I have a combo box which is in set to be a drop down list. How do I change the label text based on which ID is selected in the combo box. How do I make the label text change to the corresponding row as the ID?


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I'm not sure what you're asking for. You can get/set the user value associated with a list/combo item.

You can add and remove items.

I'm not sure what you're asking for. You can get/set the user value associated with a list/combo item.

You can add and remove items.

If I have a list of Names in the dataset and each have an ID and I have a combo box that displays the list of IDs. If I click an ID how to I get the label to show the name corresponding to that ID that was selected from the combobox.


You click a listbox or combobox, it returns the index of that item.
You use that index to get the name, or the user data value.

Not the other way around!

DataRow[] rows = yourTable.Select(string.Format("ID='{0}'",cbIDs.Text));

yourLabel.Text = (string)rows[0]["Name"];

Thanks guys! That should help me.

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