If you want your BASIC progs to go on running on XP you can do any of the following:-
(a) Get rid of Windows
Wait 2years and CHINA will do this for you
The reason Windows is a mess is it was forced to inherit all manner of conflicting protocols set up with no agreement between hundreds of sw and hw providers
China, is very sensibly, starting out with a BLANK sheet of paper, DEFINING all standards. With a captive domestic customer base of 500 million they will win!
They are basing their new system on Linux.
So, rather than try Linux yourself now, just wait a couple of years and they will doit all for you (forcing Gates, should he survive, to follow suit)

(b) For RIGHT NOW, try Liberty Basic
Find it on a Google search
Download a free trial version
It runs under Windows (Xp and many other flavors)

If you want your BASIC progs to go on running on XP you can do any of the following:-
(a) Get rid of Windows
Wait 2years and CHINA will do this for you
The reason Windows is a mess is it was forced to inherit all manner of conflicting protocols set up with no agreement between hundreds of sw and hw providers
China, is very sensibly, starting out with a BLANK sheet of paper, DEFINING all standards. With a captive domestic customer base of 500 million they will win!
They are basing their new system on Linux.
So, rather than try Linux yourself now, just wait a couple of years and they will doit all for you (forcing Gates, should he survive, to follow suit)

(b) For RIGHT NOW, try Liberty Basic
Find it on a Google search
Download a free trial version
It runs under Windows (Xp and many other flavors)

No way dude :lol: theres a simple overide solution search the WINDOWS folder for autoexec.nt and copy it to C:\WINDOWS\System32 and voila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!: :!: qb will work. :-| Now if you want Qbasic 7.1 or a copy of autoexec.nt email me at nazgand@gmail.com

Qbasic 7.1
Edit: Removed link to suspected illegal software. PM me if you feel this change was made in error. -Narue

oops Qbasic 7.1 Edit: Removed link to suspected illegal software. PM me if you feel this change was made in error. -Narue

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