dmm1983 0 Newbie Poster

Hi all,

i have been working on the Dijkstra's code for a couple of weeks and i am now puzzled on how to do it this is my code for it so far

void d_run(Table T, Graph G){
    Vertex V, W;
    V = 0;
    W = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < T.V; i++){
        int newdist = 0;
        int current = 20000;
        for (int j = 0; j < T.V; j++)
            newdist = T.entries[j].dist;
            if (newdist < current && (T.entries[j].known == false)){
                current = newdist;
                V = j;
        if (V == notavertex){
        T.entries[V].known = true;
        // pointer to beginning of list of edges need 
        // to work out how to read them
        T.entries[V].header = G.edges[i];
        //T.entries[V].header = T.entries[W].header;
        //for (){
            if (!T.entries[W].known){
                if (T.entries[V].dist < T.entries[W].dist){
                    T.entries[W].dist = T.entries[V].dist;
                    T.entries[W].path = V;
                //return T.entries;
            printf("%d ", V);

it only prints vertices from 5 0 1 2 3 4 6
or someone to explain shortest paths algorithm for dijkstra's
Thank You in Advance