Adding/Updating Sql Records

Updated everettnewell 0 Tallied Votes 535 Views Share

With both subs you must enter the values as you would write them into a sql string i.e. 'mustsurroundstrings'

I'm rather new at VB.Net and SQL but these work for me and are seem pretty efficient. If anyone has a way to improve on them or finds a flaw in them please feel free to email me [snipped].

Public Sub AddRecord(ByVal tbl As String, ByVal fields As String, ByVal values As String)
        Dim con As New SqlConnection
        Dim sqlcmd As SqlCommand
        con.ConnectionString = My.Resources.ConnString
                sqlcmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [" & tbl & "] (" & fields & ") VALUES(" & values & ")", con)
                Dim check As Integer = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader.RecordsAffected
                If check < 1 Then
                    MsgBox("Record was not added to " & tbl)
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try

    End Sub

Public Sub UpdateRecord(ByVal tbl As String, ByVal id As String, ByVal fields As String, ByVal values As String)
        Dim con As New SqlConnection
        Dim sqlcmd As SqlCommand

        con.ConnectionString = My.Resources.ConnString
        Dim multifields() As String = {fields}
        Dim multivalues() As String = {values}

        If InStr(",", fields) Then
            multifields = Split(fields, ",")
        End If
        If InStr(",", values) Then
            multivalues = Split(values, ",")
        End If

                For n As Integer = 0 To multifields.Length - 1
                    If multifields(n) <> "" Then
                        sqlcmd = New SqlCommand("UPDATE [" & tbl & "] SET=[" & multifields(n) & "]=" & multivalues(n) _
                                                & " WHERE ([Id]=" & id & ")", con)
                        Dim check As Integer = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader.RecordsAffected
                        If check < 1 Then
                            MsgBox("Record was not modified")
                        End If
                    End If
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
naeem sikandar 0 Newbie Poster

good ,,,,,,,,,,,, bosss nce program keeeeeeeeeep it
really up .......

awachiraantony 0 Newbie Poster

can someone send me the code for a login form using and sql.urgent!!!

vishalrane 0 Junior Poster in Training
Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
        If txtUsername.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Please Enter Username")
        ElseIf txtPassword.Text = "" Then
            MsgBox("Please Enter Password")
        End If

            Dim con As New SqlConnection("Data Source=XXXX-B4C521B850\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TT;Integrated Security=True")
            Dim ds1 As New DataSet
            Dim da1 As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from Login where UserName='" & Trim(txtUsername.Text) & "'and Password='" & Trim(txtPassword.Text) & "'", con)

            If da1.Fill(ds1) Then


                MsgBox("Invalid Password or Username")

            End If

        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub
adam_k 239 Master Poster

@vishalrane Your login form is pretty easy to bypass.
Change lines 10 - 14 to:

dim dc as sqlcommand 
dc.connection = con

dc.commandtext = "select count(*) from Login where UserName ='" &Trim(txtUsername.Text) & "' and Password='" & Trim(txtPassword.Text) & "'")
dim result = dc.executescalar

if result = 1 then

(Written by heart, may contain typos or errors)

This way even if the query doesn't return the results you intend, the form won't show.

If you want to take things seriously get the QUOTENAME function involved when passing username and password.

Maulikpra 0 Newbie Poster

can send me update single row code for in studio 2010 ...... plzzzzzzzz..

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