Hey folks. I'm hoping I can get some help here. I have to make this program to play the game paper, rock scissors. I am having a few issues with the program.

1.) I dont think i am using the rand() correctly
2.) After entering your choice for Paper Rock or Scissors it just ends the program.
3.) I cant figure out the correct way to display the win/loss/tie/percentage stats/and number of games played
4.) and lastly I am having a problem figuring out how to loop the program back to asking if you want to play the game.

Any help is appricated. Heres the code. Thanks in advance!

//This program is a Rock, Paper, Scissor game. It will ask you if you want to 
//play the game, and if yes, will have you make a choice and determine the 
//winner and keep score until the uder quits.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctype.h>
using namespace std;

//Definition of function displayMenu                    *
//This function displays the menu choices.              *

void displayMenu ()
  int userChoice;
  userChoice = 1 or 2 or 3;

    cout << "1) Paper\n";
    cout << "2) Rock\n";
    cout << "3) Scissors\n";
    cout << "Please make your choice(1-3):\n";
    cin >> userChoice;
    while (!userChoice);

//Definition of function displayEnd                     *
//This fuction is used to store stats                   *

void displayEnd ()
  int win, lose, tie, numGames, percent;
  win = 0;
  lose = 0;
  tie = 0;
  percent = win / numGames;

    cout << "So far your have played " << numGames << " sessions and have won " << win << ", tied " << tie << ", and lost " << lose << " for a winning percent of " << percent << "%.\n";

//Definition of function displayWinner                  *
//This function is used to determine the winner.        *

void displayWinner ()
  int compChoice, win, lose, tie, userChoice;
  compChoice = 1 + rand() % 3;

    if (userChoice == 1 && compChoice == 2)
      cout << "You have chosen paper and the computer has chosen rock. You win!\n";

    if (userChoice == 2 && compChoice == 3)
     cout << "You have chosen rock and the computer has chosen scissors. You win!\n";

    if (userChoice == 3 && compChoice == 1)
      cout << "You have chosen scissors and the computer has chosen paper. You win!\n";

    if (userChoice == 1 && compChoice == 3)
      cout << "You have chosen paper and the computer has chosen scissors. You lose!\n";

    if (userChoice == 2 && compChoice == 1)
      cout << "You have chosen rock and the computer has chosen paper. You lose!\n";

    if (userChoice == 3 && compChoice == 2)
      cout << "You have chosen scissors and the computer has chosen rock. You lose!\n";

    if (userChoice == 1 && compChoice == 1)
      cout << "You have chosen paper and the computer has chosen paper. You tied!\n";

    if (userChoice == 2 && compChoice == 2)
      cout << "You have chosen rock and the computer has chosen rock. You tied!\n";

    if (userChoice == 3 && compChoice == 3)
      cout << "You have chosen scissors and the computer has chosen scissors. You tied!\n";

int main ()
   int win, lose, tie, numGames, percent, choice, userChoice;
   win = 0;
   lose = 0;
   tie = 0;
   percent = win / numGames;

    cout << "Welcome! Want to play a game of Paper Rock Scissors?\n";

        cout << "Press 1 to Play and 2 to Quit.\n";
        cin >> choice;
      while (choice >> 2);

        if (choice == 1)

          if (choice == 2)
return 0;

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All 2 Replies

Run this in a debugger and single-step it through the code. You will soon find your problem. If you haven't yet used a debugger, it is time to learn!

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