I like writing assembly in debug under command prompt in windows, mostly because I don't have to worry about compiler rules and it's a lot better for learning how the processor works more in-depth... moving things to and from the memory rather than using the stack, using memory addresses rather than labels, etc etc etc... Anyways I like the concept but I was wondering if there was anything better? Something that will assembly directly to the memory and let me do hex dumps and unassemble from custom memory locations for custom lengths in a similar way? It's just that the command prompt debug program is tedious because...it's command prompt, you can't go back and change anything you just have to start assembling again...

also, I've never seen any really in-depth answers on here, usually the answers people have are just basics...but where would I start if I were to want to write my own assembler? Does anyone know of any resources on how to really interact with memory (doing hex dumps and inserting bytes, converting basic instructions into hex instructions, etc...) in a more advanced fashion for assembly? Or C? I'm just wanting to do basic 16-bit things for now... just basic

Thanks in advance

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also, when I compile a .com file with tasm and assume cs:main,ds:main,ss:main,es:main, then where does the stack go? I pushed "ABCDEF ab" to the stack and I just dumped the entire segment and can't find it...but I found "No Stack" in there, where does the data go?

still wondering...

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