Hi There,
I am very very new to C#. I need to create a Windows Service, which should check my sql server database for every 30 seconds, and it should do some calculations on some table and insert them in some other table.
I have the C# code to do those calculations..but I am not understanding where to write this code.

should I write the code in On start Event or In timer1_Tick..?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace CalculatingService
    public partial class MyService : System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase

        public MyService()

        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
            timer1.Enabled = true;

        protected override void OnStop()
            this.timer1.Enabled = false;

        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)



Here is My c# code to do the calculations

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();

            con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=Corp-sqldv05\\Instance1;Initial Catalog=DW;User ID=admin;password=aha!";
            string dealQry = "select *, month(BeginDate) as beginmonth, datediff(month,BeginDate,dateadd(month,term,BeginDate))as noofmonths, dateadd(month,term,BeginDate) as enddate from deal where needscalc = 1";
            SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(dealQry, con);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            string cashquery;
            SqlCommand cashdltComd = new SqlCommand();
            SqlCommand cashIntComd = new SqlCommand();
            cashdltComd.Connection = con;
            cashIntComd.Connection = con;
            double acc_401011, acc_402011, acc_1650011, acc_184019, acc_407011 = 0, acc_900009, acc_900003;
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                cashquery = "Delete from cashflow where account not in ('401012','412015') and dealid = " + dr["dealid"].ToString();
                cashdltComd.CommandText = cashquery;
                acc_401011 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["BaseRent_PSF"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString())) / 12;
                acc_402011 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["Abate_PSF"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString())) / 12;
                acc_1650011 = Convert.ToDouble(dr["TIOnly_PSF"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString());
                acc_184019 = Convert.ToDouble(dr["LC_PSF"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString());
                if (dr["GrossNet"].ToString().Trim().Equals("N"))
                    acc_407011 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["OE_PSF"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString())) / 12;
                else if (dr["GrossNet"].ToString().Trim().Equals("G"))
                    acc_407011 = (Convert.ToDouble(dr["EI_PSF"].ToString()) * Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString())) / 12;
                acc_900009 = Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString());
                acc_900003 = Convert.ToDouble(dr["SQFT"].ToString());
                DateTime dt2009 = new DateTime(2009, 01, 01);
                DateTime dt2010 = new DateTime(2010, 01, 01);
                DateTime begndate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["BeginDate"].ToString());
                DateTime enddate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["enddate"].ToString());
                int abtmonth = Convert.ToInt32(dr["AbateMos"].ToString());
                DateTime abtdate;
                if (abtmonth >= 1)
                    abtdate = begndate.AddMonths(abtmonth );
                    abtdate = new DateTime(2007, 01, 01);
                int abtend, abtbgn;

                if (begndate < dt2009)
                    if (enddate > dt2009)
                        if (enddate.Year == 2009)
                            abtbgn = 1;
                            if (abtdate.Year > 2009)
                                abtend = 12;
                            else if (abtdate.Year == 2009)
                                abtend = abtdate.Month;
                                abtend = 0;
                                abtbgn = 0;

                            cashIntComd.CommandText = CreateInstCmd(Convert.ToInt32(dr["dealid"].ToString().Trim()), 2, "401011", 1, enddate.Month, acc_401011);
                            cashIntComd.CommandText = CreateInstCmd(Convert.ToInt32(dr["dealid"].ToString().Trim()), 2, "402011", abtbgn, abtend, acc_402011);
                            cashIntComd.CommandText = CreateInstCmd(Convert.ToInt32(dr["dealid"].ToString().Trim()), 2, "1650011", begndate.Month, begndate.Month, acc_1650011);
                            cashIntComd.CommandText = CreateInstCmd(Convert.ToInt32(dr["dealid"].ToString().Trim()), 2, "184019", begndate.Month, begndate.Month, acc_184019);
                            cashIntComd.CommandText = CreateInstCmd(Convert.ToInt32(dr["dealid"].ToString().Trim()), 2, "407011", 1, enddate.Month, acc_407011);
                            cashIntComd.CommandText = CreateInstCmd(Convert.ToInt32(dr["dealid"].ToString().Trim()), 2, "900009", 1, enddate.Month, acc_900009);
                            cashIntComd.CommandText = CreateInstCmd(Convert.ToInt32(dr["dealid"].ToString().Trim()), 2, "900003", 1, enddate.Month, acc_900003);
                            abtend = 0;

public String CreateInstCmd(int dealid, int year, string acct, int begn, int end, double amt)
            string instQuery = "insert into cashflow(DealID, Account, year, January, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december ) values (";
            instQuery = instQuery + dealid.ToString() + "," + acct.ToString() + "," + year.ToString();
            for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++)
                if (i >= begn && i <= end)
                    instQuery = instQuery + "," + amt.ToString();
                    instQuery = instQuery + ",0";
            instQuery = instQuery + ")";
            return instQuery;

Can Any One Please Help me..How to create windows Service. I am a beginer in windows Service. I dont have any Idea, what it is..It is very Urgent Please Help Me...


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Have you considered using triggers?

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