Good Morning,

I'm a little difficulty in writing and implementing a function that read a list of words of variable lengths and convert all letters to upper case. Ask the user to enter the size of the list. I shall use an array as pointers.

So far, I have this, but it's not working. Can anyone help me out.

char toUpper(char * chPtrs[5], char tmpStr[1000], char word)                            
    for (int j=0; j<5; j++)
        cout<<"enter a word => ";                     

        chPtrs[j] = new char[strlen(tmpStr)];           
        strcpy(chPtrs[j], tmpStr);  

        static char lower[] = tmpStr;
        for (int i = 0; lower[i] != '0'; i++)
            if (word >= 'a' && word <= 'Z')
                cout << "The word converted to upper case is:"<< static_cast<char> ( word + 'A' - 'a') <<endl;


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Hello. I'm working a bit different but i'll present you an valid algorithm

void up()
    char word;
        for(int i=0;i<=4;i++)
            for(int j=0;j<strlen(word);j++)

Hope it helps.

cout<<"enter a word => ";
chPtrs[j] = new char[strlen(tmpStr)];
strcpy(chPtrs[j], tmpStr);

You don't need this. You also can input a whole string using fgets() or getline() functions.

After this, use a loop to traverse the string. Check if the character that is in consideration is lower or not using islower(). It is in cctype header file.


I implemented this

void upperCase (char * chPtrs[5], char tmpStr[1000])
    for ( int j = 0; j<5; j++)
        cout << "Enter a word => ";

        chPtrs[j] = new char[strlen(tmpStr)];
        strcpy(chPtrs[j], tmpStr);

    for (int  j = 0; j<5; j++)
        cout <<chPtrs[j]<<endl;
    for (int  j = 0; j<strlen(tmpStr); j++)
        if (tmpStr[j] >= 'a' && tmpStr[j] <= 'z')
            cout <<tmpStr[j] - 32;
            cout <<tmpStr[j];

This is the output that I'm getting.

befor calling reverse2( )...
 the string is Computerscience
After calling reverse2 function the string is:ecneicsretupmoc
Enter a word => cat
Enter a word => car
Enter a word => lion
Enter a word => tiger
Enter a word => cougar
677985716582Press any key to continue . . .

for (int j = 0; j<strlen(tmpStr); j++)
Why are you going through tmpStr? Isn't that simply the string you used on input? It has no bearing on your word list once input is done.

I have just modified the code:

void upperCase (char * chPtrs[5], char tmpStr[1000])
    for ( int j = 0; j<5; j++)
        cout << "Enter a word => ";

        chPtrs[j] = new char[strlen(tmpStr)];
        strcpy(chPtrs[j], tmpStr);

    for (int  j = 0; j<5; j++)
        cout <<chPtrs[j]<<endl;

    for (int  j = 0; j<strlen(tmpStr); j++)
        cout << (char)toupper(tmpStr[j]); 

But it's only converting the last word of the list to Uppercase. What should I do so it converts all the words on the list to Uppercases.

Thank you

Of course. Read my previous post.


I already remove the for (int j = 0; j<strlen(tmpStr); j++) and it's still only converting the last word to uppercase from the list

Then you still did something wrong. Since we can't see what has changed, we can't offer suggestions.


I modified the code like this:

void upperCase (char * chPtrs[5], char tmpStr[1000])
    for ( int j = 0; j<5; j++)
        cout << "Enter a word => ";

        chPtrs[j] = new char[strlen(tmpStr)];
        strcpy(chPtrs[j], tmpStr);

        for (int  j = 0; j<5; j++)
            cout <<chPtrs[j]<<endl;

        for (int  j = 0; j<strlen(*chPtrs); j++)
                cout << (char)toupper(*(chPtrs[0]+j))<<" ";
                cout << (char)toupper(*(chPtrs[1]+j))<<" ";
                cout << (char)toupper(*(chPtrs[2]+j))<<" ";
                cout << (char)toupper(*(chPtrs[3]+j))<<" ";
                cout << (char)toupper(*(chPtrs[4]+j))<<endl;


but it's cutting the words of. Like lion to lio, tiger to tig, bear to bea.


chPtrs[j] = new char[strlen(tmpStr)]; -- you forgot the extra character for the trailing \0

for (int j = 0; j<strlen(*chPtrs); j++) -- what is the value of strlen(*chPtrs)? Do you really want the string lenght of a pointer? Wouldn't the length of a string be more useful?

And in that loop, why are you outputting exactly 5 characters? LION only has 4 characters, BAT has 3, MONKEY has 6. I'd suggest another loop, using strlen() of the string you are outputting.

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