How to use DateTime axes in graph or bar chart in Programming Software Development by dipankarnalui i want to use y axes as datetime and x axes as interger. i used zedgraph control. i used the following … ? i uploaded two images. from that table i want x axes = no of frames means integer and y… MayaVi stretch Axes Programming Software Development by sebcbien …spectrum acquisition. I actually am unable to stretch the axes. The result is a poor representation: [URL="…=, time, values,warp_scale = 'auto') mlab.axes(extent = [wavelength.min(),wavelength.max(),time.min(),time.max(),values… 10) [/CODE] I did try to put mlab.axes() first but didn't change a single thing. Do … How to use timespan axes in bar chart in Programming Software Development by dipankarnalui … how to use bar chart in for timespan axes ? (integer) should be x axes and (Timespan) should be y… Python GUI: HOW to share axes and remove flicker Programming Software Development by hopefullin …, plot2) in the GUI. I want they share the same axes. I tried with many methods but only found that just… Rescaling the displayed axes on a color plot Programming Software Development by toll_booth …, 100; etc. When doing a color plot, matplotlib numbers both axes by the index number, not the value contained therein. So… AttributeError and path coding problems Programming Software Development by sebcbien …] = self.procFile(path) return path def pushedDrawCh1(self): self.mplCh1.axes.plot([0][0],[0][1]) self…(min(x),max(x)) self.mplImpedance.axes.set_ylim(min(y),max(y)) self.mplImpedance.axes.draw() def redraw(self): nop() return '… Best way to split input Programming Software Development by rev_ollie … dpi=self.dpi) self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.axes.set_axis_bgcolor('black') self.axes.set_title('Arduno Read', size=12…# to the plotted line series # self.plot_data = self.axes.plot(, linewidth=1, color=(1, 1, 0… wxPython Scrolling Questions Programming Software Development by jrcagle … self.Refresh() def TurnAxesOff(self): """Disable the axes from the display.""" self._showaxes = False self…self.Refresh() def OnPaint(self, event): """Show axes (if enabled) and graph.""" dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC… Simple issue is getting on my nerves :( Programming Software Development by Umar Ali … x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } //Label x - axes with grade choices String [ ] label = {"A"…-i*yIncrement+5); } } //Draw the axes for the graph public void drawAxes (Graphics g…x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } //Label x - axes with grade choices String [ ] label = {"A"… Help needed with Advanced $variables Programming Web Development by KingGold171 … "alchemy", "archery", "axes", "excavation", "fishing",…mcmmo_experience.excavation, mcmmo_experience.archery, mcmmo_experience.swords, mcmmo_experience.axes, mcmmo_experience.acrobatics, FROM mcmmo_users INNER… excel Programming Software Development by Nurilhansiz …ChartTitle.Characters.Text = "Assembly Mistakes" .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "No… .ActiveChart.Legend.Select .Selection.Position = xlBottom .ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).Select .Windows("Book2").SmallScroll Down:=-3 … problem plotting graph Programming Software Development by thane33 …kwargs) File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 2674, in semilogx l = self…): File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 421, in _grab_next_args for seg …**kwargs): File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 337, in _plot_2_args x, y, multicol… [matplotlib] How to set tight axis for log? Programming Software Development by plaf … * fig = Figure((6.5, 5.0), dpi=100) axes = fig.add_subplot(xlen,ylen,pos, polar=False, autoscale_on=False…) axes.errorbar(data1[0,0][0], mean(data2[n],1),…(data2[n],1)/sqrt(len(data2[n])))) axes.set_xscale('log') axes.axis('tight') axes.set_ylim([0,max(mean(tuning[n],1))*1… [matplotlib] How to set tight axis for log? axis('tight') doesn't work well?) Programming Software Development by plaf … * fig = Figure((6.5, 5.0), dpi=100) axes = fig.add_subplot(xlen,ylen,pos, polar=False, autoscale_on=False…) axes.errorbar(data1[0,0][0], mean(data2[n],1),…(data2[n],1)/sqrt(len(data2[n])))) axes.set_xscale('log') axes.axis('tight') axes.set_ylim([0,max(mean(tuning[n],1))*1… Nearly finished VPython school assignment, looking for assistance. Programming Software Development by socksy ….choice(colorList), size = (1,1,1), axis = random.choice(axes)) shapeList.append(shape) elif shape_to_create == "sphere": loc =… color = random.choice(colorList), radius = 1, axis = random.choice(axes)) shapeList.append(shape) elif shape_to_create == "cylinder": loc = get_location… Re: Help needed with Advanced $variables Programming Web Development by KingGold171 …obj->alchemy; $archeryLevel = $obj->archery; $axesLevel = $obj->axes; $excavationLevel = $obj->excavation; $fishingLevel = $obj->fishing; $…obj->alchemy; $archeryExp = $obj->archery; $axesExp = $obj->axes; $excavationExp = $obj->excavation; $fishingExp = $obj->fishing; $… Re: Help needed with Advanced $variables Programming Web Development by KingGold171 …", "alchemy", "archery", "axes", "excavation", "fishing", "…obj->alchemy; $archeryExp = $obj->archery; $axesExp = $obj->axes; $excavationExp = $obj->excavation; $fishingExp = $obj->fishing; $… How to show graph as a slideshow in PyQt5 Programming by itsbinsha …]) self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.clear() self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.plot(xs,ys) self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.legend(('cosinus', 'sinus…'), loc='upper right') self.MplWidget.canvas.axes.set_title('Signal' ) self.MplWidget.canvas.draw() if … a very beginner needs help in c++ Programming Software Development by Raulin … simply the integer for the m value (x axes) and n value (y axes) of the food[/COLOR] int c = 0; srand…;Green"] //new position of the food at (m,n) axes[/COLOR] c++; [COLOR="Green"]//running the loops[/COLOR… Graph class in wxWidgets Programming Software Development by Nick Evan … own class. In the snippet below I choose the Y-axes in a range from 0-100 (% for example) and the… x-axes in 3 different scales: 1 hour, 1 day and 2… the start of x scale. [B]Trivia:[/B] The x-axes will automatically change the scale of the caption if the… ExtJS 4 Now Offers Native Drawing, Charting Programming Web Development by jeffcogswell … the details. Next is an object describing the axes of the chart: [CODE]axes: [{ type: 'Numeric', grid: true, position: 'left', fields: ['data1… animate it, provided a data store, then specified what the axes look like, and finally the type of chart along with… Re: a very beginner needs help in c++ Programming Software Development by Raulin … changes randomnly every minute { int foodx; //x-axes for food int foody; //y-axes for food srand((unsigned)time(0)); for (int… Re: x axis on a simple line graph in matplotlib Programming Software Development by rasizzle …:\PortablePython_1.1_py2.6.1\App\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 311, in _grab_next_args for seg…C:\PortablePython_1.1_py2.6.1\App\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 288, in _plot_args x, y …:\PortablePython_1.1_py2.6.1\App\Lib\site-packages\matplotlib\", line 228, in _xy_from_xy raise ValueError… jpgraph+horizontal bar grapph Programming Web Development by Tess James While making the bar graph a horizontal one(JPGraph), am not able to align the axes' titles accordingly.. The titles r not shown parallel to the axes.. Solution PLZZZ.. Need help in excel vba for charts Programming Software Development by maraippo …, name:="bin#" With ActiveChart .HasTitle = False .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = False End With End Sub… How to set a random no function for positions of a box in FLTK? Programming Software Development by Raulin … changes randomnly every minute { int foodx; //x-axes for food int foody; //y-axes for food srand((unsigned)time(0)); for (int… Re: OWC 11: Is it possible to have combination chart? Programming Web Development by cubekid …series2.Type = ChartChartTypeEnum.chChartTypeSmoothLine; chart.Axes[1].Scaling.Minimum = 0; //chart.Axes[1].Scaling.Maximum = 320; chart…, "White", "Black"); chart.Axes[1].HasMajorGridlines = false;// Line.set_Weight((LineWeightEnum.owcLineWeightHairline)); //… Excel slow/crashing when I generate a graph using C# Programming Software Development by kevin.cochrane … be used in the graph x = (Excel.Axis)chartObj.Chart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlCategory, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); //Defines X-Axis Properties….AxisTitle.Text = "Time"; y = (Excel.Axis)chartObj.Chart.Axes(Excel.XlAxisType.xlValue, Excel.XlAxisGroup.xlPrimary); //Defines Y-Axis Properties… wxPython and pyLab Programming Software Development by Robbert …;"" # make a square figure and axes figure(1, figsize=(6,6)) ax = axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0… Re: wxPython and pyLab Programming Software Development by Robbert …;" # make a square figure and axes pylab.figure(1, figsize=(6,6)) ax = pylab.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8…