I want to make a Tkinter button respond to a left and right mouse click differently. How can I do this?

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Binding the mouse button to a particular function will do it ...

from Tkinter import *

def left(event):
    root.title('clicked left')
def right(event):
    root.title('clicked right')

root = Tk()
root.title('click left or right on button')

btn1 = Button(root, text=' Click on me ... ', width=40)
btn1.bind('<Button-1>', left)   # bind left mouse click
btn1.bind('<Button-3>', right)  # bind right mouse click


I noticed the argument 'event'. What does it contain? What can it be used for? Right now it seems to be just a dummy argument that is not used for anything.

The argument 'event' is the event that called your function. In your case it would be a mouse-click. You could retrieve the mouse pointer position coordinates from the event ...

import Tkinter as tk
def click(event):
    """display the click coordinates"""
    str1 = 'x=', event.x, 'y=', event.y
root = tk.Tk()
root.title('click left or right on button')
btn1 = tk.Button(root, text=' Click on me ... ', width=40)
btn1.bind('<Button-1>', click)   # bind left mouse click

Also notice that with the DrPython IDE the moment you type 'tk.' the code completion assistant kicks in, a nice feature.

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