Hi all,

My problem is continue from this post:

I created a Unit Test by NUnit to test the method which is stored in DLL. The method should return a complex type variable (an object instance, Company for example). When the calling side (in Unit Test module) cast the type from Object to Company, the simular error is thrown:

Unit Test side:

private Company CreateCompany(Client client)
    PluginManager.Plugins.FindPlugins(@"C:\...\Plugins", null);
    Object Xyz_Plugin = PluginManager.Plugins.AvailablePlugins.Find("Xyz_Plugin").Instance;
    Object company = QuickReflection.Invoke(Xyz_Plugin, "CreateCompany", client);
    return (Company)company;   // Error here...

I started to understand what is binding context in assembly. This is the error message which thrown by casting task (can see it from NUnit working form):

System.InvalidCastException :
[A]word8.Xyz_Library.CompanyModule.Company cannot be cast to word8.Xyz_Library.CompanyModule.Company.

Type A originates from 'Xyz_Library, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' in the context 'LoadNeither' at location 'C:\Development(5)\Projects\word8_net\word8\word8\bin\Debug\Plugins\Xyz_Library.dll'.

Type B originates from 'Xyz_Library, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' in the context 'Default' at location 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache\3816_633640437807493750\Tests\assembly\dl3\e0402b93\6c49ad91_4456c901\Xyz_Library.DLL'.

I think becase the custom type Company are come from difference DLL. But, I still do not know how to get rid of it.

The project source is short like before, and place here: http://www.box.net/shared/1y7o6r5xtu
Or here: http://www.adrive.com/public/76d8dc4d6ad0b6c31a6bdd9a181ede62cd6fa5d2941d4802711a9b5fbfaa853e.html

Hope you can help me again. Thank you very much.

Best regards,

hi divine
im also not sure plz

Object plugin = PluginManager.Plugins.AvailablePlugins.Find("Xyz_Plugin").Instance;
return (Form)QuickReflection.MyInvoke(plugin, "CreateXyzForm", client);

public static Object MyInvoke(Object target, String method, params Object[] args)
MethodInfo methodInfo = target.GetType().GetMethod(method);
return methodInfo.Invoke(target, args);

The Called side (DLL party) like this:

public Form CreateXyzForm(Client client)

first let chk client s what datatype
passing parameter datatype and geting val datatype, the both datatype should be same.in my knowledge i think datatype s differ.makeit same then wil c ? s the probelm

Hi all,

My problem is continue from this post:

I created a Unit Test by NUnit to test the method which is stored in DLL. The method should return a complex type variable (an object instance, Company for example). When the calling side (in Unit Test module) cast the type from Object to Company, the simular error is thrown:

Unit Test side:

private Company CreateCompany(Client client)
    PluginManager.Plugins.FindPlugins(@"C:\...\Plugins", null);
    Object Xyz_Plugin = PluginManager.Plugins.AvailablePlugins.Find("Xyz_Plugin").Instance;
    Object company = QuickReflection.Invoke(Xyz_Plugin, "CreateCompany", client);
    return (Company)company;   // Error here...

I started to understand what is binding context in assembly. This is the error message which thrown by casting task (can see it from NUnit working form):

System.InvalidCastException :
[A]word8.Xyz_Library.CompanyModule.Company cannot be cast to word8.Xyz_Library.CompanyModule.Company.

Type A originates from 'Xyz_Library, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' in the context 'LoadNeither' at location 'C:\Development(5)\Projects\word8_net\word8\word8\bin\Debug\Plugins\Xyz_Library.dll'.

Type B originates from 'Xyz_Library, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' in the context 'Default' at location 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\nunit20\ShadowCopyCache\3816_633640437807493750\Tests\assembly\dl3\e0402b93\6c49ad91_4456c901\Xyz_Library.DLL'.

I think becase the custom type Company are come from difference DLL. But, I still do not know how to get rid of it.

The project source is short like before, and place here: http://www.box.net/shared/1y7o6r5xtu
Or here: http://www.adrive.com/public/76d8dc4d6ad0b6c31a6bdd9a181ede62cd6fa5d2941d4802711a9b5fbfaa853e.html

Hope you can help me again. Thank you very much.

Best regards,

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