function() { tabCarousel = setInterval( carousel, 5000 );}
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