hadisur_rahman 0 Newbie Poster
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
bool testPass(char []);//function prototype to check password
int main()
    char *password;
    int length; //assure requested length and password length are the same
    int numCharacters; //hold number of characters for password
    cout << "Please enter how many characters you would like your\npassword to be.";
    cout << " Your password must be at least 6 characters long." << endl;
    cin >> numCharacters;

    while (numCharacters < 6)
        cout << "Please enter a password length of at least 6 characters." << endl;
        cin >> numCharacters;

    password = new char[numCharacters+1];

    cout << "Please enter a password that contains at least one uppercase letter, ";
    cout << "one\nlowercase letter, and at least one digit." << endl;
    cin >> password;
    length = strlen(password);
    while (length != numCharacters)
        cout << "Your password is not the size you requested. ";
        cout << "Please re-enter your password." << endl;
        cin >> password;
        length = strlen(password);

    if (testPass(password))
        cout << "Your password is valid." << endl;
        cout << "Your password is not valid. ";
        cout << "Please refer to the above warning message." << endl;

    delete[] password ;
    return 0;

/*This function will check each input and ensure that the password
contains a uppercase, lowercase, and digit.*/

bool testPass(char pass[])
    bool aUpper = false,
         aLower = false,
         aDigit = false ;
    for ( int i = 0 ; pass[i] ; ++i )
        if ( isupper(pass[i]) )
            aUpper = true ;
        else if ( islower(pass[i]) )
            aLower = true ;
        else if ( isdigit(pass[i]) )
            aDigit = true ;
    if ( aUpper && aLower && aDigit )
        return true;
        return false ;
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