hello all! i am working on a bank account type program where the user can add accounts delete accounts make deposits and so on. i have most of the code working but i am getting an error and i cant figure out whats wrong. if someone could steer me in the right direction on how i could fix it that would greatly appreciated.

the error im getting is:
C:\Users\kevin jack\Desktop\hume\prog1>g++ -o prog1.exe acctListMain.cpp
acctListMain.cpp: In function `int main()':
acctListMain.cpp:69: error: expected primary-expression before '.' token

acctListMain.cpp file:

* Prog 1 

Kevin Jack

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include "acctList.H"
using namespace std;

void displayMenu();

int main()
   bool menuActive = true;
   char menuChoice;
   AcctList acctList;
   while (menuActive)
      displayMenu ();   // call displayMenu function
      cin >> menuChoice; cin.ignore(80,'\n');
      cout << endl;

      switch (menuChoice)
         case '1': case 'A': case 'a':
               int acctNumInput; int acctBalanceInput=0; string acctNameInput;
               cout << "Enter account number: ";
               cin  >> acctNumInput; cin.ignore(80,'\n');
               cout << "Enter account name: ";
               getline(cin, acctNameInput);
               cout << "Enter account Balance: ";
               cin >> acctBalanceInput; cin.ignore(80,'\n');

               bool success = acctList.addNode(acctNumInput, acctBalanceInput, acctNameInput);
               if (success == false)
                  cout << "\n *** Addition fails: duplicate account number ***" << endl;
         case '2': case 'D': case 'd':
            if (acctList.listEmpty())
               cout << "\n  List empty: no deletions possible \n\n";
               int acctNumInput;
               cout << "Enter account number: ";
               cin  >> acctNumInput; cin.ignore (80,'\n');
               bool success = acctList.deleteNode(acctNumInput);
               if (success == false)
                  cout << "\n *** Deletion fails: account number not found ***" << endl;
         case '3': case 'P': case 'p':
         case '4': case 'M' : case 'm':
                  int acctNumInput;
                  cout<<"Enter account number: ";
                  cin>>acctNumInput; cin.ignore (80,'\n'); 
                  bool success = AcctList.makeDeposit(acctNumInput);          
                  if (success == false)
                     cout << "\n *** Deposit fails: account number not found ***" << endl;
         case '5': case 'F': case 'f': 
         case '6': case 'Q': case 'q':
            menuActive = false; // Finish this series of menu choices
            cout << "       Invalid menu choice: try again!" << endl << endl;
      }  // end switch statement
   return 0;

void displayMenu ()
   cout << "   *************************************************" << endl;
   cout << "   *                                               *" << endl;
   cout << "   *           M A I N    M E N U                  *" << endl;
   cout << "   *                                               *" << endl;
   cout << "   *   1) (A)dd Account                            *" << endl;
   cout << "   *   2) (D)elete Account                         *" << endl;
   cout << "   *   3) (P)rint List by Account Number           *" << endl;
   cout << "   *   4) (M)ake Deposit                          *" << endl;
   cout << "   *   4) (F)ile: read Input File                  *" << endl;
   cout << "   *   5) (Q)uit: Finish processing this array     *" << endl;
   cout << "   *                                               *" << endl;
   cout << "   *************************************************" << endl;
   cout << "       Enter choice: ";
}  // end displayMenu function

the acctList.h file:

* AcctList.h
* Author Kevin Jack

#ifndef ACCT_LIST_H
#define ACCT_LIST_H
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

struct ListNode
   int acctNum;
   string acctName;
   int acctBalance;
   ListNode *next;

typedef ListNode* nodePtr;

class AcctList
      AcctList (double balance, int acctBalance = 0, int acctNum, string acctName);
      int      numElements;
      nodePtr  head;

   AcctList ()
   {  numElements = 0; head = NULL;  }

   bool listEmpty ()
   {  return (numElements == 0);  }

   void printListByAcctNum ()
      int count = 0;
      cout << "\n   List in Account Number Order \n\n";
      nodePtr p = head;
      while (p != NULL)
         cout << setw(4) << right << count << ".  ";
         cout << "Account Number: " << setw(8)  << right << p->acctNum;
         cout << "    Account Name:   "  << left  << p->acctName;// << endl << endl;
         cout<<" Account Balance:  "<<p->acctBalance; 
         p = p->next;
      if (numElements == 0)
         cout << "\n      List is empty \n\n";
   bool searchListByAcctNum (int searchKey, nodePtr *prevOut)
      bool found = false;
      nodePtr p = head;
      nodePtr prev = NULL;
      while (p != NULL)
         if (p->acctNum < searchKey)
            prev = p;
            p = p->next;
            if (p->acctNum == searchKey)
               found = true;
            p = NULL; //stop the search. "prev" has its proper value
      *prevOut = prev;
      return found;
   void linkNodeByAcctNum (ListNode* newNode, ListNode* prevNode)
      if (prevNode == NULL)  // insert as first node in acctNum linkage
         newNode->next = head;
         head = newNode;
         newNode->next = prevNode->next;
         prevNode->next = newNode;

   bool addNode (int acctNumInput,int acctBalanceInput, string acctNameInput)
      bool successfulAddition = false;
      nodePtr   p, prev;
      p = new ListNode;  // default constructor
      p->acctNum  = acctNumInput; 
      p->acctName = acctNameInput;
      p->acctBalance = acctBalanceInput;
      bool acctNumFound = searchListByAcctNum(acctNumInput,&prev);
      if (acctNumFound)
         cout<<endl<<"BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER "<<acctNumInput<< " COULD NOT BE";
         return true;
      if (!acctNumFound)
         successfulAddition = true;
         linkNodeByAcctNum(p, prev);
      return successfulAddition;
   bool makeDeposit(int acctNumInput, int acctBalance)
        bool successfulDeposit = false;
        nodePtr p, prev;
        bool acctNumFound = searchListByAcctNum(acctNumInput, &prev);
        if (acctNumFound)
             int amount=0;
             cout<<"Enter deposit amount";
             acctBalance = acctBalance + amount;
             cout<< acctBalance;
        return true;

   bool deleteNode(int acctNumInput)
      bool successfulDeletion = false;
      nodePtr p, prev;
      bool acctNumFound = searchListByAcctNum(acctNumInput, &prev);
      if (acctNumFound)
         successfulDeletion = true;
         if (prev == NULL) // deleting first node in list
            p = head;
            head = p->next;
            delete p;
         else  //deleting node after the first node
            p = prev->next;
            prev->next = p->next;
            delete p;
      return successfulDeletion;

   void readFile()
      char    transactionCodeInput;
      int     acctNumInput;
      string  acctNameInput;
      int  acctBalanceInput;
      char  filename[50];
      fstream accountFile;
         cout << "Enter filename of account file: ";
         cin.getline (filename,51);
         if (accountFile.fail())
             cout << "File could not be opened" << endl;
      while (accountFile.fail());
      while (!accountFile.eof())  // file successfully opened at this point
         accountFile >> transactionCodeInput >> acctNumInput; accountFile.ignore(10,';');
         getline (accountFile, acctNameInput, ';');
         accountFile >> acctBalanceInput; accountFile.ignore (80, '\n');
         if (toupper(transactionCodeInput) == 'A') // add account
            bool success = addNode(acctNumInput, acctBalanceInput, acctNameInput);
            if (success == false)
               cout << "\n *** Addition fails: duplicate account number ***" << endl;
         if (toupper(transactionCodeInput) == 'D')  // delete account
            bool success = deleteNode(acctNumInput);
            if (success == false)
               cout << "\n *** Deletion fails: account number"<< acctNumInput<<" not found ***" << endl;
      }  // end of while loop


On line 69 you have used AcctList instead of acctList

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