Everyone..please help me...
I cannot save my list item to the database with this code.

Dim my_cmd As MySqlCommand
                        my_cmd = New MySqlCommand()
                        my_cmd.CommandText = "insert into documenttable values(route1,route2,route3,route4,route5,route6,route7,route8,route9,route10,route11,route12)"
                        rs.Open(query, conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route1").Value, .ListBox1.Items(0))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route2").Value, .ListBox1.Items(1))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route3").Value, .ListBox1.Items(2))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route4").Value, .ListBox1.Items(3))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route5").Value, .ListBox1.Items(4))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route6").Value, .ListBox1.Items(5))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route7").Value, .ListBox1.Items(6))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route8").Value, .ListBox1.Items(7))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route9").Value, .ListBox1.Items(8))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route10").Value, .ListBox1.Items(9))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route11").Value, .ListBox1.Items(10))
                        my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route12").Value, .ListBox1.Items(11))

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All 8 Replies

your insert command should be something like:

Dim my_cmd As MySqlCommand
my_cmd = New MySqlCommand()
my_cmd.CommandText = "insert into documenttable(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) values(route1,route2,route3,route4,route5,route6,route7,route8,route9,route10,route11,route12)"
rs.Open(query, conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route1").Value, .ListBox1.Items(0))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route2").Value, .ListBox1.Items(1))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route3").Value, .ListBox1.Items(2))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route4").Value, .ListBox1.Items(3))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route5").Value, .ListBox1.Items(4))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route6").Value, .ListBox1.Items(5))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route7").Value, .ListBox1.Items(6))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route8").Value, .ListBox1.Items(7))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route9").Value, .ListBox1.Items(8))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route10").Value, .ListBox1.Items(9))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route11").Value, .ListBox1.Items(10))
my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(rs("route12").Value, .ListBox1.Items(11))

whats the"?" means?


? means the field in your table in your database. The command in your code cannot add because it doesn't know what field is he adding to.

my_cmd.CommandText = "insert into documenttable(fieldroute1,fieldroute2,fieldroute3,fieldroute4,fieldroute5,fieldroute6,fieldroute7,fieldroute8,fieldroute9,fieldroute210) values(route1,route2,route3,route4,route5,route6,route7,route8,route9,route10,route11,route12)"

try this one and let us know if it answers your question.

my original code look like this

my_cmd.CommandText = "Insert into documenttable(route1,route2,route3,route4,route5,route6,route7,route8,route9,route10,route11,route12) values (route1,route2,route3,route4,route5,route6,route7,route8,route9,route10,route11,route12)"           
 my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route2", .ListBox1.Items.Item(1))
                                  my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route3", .ListBox1.Items.Item(2))
                                  my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route4", .ListBox1.Items.Item(3))
                                 my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route5", .ListBox1.Items.Item(4))
                                my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route6", .ListBox1.Items.Item(5))
                               my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route7", .ListBox1.Items.Item(6))
                              my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route8", .ListBox1.Items.Item(7))
                             my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route9", .ListBox1.Items.Item(8))
                            my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route10", .ListBox1.Items.Item(9))
                           my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route11", .ListBox1.Items.Item(10))
                          my_cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("route12", .ListBox1.Items.Item(11))

A easier way is this, contencate the statement with the information in it

my_cmd.CommandText = "Insert into TableName _
      (route1,route2,route3,route4,route5,route6,route7,route8,route9,route10,route11,route12) Values " _ 
      & ListBox1.Items.Item(0) _
      & "," _
      & ListBox1.Items.Item(1) _
      & ListBox1.Items.Item(11) & ") "

then call the command. Less confusion and it will fill the objects that you need in one shot

this is my whole code kindly check it...

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
        Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
        conn = New ADODB.Connection
        rs = New ADODB.Recordset

        With conn
            .ConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" _
            & "SERVER=" & MySQL_SVR & ";" _
            & "DATABASE=DocumentDB;" _
            & "UID=" & MySQL_UID & ";" _
            & "PWD=" & MySQL_PWD & ";" _
            & "OPTION=" & 1 + 2 + 8 + 32 + 2048 + 16384
            .CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient
        End With


        With rs
                query = "SELECT * FROM Documenttable WHERE documentID= '" & frmDocumentDetails.txtBarcodeID.Text & "'"

                rs.Open(query, conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic)

                If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then

                    MsgBox("Please click again the GENERATE ID NUMBER button because that BARCODE NUMBER already exist. Thank you.", vbCritical, "ERROR BARCODE ID : : EVSU Document Tracking")


                    With frmDocumentDetails
                        rs(0).Value = .txtBarcodeID.Text
                        rs(1).Value = .lblDateToday.Text
                        rs(2).Value = .txtDocumentCreator.Text
                        rs(3).Value = .txtTitle.Text
                        rs(4).Value = .cmbtype.Text
                        rs(5).Value = .txtDesc.Text
                        rs(6).Value = .txtCurrent.Text

                        Dim my_cmd As MySqlCommand
                        For j As Integer = 0 To .ListBox1.Items.Count.ToString - 1
                            my_cmd = New MySqlCommand()
                            my_cmd.CommandText = ("Insert into documenttable (route1, route2, route3, route4, route5, route6, route7, route8, route9, route10, route11, route12) values " _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(0) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(1) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(2) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(3) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(4) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(5) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(6) _
                                                 & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(7) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(8) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(9) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(10) _
                                                      & "," _
                                                & .ListBox1.Items.Item(11) & ") ")


                    End With
                    MsgBox("Details has been save.!", vbInformation, "EVSU Document Tracking")

                    MsgBox("This will continue to Document Barcode Printing.", vbInformation, "EVSU Document Tracking")
                    frmConfirmationWindow.txtInput.Text = (frmDocumentDetails.txtBarcodeID.Text)

                    With frmDocumentDetails

                        Dim str1 As String = .txtTitle.Text
                        .txtBarcodeID.Text = ""
                        .txtDesc.Text = ""
                        .cmbName.Text = ""
                        .txtTitle.Text = ""
                        .cmbtype.Text = ""
                        .txtCurrent.Text = ""

                    End With
                End If
            Catch ex As Exception
                Exit Try
            End Try
        End With

Hi i think you miss one open parenthesis there.

my_cmd.CommandText = ("Insert into documenttable (route1, route2, route3, route4, route5, route6, route7, route8, route9, route10, route11, route12) values (" _  <---Here
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(0) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(1) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(2) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(3) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(4) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(5) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(6) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(7) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(8) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(9) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(10) _
& "," _
& .ListBox1.Items.Item(11) & ") ")

Is there any error? can you post it here? ty

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