I have a form in vb.net that contains textbox as ID, Name, Age, Sex, Hb, BG.
in database access i have 2 tables as Table1 and Table2.
The Table1 contains ID,Name,Age,Sex and Hb.
The Table2 contains ID,Name,Age,Sex and BG.
I want to save data as ID,Name,Age,Sex, BG to table2 only when i enter any value into textbox "BG" along with other textbox values.
Otherwise it will be saved in Table1 as ID,Name,Age,Sex,Hb when i enter Hb value alon with other textbox values.
And when i enter both Hb and BG value, both tables will save respective data.
So please help me with code.

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I don't know your data, but you should probably use 3 tables:

Table 1:

  • ID: primary key
  • Name
  • Age
  • Sex

If one ID in Table 1 has many entries in Table 2:

Table 2:
1:M (1 to many)

  • ID: primary key, foreign key references Table1(ID)
  • Hb: primary key

If one ID in Table 1 has, at most, one entry in Table 2:

Table 2:
1:1 (1 to 1)

  • ID: primary key, foreign key references Table1(ID)
  • Hb:

If one ID in Table 1 has many entries in Table 3:

Table 3:
1:M (1 to many)

  • ID: primary key, foreign key references Table1(ID)
  • BG: primary key

If one ID in Table 1 has, at most, one entry in Table 3:

Table 3:
1:1 (1 to 1)

  • ID: primary key, foreign key references Table1(ID)
  • BG:

Of course, you have to look at your data, and then choose your table design appropriately. If you are duplicating a bunch of columns, you probably need another table.

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