please help me on my school project it is called "faculty evaluation system" my project is used to evaluate faculty members,i will use the following softwares, visual basic 2008 editon, ms sql server 2000, and crystal reports, what i want to do is their will be a question and it is answerable by 5 choices, i will use combobox for the list of choices and combobox too for the list of professors to be evaluated,and when the user click the "SUBMIT BUTTON" the data will be stored in the ms sql server to the specific professor and to the specific question that will be answered by the user and the data will count as 1 into the database, it just like a voting system,,,and after that, if the user want to see the results of the evaluation upon clicking the "VIEW RESULT BUTTON" the data from database will be exported to the crystal reports and it will show the results of the evaluation,,please help me,,,,

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