can anyone prvide me certain project topics in c?
i guess i noe c well.. but im findin it hard to get topics to work on ?
can anyone suggest me any place for projects or topics for the same?
even c++ topics would be helpful...

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>im findin it hard to get topics to work on ?
We get about ten threads every few days asking for suggestions. Why don't you use one of those?

can anyone prvide me certain project topics in c?
I guess i noe c well.. But im findin it hard to get topics to work on ?
Can anyone suggest me any place for projects or topics for the same?
even c++ topics would be helpful...

even i need someeeeee cs teacher has asked ;)
in ...eleventh itselff...hihi

design a c program to design a cummlative records of students.

Really sorry to answer to a two year old thread. I didnt look at the date just answered the thread which appeared at the top. :(

> Really sorry to answer to a two year old thread. I didnt look at the date just answered the thread which appeared at the top.

No worries, It happens to the best of us. Its interesting to see so many questions that pop up occasionally on the subject of "give me project ideas" when the internet is well over a decade old. I guess companies like Google still has a long way to go.

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