I know you guys have probably seen a tortoise and hare race like this before but I am trying to do it differently... I am new to C++, the only errors in this are when i call the three methods in the while loop in main, it says identifier not found and i can't figure out why. Thanks a lot if you help me figure this out.

1>c:\users\nick\downloads\tortoisenhare.cpp(33): error C3861: 'moveTort': identifier not found
1>c:\users\nick\downloads\tortoisenhare.cpp(34): error C3861: 'moveHare': identifier not found
1>c:\users\nick\downloads\tortoisenhare.cpp(35): error C3861: 'printRaceLine': identifier not found

// Nick Elliott
// Started on: 2/17/11

#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main ()
	int runCount = 0;
	int tortWins = 0;
	int hareWins = 0;
	int hareWon = 0;
	int tortWon = 0;
	srand ( time(NULL) );
	cout << "The Tortise and the Hare Race!" << endl;
	while(tortWins <= 20 || hareWins <=20)
		cout << "\nBANG !!! AND THEY'RE OFF !!!" << endl;
		int tortPos = 1;
		int harePos = 1;
		int finish = 70;
		int tortMove = 0;
		int hareMove = 0;
		int raceFinished = 0;

		while(tortPos <= 70 && harePos <= 70)
			tortPos = moveTort(tortMove, tortPos, tortWins, tortWon, raceFinished);
			harePos = moveHare(hareMove, harePos, hareWins, raceFinished, hareWon);
			printRaceLine(harePos, tortPos);			
		if(tortWon == 1 && hareWon == 0)
			cout << "\nTORTISE WINS!!! YAY!!!";
		else if(hareWon = 1 && tortWon == 0)
			cout << "Hare wins. Yuch.";
		else if(hareWon == 1 && tortWon == 1)
			cout << "It's a tie";

	cout << "Races Won: " << "Tortise: " << tortWins << "		Hare: " << hareWins;
	return 0;
int moveTort(int tortMove, int tortPos, int tortWins, int tortWon, int raceFinished)
					tortMove = rand() % 100 + 1;
					if(tortMove >= 1 && tortMove <= 25)
						tortPos = tortPos + 4;
					else if(tortMove >= 26 && tortMove <= 40)
						tortPos = tortPos - 2;
					else if(tortMove >= 41 && tortMove <= 100)
						tortPos = tortPos + 2;
					else if(tortPos < 1)
						tortPos = 1;
					else if(tortPos >= 70)
						raceFinished = 1;
						tortWon = 1;
					return tortPos;
int moveHare(int hareMove, int harePos, int hareWins, int raceFinished, int hareWon)
					hareMove = rand() % 100 + 1;
					if(hareMove >= 1 && hareMove <= 30)
						harePos = harePos + 0;
					else if(hareMove >= 31 && hareMove <= 45)
						harePos = harePos + 10;
					else if(hareMove >= 46 && hareMove <= 65)
						harePos = harePos - 15;
					else if(hareMove >= 66 && hareMove <= 75)
						harePos = harePos + 5;
					else if(hareMove >= 76 && hareMove <= 100)
						harePos = harePos - 3;
					if(harePos < 1)
						harePos = 1;
					else if(harePos >= 70)
						raceFinished = 1;
						hareWon = 1;
					return harePos;
void printRaceLine(int harePos, int tortPos)
	int count = 1;
	while(count <= 70)
		if(count == harePos)
			cout << "H";
		else if(count == tortPos)
			cout << "T";
		else if(harePos == tortPos)
			cout << "OUCH!!";
			cout << "-";
	cout << "\n";

Because your functions are declared and defined after your main(). They are not "in-scope" and the compiler does not know they exist yet.

To correct this, you need to either move the definitions up in your code so that they are declared/defined before your main() or add function prototypes.

Here is some information on prototypes (scroll down to the "Declaring Functions" section).

This is what you did, it won't work:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << "in main()" << std::endl;          //generic output statement
  someFunction();                                 //call someFunction()
  return 0;
}                                                 //end main()

void someFunction() {                             //define someFunction()
  std::cout << "in someFunction()" << std::endl;  //generic output statement
}                                                 //end someFunction()

This is what you need to do:

#include <iostream>

void someFunction();                              //function prototype for someFunction()

int main() {
  std::cout << "in main()" << std::endl;          //generic output statement
  someFunction();                                 //call someFunction()
  return 0;
}                                                 //end main()

void someFunction() {                             //define someFunction()
  std::cout << "in someFunction()" << std::endl;  //generic output statement
}                                                 //end someFunction()

Notice the statement I added at Line 3.

commented: thanks a lot.... i just moved them and it worked +0
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