how to view doc,docx files with php???

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            require ("wordconvert.php"); 
            new wordconvert($filename,$convert_to,$visible); 

            /***********************IMPORTANT NOTE***********************************
                   ADD-> extension=php_com_dotnet.dll   IN php.ini
                   Otherwise you will see this in your error log: 
                   Fatal error:  Class \'COM\' not found 


        class wordconvert 

                /* variables */ 
        var $filename;    # Original File name with optional path. 
                # If no path provided, will be looked for in My Documents. 
        var $convert_to=0;      # Extension (as a string) or number (See Doc on SaveAs method below), 
                # doc extension is the default. 
        var $visible=0;    # 0=Hidden, 1= Visible, hidden is the default. 

              /* Constructor */ 

                 function wordconvert($filename,$convert_to=0,$visible=0) 

                       $filename_path=  substr($filename,0,-4); 

                if (is_string ($convert_to)) 
                    $convert_to= strtolower($convert_to); 

                     switch ($convert_to) 
                             case "doc": 
                             case "dot": 
                             case "txt": 
                             case "rtf": 
                             case "htm": 
                             case "html": 
                             case "asc": 
                             case "wri": 
                             case "wps": 
                # Instantiate MSWord 
                 $word=new COM("Word.Application") or die("Cannot start MS Word"); 

                 $word->visible = $visible ; 

                #Open the original file in word. 
                $word->Documents->Open($filename)or die("Cannot find file to convert"); 

    Doc on SaveAs method: 
    expression.SaveAs(FileName, FileFormat, LockComments, Password, AddToRecentFiles, WritePassword, ReadOnlyRecommended, EmbedTrueTypeFonts, SaveNativePictureFormat, SaveFormsData, SaveAsAOCELetter) 
    Only the two first parameters are supported in this class. 
    File save format number to use ( WdSaveFormat prop. ): 
      wdFormatDocument = 0;  wdFormatTemplate = 1;  wdFormatText = 2;  wdFormatTextLineBreaks = 3; 
      wdFormatDOSText = 4;  wdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks = 5;  wdFormatRTF = 6;  wdFormatUnicodeText = 7; 
      Extensions=number: doc=0,dot =1,txt=2,htm=8,asc=9,wri=13,doc(word perfect DOS)=24,wps(works)=28 

                #Save the new file 

    Doc on quit method: 
    expression.Quit(SaveChanges, Format, RouteDocument) 

                $word->quit(0); #0: Quit without saving 
                # print "done!"; 

            }#End of func 

        }#End of class 

       require ("wordconvert.php"); # The class file wordconvert.php should be saved on the PHP include directory 

    # Change as you wish with your own values: 
        $ext = "htm"; # - will convert rtf file above to htm file 
        $ext = 8;       # Same as above. See class info for Extension <-> Number correspondence. 
        $vis= 1; # =1Word will be visible, =0 to hide it 

    # Run the script with the above values    
    new wordconvert($filename,$ext,$vis); #Do the trick 

    print "done!"; 

error ->Cannot find file to convert
error ->Cannot find file to convert

Set $filename from test_wordconvert.php with your file. Give all path too.

Warning: Uncaught exception 'com_exception' with message 'Failed to create COM object `word.application': Server execution failed ' in

this is my error

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