I am right or wrong? there is no such thing as Artificial intelligence since humans are the ones who have the program the robots or machine to do a specific set of instructions so its basically just human intelligence theres nothing artificial about it

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Maybe you should look at the definition of artificial. Here it is.

1) Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural: "artificial light".
2) Not existing naturally; contrived or false: "the artificial division of people into age groups".

* found via google search, "define: artificial", without quotes

Intelligence arises from the random mutation of thoughts (literally, random neurons misfiring randomly). It is this randomness that enables thinking outside the box and creative thought: intelligence.

At present, there is only very rudimentary artificial intelligence because there is, as yet, very little random mutation of artificial neural activity.

> Intelligence arises from the random mutation of thoughts (literally, random neurons misfiring randomly). It is this randomness that enables thinking outside the box and creative thought: intelligence.

Oh look, you can invent your own facts!

Please teach us how to do that, too.

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