Ok I am working on this program, I input the information it is supposed to pass it to the structures and then display, but its not there to display, and I know the information can't be missing since the math for the total which is done before displaying is done correctly, please help me find my mistake.

// This program is meant to ask user for name, number and points scored
// of 12 soccer players and display a table with the information and
// additional information on how many points the team scored as a whole

// Javier Falcon

// Directories
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // setfill and setw
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

// Constants
const int PLAYER_NAME = 50;
const int NUM_IN_TEAM = 3; 

// Structure PlayerInfo with its members
struct PlayerInfo
    char name[PLAYER_NAME];
    int number,

// Prototypes
int teamScore(PlayerInfo []);
PlayerInfo getPlayerInfo (int);
PlayerInfo displayPlayerInfo(int);

int main()
// Declaration and initialization of PlayerInfo in array variable players
    PlayerInfo players[NUM_IN_TEAM];
// Variable to hold the total of points scored by team
    int teamPts;
// Title       
    cout << "International Soccer" << endl << setfill ('-') << setw(20) << "-" << endl;
// Loop to fill players array structure
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_IN_TEAM; i++)
       players[i] = getPlayerInfo(i);
       cin.ignore();  // Empty buffer after every structure
// Space
// Send structures to teamScore fuction for calculation
    teamPts = teamScore(players);
// Send structures and total points to displayPlayerInfo for displaying
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
//                         Name: getPlayerInfo
//    Receives: i
//    Sends: dInfo
//    Description: This function receives struct and fills members while using i
//                 to display number in display lines
PlayerInfo getPlayerInfo (int i)
// Declaration and initialization of PlayerInfo through dInfo
    PlayerInfo dInfo;
// Ask user for information
    cout << "Please enter player " << i + 1 << "'s name: ";
    cin.getline(dInfo.name, PLAYER_NAME);
    cout << "Please enter player " << i + 1 << "'s number: ";
    cin >> dInfo.number;
    cout << "Please enter player " << i + 1 << "'s points scored per game: ";
    cin >> dInfo.ptScored;
// Return dInfo back to main
    return dInfo;
//                         Name: teamScore
//    Receives: Array of PlayerInfo struct
//    Sends: total
//    Description: This function array PlayerInfo to use member ptScored to 
//                 calculate total of points scored by team
int teamScore(PlayerInfo playerArray[])
// Variable to hold total
    int total = 0;
// Loop to add the scores together
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_IN_TEAM; i++)
        total += playerArray[i].ptScored;
// Return total to main
    return total;
//                         Name: displayPlayerInfo
//    Receives: Array of PlayerInfo struct and teamPts
//    Sends: N/A
//    Description: This function receives all the information and displays it
PlayerInfo displayPlayerInfo(int pts)
     PlayerInfo pInfo[NUM_IN_TEAM];
// Title
     cout << "Team Information: " << endl << setfill ('-') << setw(20) << "-" << endl;
// Loop to display data
     for(int i = 0; i > NUM_IN_TEAM; i++)
     cout << "Player Name: " <<  pInfo[i].name;
     cout << " " << "Player Number: " <<  pInfo[i].number;
     cout << " " << "Player Points Scored: " <<  pInfo[i].ptScored << endl;
// Display the total Score
     cout << "The Team's Total Points Scored: " << pts << "." << endl;

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for(int i = 0; i > NUM_IN_TEAM; i++)

Look at the red sign carefully. Perhaps you mean this?

for(int i = 0; i < NUM_IN_TEAM; i++)

When you call "displayPlayerInfo", you are not referencing the array "players" that was created in main. You reference "pInfo", a new and uninitialized array of PlayerInfo structures.

Pass the "players" array into the "displayPlayerInfo" and change the loop to use that, and you should be all set.

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