I have this webpage. It has a wysiwyg html editor. It will create a blog post to my blogs with its contents everytime I hit submit. I hired someone to create this webpage so I cannot edit it. I don't want to mess it up.

I created a program in visual studio. It will go to my page that has a wysiwyg html editor using webbrowser1. I'm using a textbox to store my html. It has tags like <h1>title1</h1> <h2>Title2</h2> <p>paragraph</p> hyperlinks and etc.
Unfortunately, when I insert this html code to the wysiwyg html editor, it is just text. It doesn't convert the codes.
For example, I get <a href="http://www.google.com">google</a> instead of google
Can anyone help me? Thanks.

Most wysiwyg editors that I've seen include an option to view the source code. Perhaps enabling this view then inputting your code, will work.

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