pravarag 0 Newbie Poster

i've been working on a testproject as part of my django learning, the project is such that a client registers itself on the application and similarly a contractor can also register itself, the client can have many projects and in those projects, a project can have many contractors which are to be added either at the time of making a project or can be added afterwords from the list of available, the relation b/w contractor and project is such that a contractor can also work on different projects..i've tried using manytomanyFields but the problem is, as the contractor can register itself separately or it can be added to the project while creating a project or it can be added to a project afterwords it's hard to implement manytomany relation for both project and the contractor..i've tried implementing pizza & topping example from django docs but that didn't work.can anybody help? plz??i'm stuck on this..