i having a problem on how 2 save the animal name each time i create a new animal...can any1 please help me solve this problem on how 2 do the save function to save the animal name that i had created...thank you very much

#include <cstddef>
#include <cassert>
typedef char* TreeType;
typedef void(*FunctionType)(TreeType& anItem);
class TreeNode
TreeNode(const TreeType& node, TreeNode *left=NULL, TreeNode *right=NULL):
item(node), lftPtr(left), rtPtr(right){}
TreeType item;
TreeNode *ancestor;//pointer to ancestor
TreeNode *lftPtr;//pointer to left child
TreeNode *rtPtr;//pointer to right child
friend class BinaryTree;//allow BinaryTree access to these pointers
class BinaryTree
//basic tree functions
BinaryTree(const TreeType& rootItem);
BinaryTree(const BinaryTree& tree);
virtual ~BinaryTree();
virtual bool isEmpty()const;
virtual TreeType getRootData()const;
virtual void setRootData(const TreeType& newItem);
virtual void attachLeft(const TreeType& newItem);
virtual void attachRight(const TreeType& newItem);
virtual void preTrav(FunctionType visit);
virtual void inTrav(FunctionType visit);
virtual void postTrav(FunctionType visit);
virtual BinaryTree& operator=(const BinaryTree& rhs);
//iterator functions
virtual void moveLeft();
virtual void moveRight();
virtual void moveBack();
virtual void getTravData(TreeType& item);
virtual void setTravData(TreeType& item);
virtual void moveRoot();
virtual bool lftNull();
virtual bool rtNull();
//constructors and internal functions
BinaryTree(TreeNode *ptr);
void CopyTree(TreeNode *treePtr, TreeNode *& newTreePtr)const;
void DestroyTree(TreeNode *& treePtr);
TreeNode *rootPtr()const;
void setRootPtr(TreeNode *newRoot);
void getChildPtrs(TreeNode *nodePtr, TreeNode *& lftPtr, TreeNode *& rtPtr)const;
void setChildPtrs(TreeNode *nodePtr, TreeNode *& lftPtr, TreeNode *& rtPtr);
void preorder(TreeNode *treePtr, FunctionType visit);
void inorder(TreeNode *treePtr, FunctionType visit);
void postorder(TreeNode *treePtr, FunctionType visit);
TreeNode *root;//root pointer
TreeNode *trav;//iterator
begin class implementation of BinaryTree class
default constructor
BinaryTree::BinaryTree(): root(NULL),trav(NULL){}
constructor for setting the root item 
BinaryTree::BinaryTree(const TreeType& rootItem)
root = new TreeNode(rootItem, NULL, NULL);
assert(root != NULL);
trav = root;
copy constructor
BinaryTree::BinaryTree(const BinaryTree& tree)
CopyTree(tree.root, root);
constructor for basing this tree on another
BinaryTree::BinaryTree(TreeNode *ptr):root(ptr)
trav = root;
checks for empty tree state
bool BinaryTree::isEmpty()const
return (root==NULL);
returns root data item
TreeType BinaryTree::getRootData()const
return root->item;
return 0;
sets root data
void BinaryTree::setRootData(const TreeType& newItem)
root->item = newItem;
root = new TreeNode(newItem, NULL, NULL);
trav = root;
attaches item to left pointer
void BinaryTree::attachLeft(const TreeType& newItem)
TreeNode *temp;
if(!isEmpty() && trav->lftPtr == NULL)
temp = trav;//save trav's position
trav->lftPtr = new TreeNode(newItem, NULL, NULL);//create new node
trav = trav->lftPtr;//move to new node
trav->ancestor = temp;//set new nodes ancestor pointer
trav = temp;//reset position
temp = NULL;
attaches item to right pointer
void BinaryTree::attachRight(const TreeType& newItem)
TreeNode *temp;
if(!isEmpty() && trav->rtPtr == NULL)
temp = trav;//save trav's position
trav->rtPtr = new TreeNode(newItem, NULL, NULL);//create new node
trav=trav->rtPtr;//move to new node
trav->ancestor = temp;//set new nodes ancestor pointer
trav = temp;//reset position
temp = NULL;
preorder traversal
void BinaryTree::preTrav(FunctionType visit)
preorder(root, visit);
inorder traversal
void BinaryTree::inTrav(FunctionType visit)
postorder traversal
void BinaryTree::postTrav(FunctionType visit)
postorder(root, visit);
overloaded = operator for assigments
BinaryTree& BinaryTree::operator = (const BinaryTree& rhs)
if(this != &rhs)
CopyTree(rhs.root, root);
return *this;
actual copytree function that does a deep copy
void BinaryTree::CopyTree(TreeNode *treePtr,TreeNode *&newTreePtr)const
if(treePtr != NULL)
newTreePtr = new TreeNode(treePtr->item, NULL, NULL);
CopyTree(treePtr->lftPtr, newTreePtr->lftPtr);
CopyTree(treePtr->rtPtr, newTreePtr->rtPtr);
newTreePtr = NULL;
destructor function that destroys a tree
void BinaryTree::DestroyTree(TreeNode *&treePtr)
if(treePtr != NULL)
DestroyTree(treePtr->rtPtr );
delete treePtr;
treePtr = NULL;
returns root pointer
TreeNode *BinaryTree::rootPtr() const
return root;
sets root pointer
void BinaryTree::setRootPtr(TreeNode *newRoot)
root = newRoot;
returns child pointers of a node
void BinaryTree::getChildPtrs(TreeNode *nodePtr,TreeNode *& lftPtr,TreeNode *& rtPtr)const
lftPtr = nodePtr->lftPtr;
rtPtr = nodePtr->rtPtr;
sets child pointers of a node
void BinaryTree::setChildPtrs(TreeNode *nodePtr,TreeNode *& lftPtr,TreeNode *& rtPtr)
nodePtr->lftPtr = lftPtr;
nodePtr->rtPtr = rtPtr;
does the actual preorder traversal
void BinaryTree::preorder(TreeNode *treePtr, FunctionType visit)
if(treePtr != NULL)
preorder(treePtr->lftPtr, visit);
preorder(treePtr->rtPtr, visit);
does the actual inorder traversal
void BinaryTree::inorder(TreeNode *treePtr, FunctionType visit)
if(treePtr != NULL)
inorder(treePtr->lftPtr, visit);
inorder(treePtr->rtPtr, visit);
does the actual postorder traversal
void BinaryTree::postorder(TreeNode *treePtr, FunctionType visit)
if(treePtr != NULL)
postorder(treePtr->lftPtr, visit);
postorder(treePtr->rtPtr, visit);
moves iterator to the left pointer
void BinaryTree::moveLeft()
if(trav->lftPtr != NULL)
trav = trav->lftPtr;
moves iterator to the right pointer
void BinaryTree::moveRight()
if(trav->rtPtr != NULL)
trav = trav->rtPtr;
moves iterator to the ancestor pointer
void BinaryTree::moveBack()
if(trav->ancestor != NULL)
trav = trav->ancestor;
resets iterator to the root pointer
void BinaryTree::moveRoot()
trav = root;
returns the data from the current position
void BinaryTree::getTravData(TreeType& item)
if (trav != NULL)
item = trav->item;
sets the current positions data
void BinaryTree::setTravData(TreeType& item)
if (trav!=NULL)
trav->item = item;
checks to see if left child is null
bool BinaryTree::lftNull()
return (trav->lftPtr == NULL);
checks to see if right child is null
bool BinaryTree::rtNull()
return (trav->rtPtr == NULL);
library includes
#include <iostream>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
converts a string to uppercase
void convUp(char *s)
int i;//converts a string to all uppercase
i = strlen(s);
for(int y=0; y < i; y++)
s[y] = toupper(s[y]);
gets a string from the user....I dont like
cin.getline.....or the string getline function
void getstr( char *s, int len )
char buffer[81];
int i, ch;
fflush( stdin );//clear the input stream.......
/* Read in single line from "stdin": got this from msdn....*/
for( i = 0; (i < len) && ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) 
&& (ch != '\n'); i++ )
buffer[i] = (char)ch;
/* Terminate string with null character: */
buffer[i] = '\0';
common input function for the whole program...takes
as a const a phrase to display....then calls getstr
to get the string from the user....does validation
and wont release the user till they type a valid 
void getInput(const char phrase[], char ret[], int len)
int l=0;
if(len > 0)//if user wants a string greater then 0
printf(phrase);//print thew phrase
getstr(ret, len);//get the user's input
if(strlen(ret) <=0)//check length
while(strlen(ret)<= 0)//while length is invalid
printf("Invalid input: ");//get user input
}//end while
}//end if
}//end if
if user fails to add a question mark to a question
this will do it for them............................
void fixPunc(char str[])//str must have extra spaces
int i = strlen(str);
char c = str[i-1];
if(c != '?')
str[i] = '?';
}//end if
}//end if
passed to BinaryTree during traversals..........
used it during testing of the classes............
void display(TreeType& anItem)
cout << anItem << endl;
adds the nodes to the tree during the program
takes a binaryb tree as a parameter
void addaNode(BinaryTree& t)
char *temp = new char[80];//declaring them this way because the class requires a pointer to a reference parameter
char *ques = new char[80];
char *ans = new char[80];
char *hld = new char[80];
char input[80];
t.getTravData(temp);//get the value of the current node
strcpy(input,"I give up. Type the animals name: ");
getInput(input,ans,80);//get user input
strcpy(ans,"Is it a ");
strcat(ans, "?");//create the new node value
strcpy(input,"Please type a question about it: ");
getInput(input,ques,80);//get user input
t.setTravData(ques);//create the new node
does the bulk of the work such as get responses 
from the user.....................................
void game(BinaryTree& t)
char *k;
char input[80];
char res[2];
bool null;
null = false;//reset for loop
t.moveRoot();//reset for loop
while(null == false)//if we have not reached a leaf
strcpy(input, k);//display node value
strcat(input," yes or no(y or n):");
getInput(input,res,2);//get user response
if(res[0] == 'Y')//if ans is yes
if (t.lftNull() == false)//if the left node is not null
t.moveLeft();//move left on tree
else//else if we are at a leaf then game over
printf("I win!!!!!!\n");
strcpy(input, "Quit? yes or no(y or n):");
if(res[0] != 'N')//if ans is yes
exit(1);//exit program
null = true;
else if(res[0] == 'N')//if ans is no
if (t.rtNull() == false)//if we are not at a leaf
t.moveRight();//move right
{//check to see if user wants to quit
addaNode(t);//add a new node
strcpy(input, "Quit? yes or no(y or n):");
if(res[0] != 'N')//if ans is yes
exit(1);//exit program
null = true;
else//else indicate an error state...
printf("Error in entry...\n");
// break
}//end for loop
creates and sets up the tree and calls game,
which is the main loop for the program.........
int main()//entry point
BinaryTree tree1("Does the Animal Have Legs?");
tree1.attachLeft("Is it a cat?");
tree1.attachRight("Is it a Snake?");
game(tree1);//start main loop
return 0;
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