Hi guys,
I've been fiddling with Perl for the past 2months and still I have difficulty with it, I've read 3books already but I'm kinda in the deep end cause I'm in a working environment. I'm currently working on this:

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

#all variables starting with 'i' are inputs from a seperate screen

require cfg ;					#module specifiying frequently used paths

if ($local eq 'n') {
    use lib  "/home/gevens/cgi-bin/ecco/modules" ;
    use lib  "/home/gevens/cgi-bin/ecco/html/agent" ;
    use lib  "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/cgi-bin/ecco/modules" ;
    use lib  "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/cgi-bin/ecco/html/agent" ;

use Fcntl qw(:flock);				#CPAN Modules
use Date::Calc qw(:all);
use CGI::Minimal;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Mail::Sendmail;
use MIME::Base64;


if (($username ne '000')			        #agent sign-ons
and ($username ne '001')) {

$q           = CGI::Minimal -> new();
$action      = $q -> param('action')     || '';		#input action

$iregionall  = $q -> param('iregionall') || '';		#input region
$iselldd     = $q -> param('iselldd')    || '';		#input sell date
$isellmm     = $q -> param('isellmm')    || '';		#input sell month
$isellyy     = $q -> param('isellyy')    || '';		#input sell year

$istartdd    = $q -> param('istartdd')   || '';		#input start date
$istartmm    = $q -> param('istartmm')   || '';		#input start month
$istartyy    = $q -> param('istartyy')   || '';		#input start year
$ienddd      = $q -> param('ienddd')     || '';		#input end date
$iendmm      = $q -> param('iendmm')     || '';		#input end month
$iendyy      = $q -> param('iendyy')     || '';		#input end year
($iregion, $ifoldern) = split (/\:/, $iregionall) ;	#split the inout region and folder by ':'

$iregion_selected = $iregion;

$isellccyymmdd  = "20$isellyy$isellmm$iselldd";		#input sell date
$istartccyymmdd = "20$istartyy$istartmm$istartdd";	#input start date
$iendccyymmdd   = "20$iendyy$iendmm$ienddd";		#input end date

$filename  = "RATES-$iregion.CSV";			#specifying the region file and thus providing the output for the spreadsheet
$filename2 = "RATES-$iregion-SUPP.CSV";


&today; 						#sub-routine calculating dates

if ($action eq "") {					#if form blank leave message
    $iselldd  = $now_dd;				#PLEASE ENTER DETAILS
    $isellmm  = $now_mm;
    $isellyy  = $now_yy;
    $istartdd = 'dd' ;
    $istartmm = 'mm' ;
    $istartyy = 'yy' ;
    $ienddd   = 'dd' ;
    $iendmm   = 'mm' ;
    $iendyy   = 'yy' ;

if ($action eq "sprdsht5") {				#if statement when form is completed, input action = sprdsht 5 yields true
    &check_fields ;					#calls sub-routine checking fields
    &load_suppliers ;					#calls sub-routine loading suppliers
    &read_tariff1 ;					#calls sub-routine reading tarrifs
    &print_array;					#calls sub-routine printing sorted array
    &email1;						#calls e-mail sub-routine that defines e-mail content
    &screen1;						#sub-routine calling module with HTML content


sub check_fields {

$error  = "";						

&dcheck("SELL FROM DATE", "$iselldd", "$isellmm", "$isellyy");
&dcheck("FROM DATE", "$istartdd", "$istartmm", "$istartyy");
&dcheck("TO DATE",   "$ienddd", "$iendmm", "$iendyy");

if ($error){ $msg = $error ; &screen1 ; exit; }


sub push_the_first_array {

&prices1;						#sub-routine containing price calculations

#print "<BR>$tcode - $tariff1{$tcode},$tariff2{$tcode},$tariff3{$tcode},$tariff4{$tcode},$thotel";

if (lc $tptnr eq 'bbb') {
    $sort_key_tptnr = 'AAA' ;
    $sort_key_tptnr = 'ZZZ' ;

$sort_key  = "$tstartccyymmdd$tendccyymmdd$troomtyp$tstaymin$sort_key_tptnr" ;

#print "<BR>$sort_key";

if ($tmaxchd > 1) {
    $print_tshareage = "($tshareage)";
    $print_tshareage = "";

$sort_line = "$tariff1{$tcode},$tariff2{$tcode},$tariff3{$tcode},$tariff4{$tcode},$thotel,$sort_key,$tstartccyymmdd,$tendccyymmdd,$troomtyp,$tminocc,$tmaxadu,$tmaxchd $print_tshareage,$tminage,$tstaymin,$tstaymax,$tntsfree,$sgl_room_ttl,$dbl_room_ttl,$tpl_room_ttl,$qad_room_ttl,$qin_room_ttl,$sex_room_ttl,$tchdpola,$cha_room_ttl,$tchdpolb,$chb_room_ttl,$tchdpolc,$chc_room_ttl,$tsellcur,$twkend,$tcode,$tpricenote";

#print "<BR> $sort_line";

push @thearray, $sort_line;



sub print_array {

$print_S1FILE .= "REGION:$ifoldern, DATE RANGE:$istartdd.$istartmm.$istartyy - $ienddd.$iendmm.$iendyy,\n";
$print_S1FILE .= "Start Date,End Date,Room Type,Stay,Min Occ,Max Adult,Max Child,Min Age,Min Stay,Max Stay,Free Nts,Sell Curr,Dbl/Twn,Single,Triple,Quad,Quin,Sext,Child Policy A,Child Supp A,Child Policy B,Child Supp B,Child Policy C,Child Supp C,Note,\n" ;

@sorted1 = sort @thearray;

foreach $array1line (@sorted1) {
    ($sort_stariff1,$sort_stariff2,$sort_stariff3,$sort_stariff4,$sort_hotel,$sort_key,$sort_start,$sort_end,$sort_roomtyp,$sort_minocc,$sort_tmaxadu,$sort_tmaxchd,$sort_minage,$sort_tstaymin,$sort_tstaymax,$sort_freents,$sort_sgl_room_ttl,$sort_dbl_room_ttl,$sort_tpl_room_ttl,$sort_qad_room_ttl,$sort_qin_room_ttl,$sort_sex_room_ttl,$sort_tchdpola,$sort_cha_room_ttl,$sort_tchdpolb,$sort_chb_room_ttl,$sort_tchdpolc,$sort_chc_room_ttl,$sort_tsellcur,$sort_twkend,$sort_tcode,$sort_tpricenote) = split(/\,/, $array1line);

    $test = "$sort_hotel$sort_roomtyp$sort_start$sort_tstaymin$sort_twkend";

    unless ($done{$test}) {
        &print_it_out ;
        $done{$test} = 'y' ;


sub print_it_out {

#print "<BR>************* $sort_stariff1,$sort_stariff2,$sort_stariff3,$sort_stariff4,$sort_hotel,$sort_key,$sort_start";

if ($header1 ne $sort_stariff1) {
    $print_S1FILE .= "\n$sort_stariff1\n";
    $header1 = $sort_stariff1;

if ($header2 ne $sort_stariff2) {
    $print_S1FILE .= "\n$sort_stariff2\n";
    $header2 = $sort_stariff2;

if ($header3 ne $sort_stariff3) {
    $print_S1FILE .= "$sort_stariff3\n";
    $header3 = $sort_stariff3;

if ($header4 ne "$sort_hotel-$sort_stariff4") {
    $print_S1FILE .= "$sort_hotel\n";
    $header4 = "$sort_hotel-$sort_stariff4";
    $current_date_start = ' ';
    $current_date_end   = ' ';

if ($current_date_start ne $sort_start) {
    $current_date_start = $sort_start;
    $print_date_start = substr($sort_start,6,2) . "." . substr($sort_start,4,2) . ".". substr($sort_start,2,2);
    $print_date_start = ' ';

if ($current_date_end ne $sort_end) {
    $current_date_end = $sort_end;
    $print_date_end = $sort_end;
    $print_date_end = substr($sort_end,6,2) . "." . substr($sort_end,4,2) . ".". substr($sort_end,2,2);
    $print_date_end = ' ';

if ($sort_twkend) {
    $twkend = $sort_twkend ; # use $twkend just for the purpose of calling &twkend to get $wkend_name for printing
    &twkend ;
#   $sort_roomtyp = "$sort_roomtyp - $wkend_name" ;

if  (lc $sort_tchdpola eq 'n/a') {
    $print_tchdpola = $sort_tchdpola ;
    if ($sort_tchdpola eq $sort_tchdpolb) {
        $print_tchdpola = "First ($sort_tchdpola)";
        $print_tchdpola = "($sort_tchdpola)";

if  (lc $sort_tchdpolb eq 'n/a') {
    $print_tchdpolb = $sort_tchdpolb ;
    if ($sort_tchdpola eq $sort_tchdpolb) {
        $print_tchdpolb = "Second ($sort_tchdpolb)";
        $print_tchdpolb = "($sort_tchdpolb)";

if  (lc $sort_tchdpolc eq 'n/a') {
    $print_tchdpolc = $sort_tchdpolc ;
    $print_tchdpolc = "($sort_tchdpolc)" ;

$print_S1FILE .= "$print_date_start,$print_date_end,$sort_roomtyp,$wkend_name,$sort_minocc,$sort_tmaxadu,$sort_tmaxchd,$sort_minage,$sort_tstaymin,$sort_tstaymax,$sort_freents,$sort_tsellcur,$sort_dbl_room_ttl,$sort_sgl_room_ttl,$sort_tpl_room_ttl,$sort_qad_room_ttl,$sort_qin_room_ttl,$sort_sex_room_ttl,$print_tchdpola,$sort_cha_room_ttl,$print_tchdpolb,$sort_chb_room_ttl,$print_tchdpolc,$sort_chc_room_ttl,$sort_tpricenote,\n" ;

$wkend_name = '' ; # use $twkend just for purpose of calling &twkend and printing - now it needs to be reset to blank (used for printing only)


sub read_tariff1 {

$tariff1file = "$hotelpath/$iregion/$tariff1";							#defines the tarrif file

#print "<BR>-$tariff1file---";

open    (H1FILE, "$tariff1file") ;								#opens the tarrif file
if ($local eq 'n') { flock (H1FILE, LOCK_SH) or die "can't lock $tariff1file: $!"; }		#file locked if program is run
while (<H1FILE>) {										#starts the loop while file is opened:
    chomp;											#chomps the file by lines
    @linex = split(/\,/);									#split lines by slashes putting each line in an array
    &tfields;											#module with sub-routine with fields of tarrif file
    $tcode = lc $tcode;										#put codes in lower-case
    &date_range_check ;										#check the date range

close   (H1FILE);										#close the FILE


sub date_range_check {

$tsellfccyymmdd = "20$tsellfyymmdd" ;								#add the  20 in front of the date
$tselltccyymmdd = "20$tselltyymmdd" ;								
$tstartccyymmdd = "20$tstartyymmdd" ;
$tendccyymmdd   = "20$tendyymmdd" ;

if (($isellccyymmdd < $tsellfccyymmdd) or ($isellccyymmdd > $tselltccyymmdd)) { return ; }

if ($tptnr) {
    if (lc $tptnr ne 'flc') { return ; }		#defines the partner logged on

if ((($istartccyymmdd >= $tstartccyymmdd) and ($istartccyymmdd <= $tendccyymmdd))		#if input date is >= input start and tour start and input end <= tour end 
or  (($tstartccyymmdd >= $istartccyymmdd) and ($iendccyymmdd   >= $tstartccyymmdd))) {		#or tour start date >= input start and input end <= tarrif start
    &push_the_first_array ;									#call sub-routine


sub print_hotel_details {

unless ($done_address{$tcode} eq 'y') {
    $print_canxpol = '';

    &canxpol($sbillcode{$tcode},'flc',$istartdd,$istartmm) ;

    $print_S2FILE .= "$thotel ($sstar{$tcode}) , Address : ,$sadd1{$tcode}, $sadd2{$tcode}, $sadd3{$tcode}, $sadd4{$tcode}, $spcode{$tcode}, $sctry{$tcode}\n";
    $print_S2FILE .= ", Phone : ,$sphone{$tcode},\n";
    $print_S2FILE .= ", Fax : ,$sfax{$tcode},\n";
    $print_S2FILE .= ", Child Policy :, $snote{$tcode}\n";
    $print_S2FILE .= ",$print_canxpol\n";
    $print_S2FILE .= "\n";

    $done_address{$tcode} = 'y';


sub screen1 {

require flcsprdsht5 ;



sub load_suppliers {

$supplier1file = "$supplierpath/$iregion/suppliers.csv";

open    (S1FILE, "$supplier1file") ;
if ($local eq 'n') { flock (S1FILE, LOCK_SH) or die "can't lock $supplier1file: $!"; }

while (<S1FILE>) {
    @linex = split(/\,/);

    $lc_scode = lc $scode;
#   $name{$lc_scode}    = $sname;
    $tariff1{$lc_scode}     = $stariff1;
    $tariff2{$lc_scode}     = $stariff2;
    $tariff3{$lc_scode}     = $stariff3;
    $tariff4{$lc_scode}     = $stariff4;
    $sstar{$lc_scode}       = $sstar;
    $sadd1{$lc_scode}       = $sadd1;
    $sadd2{$lc_scode}       = $sadd2;
    $sadd3{$lc_scode}       = $sadd3;
    $sadd4{$lc_scode}       = $sadd4;
    $spcode{$lc_scode}      = $spcode;
    $sphone{$lc_scode}      = $sphone;
    $sfax{$lc_scode}        = $sfax;
    $sctry{$lc_scode}       = $sctry;
    $sbillcode{$lc_scode}   = $sbillcode;
    $snote{$lc_scode}       = $snote;

close   (S1FILE);


sub email1 {

if ($local eq 'y') {
    open(MAIL,">$mailprog")     or die "opening $mailprog failed: $!";
    open(MAIL,"|$mailprog -t")  or die "opening $mailprog failed: $!";

my $boundary = "====" . time() . "====";

print MAIL "To: asamsodien\@eccotours.biz\n";
#print MAIL "To: tim.winkworth\@flightcentre.co.uk\n";

From: Website <website\@domian.biz>
Subject: Rates Check Spreadsheet - $ifoldern
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="$boundary"

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Hi $username,

Here is the information that you requested from the website.
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Rates-$iregion.csv"			#calls the input region thus printing the tarrif file of
											#specified region that has been input in the screen file	 	
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Rates-$iregion.csv"

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Suppliers-$iregion.csv"			#reads supplier file and spits out the contact details
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Suppliers-$iregion.csv"



close (MAIL);


use canxpol;				#module with cancellation policy
use twkend;
use sfields;				#module defining supplier.CSV file into recognizable variables 
use tfields;				#module with tarrif fields defined as recognizable variables
use fchecks;
use dcheck;				#checks dates
use today;				#prints todays date	
use prices1;

I need to call a another CSV file by maipulating this one in order to spit out data that'll just be from the specified CSV fiile the problem lies at the top of the code where the $iregion is defined as the input and ultimately output. I need to determine a way to call the other CSV file instead of the one called $iregion. Our coder of this is on leave so I couldn't get an answer from him. I know this prob looks and sounds confusing but can anyone help me in terms of where to start, I'm really frustrated :(

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All 4 Replies

i thought this thread was about "strangling newbies"

imagine my dismay when i found a ten-mile long post full of incoherent code with no syntax coloring.

i thought this thread was about "strangling newbies"

imagine my dismay when i found a ten-mile long post full of incoherent code with no syntax coloring.

That was completely uncalled for, jephthah. If you're going to take the path of the angry programmer, at least try to follow the lead of the successful ones. There's a fine line between tough love and violating Keep It Pleasant.

And for future reference, the highlighting feature of code tags is optional. You should be thrilled the OP used code tags at all. It could have been pages and pages of unformatted line noise rather than relatively well formatted and clean Perl code. I see no reason for complaint.

yeah, actually, it is pretty doggone clean code, esp. for Perl... I dont remember it being like that. did it get cleaned up? guess not, i dont see evidence of an edit...

Really, I did read "strangling newbies" in my dyslexia and found it amusing... too bad my comment wasn't nearly as cute.

i guess since it was already over a month old, with no replies, i figured it was a dead thread.


(and really, im not "angry" ... im just a run-of-the-mill internet a--hole :( )


Dear Achmat

sorry for crapping in your thread. since it was over a month old when i first saw it, i figured you were long gone. if you're still around, let me know and i'll try to help you with it.

it would help if you can provide example files such as the ones you're trying to use


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