I am having trouble figuring out how to get a user inputted value into a structure I've created to make a linked list of stacks. The structure and pointer info before main() are:

struct inforec
int item;

struct node;
typedef node *PT_NODE;

struct node
inforec info;
PT_NODE next;

typedef PT_NODE Stack;

the function and prototype to get a value onto the stack are:

int push(Stack &, inforec &); 

int push(Stack & S, inforec & item)
cout << "Enter a value to push" << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
cin >> item.item; //THIS IS WHERE I'M HAVING TROUBLE - 
PT_NODE P = new node;
P-> info = item;
P-> next = S;
S = P;

I can't seem to figure out what the dot operator connects to in order to take the user's input for "item". Can anyone help?

Thanks kindly -

One other thing: just after main the following definitions:

int choice;
Stack S;
inforec L;
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