Ok I am trying to write up a data system on C++ so that when i enter in 1-10 i can choose what i want to do....but I keep on getting errors...and the people i already entered in at the bottom (the void add_record) i dont think it correct because there are about 5 of them. please help....the errors will be at the bottom

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

void DisplayMenu();
int GetChoice();
bool Confirm();
void ProcessChoice(int);

int main()
	int choice;
	bool quit = false;
		choice = GetChoice();
		if ( choice == 0 )
			if (Confirm())
			quit = true;

	}while (!quit);

	return 0;

void DisplayMenu()
	cout << "1) Enter new patient\n";
	cout << "2) List all smokers\n";
	cout << "3) List all Male smokers\n";
	cout << "4) List all Female smokers\n";
	cout << "5) List all with risk factor greater than 5\n";
	cout << "6) List all with risk factor less than 5\n";
	cout << "7) Search by SS number\n";
	cout << "8) List all by an age\n";
	cout << "9) List all with HBP and HFD\n";
	cout << "10) List Counts of Smokers, HFD, and HBP\n";
	cout << "0) Exit\n";

int GetChoice()
	int choice;
	cout << " Enter a choice ";
	cin >> choice;
	return choice;

bool Confirm()
	char choice = 'N';
	bool rsp = false;
	bool done = false;
		cout<<" Are you sure to quit (Y/N)? ";
		cin >> choice;
		choice = toupper (choice);
		if (choice == 'Y')
			rsp = true;

		if (choice == 'Y' || choice == 'N') 
			done = true;
			done = false;

	}while (!done);

	return rsp;
void ProcessChoice(int c) 
	switch (c)
	case 1:
		void add_Record()
			ofstream outFile;
			outFile.open ("records.dat", ios::app);

			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;
			cout << "Name: ";
			cin >> name;
			cout << "Gender: ";
			cin >> gender;
			cout << "Age: ";
			cin >> age;
			cout << "SSN: ";
			cin >> ss;
			cout << "Smoke: ";
			cin >> smoke;
			cout << "HBP (0/1):";
			cin >> HBP;
			cout << "HFD (0/1):";
			cin >> HFD;
			cout << "points (0/1):";
			cin >> points;
			outFile << name <<",";
			outFile << gender <<" ";
			outFile << age <<" ";
			outFile << ss <<" "; 
			outFile << smoke <<" ";
			outFile << HBP <<" ";
			outFile << HFD <<" ";
			outFile << points << endl;

	case 2:
			void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;

			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios_base::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;

			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 

				cout << name <<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"Age: "<<age<<", "<<"SS# "<<ss<<", ";
				if (smoke == 1)
					cout <<"Smoker, ";
					cout <<"Non Smoker, ";

				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";
	case 3:
		void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;

			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 

				cout<<name<<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"Age: "<<age<<", "<<"SS# "<<ss<<", ";
				if (smoke ==1 && gender == 'M')
					cout <<"Smoker, ";
					cout <<"Non Smoker, ";

				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";

	case 4:
		void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;

			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 

				cout<<name<<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"Age: "<<age<<", "<<"SS# "<<ss<<", ";
				if (smoke ==1 && gender == 'F')
					cout <<"Smoker, ";
					cout <<"Non Smoker, ";
				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";

	case 5:
		void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;

			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 

				cout<<name<<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"Age: "<<age<<", "<<"SS# "<<ss<<", ";
				if (points >= 5)
					cout <<"Risk Factors Greater Than 5, ";
					cout <<"Non Risk Factors Greater Than 5, ";

				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";


	case 6:
		void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;

			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 

				cout<<name<<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"Age: "<<age<<", "<<"SS# "<<ss<<", ";
				if (points <= 5)
					cout <<"Risk Factors Less Than 5, ";
					cout <<"Non Risk Factors Less Than 5, ";

				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";

	case 7:
		void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;

			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 

				cout<<"SS# "<<ss<<", "<<name<<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"Age: "<<age<<", ";
				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";

	case 8:
		void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;
			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 
				cout<<"Age: "<<age<<", "<<name<<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"SS# "<<ss<<", ";
				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";

	case 9:
		void get_Record()
			ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open ("records.dat", ios::in);
			string name;
			char gender;
			int age;
			int ss;
			int smoke;
			int HBP;
			int HFD;
			int points;

			if (inFile.is_open())
				getline(inFile, name, ',');

				inFile >> gender >> age >> ss >> smoke >> HBP >> HFD >> points; 

				cout<<name<<", "<<"Gender: "<<gender<<", "<<"Age: "<<age<<", "<<"SS# "<<ss<<", ";
				if (HBP ==1 && HFD == 1)
					cout <<"HBP and HFD, ";
					cout << "No HBP and HFD, ";

				system ("pause");
				cout<<"File could not be opened.\n";

		cout<<"wrong choice!\n";
	} ;


void add_Record()
	ofstream outFile;
	outFile.open ("records.dat", ios::app);
	string name = "Ms. Johnson";
	char gender = 'F'
	int age = 33;
	int ss  = 123456788;
	int smoke = 0;
	int HBP = 0;
	int HFD = 1;
	int points = 4;

	outFile << name <<",";			
	outFile << gender <<" ";		
	outFile << age <<" ";			
	outFile << ss <<" ";			
	outFile << smoke <<" ";			
	outFile << HBP <<" ";			
	outFile << HFD <<" ";			
	outFile << points << endl;		

void add_Record()
	ofstream outFile;
	outFile.open ("records.dat", ios::app);
	string name = "Mr. Kime";
	char gender = 'M'
	int age = 19;
	int ss  = 123456888;
	int smoke = 0;
	int HBP = 1;
	int HFD = 1;
	int points = 4;

	outFile << name <<",";			
	outFile << gender <<" ";		
	outFile << age <<" ";			
	outFile << ss <<" ";			
	outFile << smoke <<" ";			
	outFile << HBP <<" ";			
	outFile << HFD <<" ";			
	outFile << points << endl;		

void add_Record()
	ofstream outFile;
	outFile.open ("records.dat", ios::app);
	string name = "Mrs. White";
	char gender = 'F'
	int age = 50;
	int ss  = 124356788;
	int smoke = 0;
	int HBP = 1;
	int HFD = 1;
	int points = 6;

	outFile << name <<",";			
	outFile << gender <<" ";		
	outFile << age <<" ";			
	outFile << ss <<" ";			
	outFile << smoke <<" ";			
	outFile << HBP <<" ";			
	outFile << HFD <<" ";			
	outFile << points << endl;		

void add_Record()
	ofstream outFile;
	outFile.open ("records.dat", ios::app);
	string name = "Mr. Long";
	char gender = 'M'
	int age = 27;
	int ss  = 121116788;
	int smoke = 1;
	int HBP = 1;
	int HFD = 0;
	int points = 8;

	outFile << name <<",";			
	outFile << gender <<" ";		
	outFile << age <<" ";			
	outFile << ss <<" ";			
	outFile << smoke <<" ";			
	outFile << HBP <<" ";			
	outFile << HFD <<" ";			
	outFile << points << endl;		

void add_Record()
	ofstream outFile;
	outFile.open ("records.dat", ios::app);
	string name = "Mrs. Hughes";
	char gender = 'F'
	int age = 43;
	int ss  = 123452768;
	int smoke = 1;
	int HBP = 1;
	int HFD = 1;
	int points = 10;

	outFile << name <<",";			
	outFile << gender <<" ";		
	outFile << age <<" ";			
	outFile << ss <<" ";			
	outFile << smoke <<" ";			
	outFile << HBP <<" ";			
	outFile << HFD <<" ";			
	outFile << points << endl;		

void add_Record()
	ofstream outFile;
	outFile.open ("records.dat", ios::app);
	string name = "Ms. Flinstone";
	char gender = 'F'
	int age = 17;
	int ss  = 124533248;
	int smoke = 0;
	int HBP = 0;
	int HFD = 1;
	int points = 2;

	outFile << name <<",";			
	outFile << gender <<" ";		
	outFile << age <<" ";			
	outFile << ss <<" ";			
	outFile << smoke <<" ";			
	outFile << HBP <<" ";			
	outFile << HFD <<" ";			
	outFile << points << endl;		


here are the errors:

1>main.cpp(99) : error C2601: 'add_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(146) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(182) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(216) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(249) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(284) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(318) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(348) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(376) : error C2601: 'get_Record' : local function definitions are illegal
1>main.cpp(95): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched
1>main.cpp(444) : error C2084: function 'void add_Record(void)' already has a body
1>main.cpp(14) : see previous definition of 'add_Record'

1>Final Project 1 - 10 error(s), 0 warning(s)

any help would be very nice!!

Ancient Dragon commented: Thanks for using code tags correctly on your first post :) +36

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All 3 Replies

line 88 of the code you posted: You can not code a function inside another function. Write that function outside any other function then just call it on line 88.

Oh ok...I took out the void part of the beginning of the cases and added void get_Record(); and void add_Record(); to the very beginning, but it still left me with the last error:

1>(437) : error C2084: function 'void add_Record(void)' already has a body
1>(7) : see previous definition of 'add_Record'

That error message is quite explicit -- you have coded that function more than once.

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