Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book But i am generating the JSON code dynamically. If there is no video than i hide the VideoObject tag with if statement. Should i just remove the `itemscope itemtype=""` DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa …;. When a user asks a question, the DaniWeb AI will auto answer your question if it's been known to be… How Build Html form ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …:left;margin-top: 10px;margin-bottom:30px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;background: #fff;" > <div class="title… Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book …;'; echo '<video controls width="100%" height="auto" poster="' . $image1 . '" itemprop="video">… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by toneewa …// Create a statement stmt = con->createStatement(); auto start_time0 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // SQL query ….count() << " seconds\n"; auto start_time2 = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // Third query with… Re: How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 …repeat: no no-repeat; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: auto; } .body2{ height: 100%; width: 100%; background: rgb…; } footer{ width: 100%; padding-bottom: 26px; margin-bottom: auto; color: rgb(100, 83, 83); font-family: 'Gill Sans… Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Currently, when you ask a question on DaniWeb, as you type in the title and message, we perform a search against all of our existing content to see if a similar question has already been asked. However, I do admit that I don't have any experience with ChatGPT nor do I know how to train an AI model. From my understanding, the API costs money, … Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa The question was inspired from seeing [news]( and [videos]( on Chat with RTX. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani That looks interesting. It’s not relevant to us because we would need an expensive GTX video card, Windows computer, and there’s no API … but it looks intriguing :) Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa An RTX 30 or 40 series card with 8GB of VRAM. ~$299. There is no support with Wine a user has reported. There was a link to a [python api]( That was just an example and a thought, but not limited there. There's creative solutions. Having only users with an RTX card can use the feature, … Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani Pardon my cluelessness here. A $300 video card can efficiently perform complex AI tasks against DaniWeb’s entire database in real time? Missed the link to the Python API. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa I have yet to try it or find it's limitations. Trying to free up some space. Those were the minimum requirements, plus 16GB of RAM and ~100GB free space. I also don't know how large a dataset for DaniWeb would be. Will know more later. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa It indeed seems to be working. The interface is all done in the browser, on your localhost,, and I stripped it down to just the message box. Just have to gather more data, and it seems good. Took ~50 minutes to get installed. The dataset can be a simple text file with a space between each topic thread. Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa I did some sample testing, and parsed a thread topic for the dataset. Reducing the footprint from 220kb to 26.5kb. All in 0.43 seconds. It doesn't use any API. Just the patterns I saw in the code. It took another 6 seconds to embed too Chat with RTX. Then, not deducting for the deleted threads, this could be a lot smaller, and quicker than … Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Read a Book BUMP. Anyone can help with this issue ? :/ Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani I’ll take a look at this tomorrow. I’m currently in bed :) Re: Video is not the main content of the page Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani You have the itemtype set to a VideoObject but, as you point out, only sometimes is there actually an .mp4 file. The rest of the time, it's a static image such as a png, jpg, or jpeg. Google probably doesn't trust your meta tags since they are inaccurate half the time. Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … import pandas as pd from pdf2image import convert_from_path from import tqdm import pytesseract import easyocr ``` ## Table Detection with Table… Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with Google Gemma From HuggingFace Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 …; tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name, device_map="auto") ``` Finally, we will define the `generate_response()` function that accepts… Re: How to disable the automatic swipe effect on the product page? Programming Web Development by Dani …: true, spaceBetween: 10, slidesPerView: "auto", effect: "fade", parallax:…;.portfolio-thumb", { slidesPerView: "auto", spaceBetween: 0, }); var swiper2 … Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani … and experience, and asking them to simply sign off on auto-generated research that was collated from across random sources on… Re: How to disable the automatic swipe effect on the product page? Programming Web Development by Read a Book @kimnancy I tried contacting them for over 2 weeks... Their customer support is non existent P.S i still have the same problem... i still cannot disable the auto swiping effect... Tried to learn the lightgallery docs. but cant find relevant info Re: Lots of new members but no one posts Community Center Meta DaniWeb by pritaeas Spammers? Perhaps auto-deleted? Re: SiteShow -- Create a slideshow of web pages Programming Web Development by PROSYS_1 wow.. its working fine... very useful for me to complete my task.. thanks auto generate number in data base creates negative numbers in Programming Software Development by BiplabDH auto generate number in data base creates negative numbers in how to make it working perfectly.i am using using databindings please help me Re: Auto Generate Number Programming Web Development by JorgeM >auto generate number with current month and year. Its Should auto generate. If you can be more specific and/or clarify what you are having trouble with, that would be helpful in getting the best guidance. Re: Auto marking of solved threads as solved. Community Center Meta DaniWeb by John A Auto-marking threads as solved would defeat the purpose of having the 'solved' feature in the first place. I don't want to know if a thread has been active within the last 3 months, I want to know if the issue was resolved. Re: AUTO INCREMENT definition mismatch for TIMESTAMP Programming Databases by pritaeas auto increment works on integer fields. Re: how do i auto-shut down windows XP? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Mark2011 Auto Shutdown XP from Gill IT will do this for you: Re: How to insert auto increment key value in mysql using servlet-jsp? Programming Web Development by stultuske auto increment is something you configure in your database, not in …