Hi. Please help... I'm trying to display


but it doesn't work.. What could be wrong? Here's my code:

.model small
.stack 100h

	space db " ","$"
	newline db 13,10,"$"
	ast db "*","$"
	mov ax,@data
	mov ds,ax

mov cl,1

	mov bl,cl

		mov ah,09h
		lea dx,ast
		int 21h

		dec bl
		jne back

		mov ah, 09
		lea dx, newline
		int 21h

inc cl
jne again

	mov ah,4ch
	int 21h


try this:

mov bl, 5
mov cl, 1
xor ch, ch
		mov ah,09h
		lea dx,ast
		int 21h
                inc ch
		cmp cl, ch
                je  back
		mov ah, 09
		lea dx, newline
		int 21h
xor ch, ch
inc cl
dec bl
cmp bl, 0
jne again

Also, you could do a much more efficient code with loop instruction, i just tried to maintain your initial code scheme... Also, in your original code you weren't using the jumps well, they must go after a comparisson (cmp) or they won't work


how about this?

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