How to pause a url being played by axWindowsMediaPlayer in C# Programming Software Development by sumit_coder … am building a C# windows application and I am using axWindowsMediaPlayer to play a URL. I am using player.Ctlcontrols.pause… there's another way to pause a playing URL in axWindowsMediaPlayer. Please some up with some idea, any help is appreciated… C# axWindowsMediaPlayer Playlist issue Programming Software Development by Djmann1013 I am trying to make a MP3 player using axWindowsMediaPlayer, and I am running into some issues. When the song … C++ Music player help Programming Software Development by ethanbuckley … button4; private: System::Windows::Forms::Button^ button3; private: AxWMPLib::AxWindowsMediaPlayer^ axWindowsMediaPlayer1; private: /// <summary> /// Required designer …::Forms::Button()); this->axWindowsMediaPlayer1 = (gcnew AxWMPLib::AxWindowsMediaPlayer()); this->panel1->SuspendLayout(); this->tabControl1-&… Play sounds Programming Software Development by darab … beginnig of the sound)? it is possible with SoundPlayer or axWindowsMediaPlayer? PLZ help me i's in hurry Pleas help in resizing media control Programming Software Development by hweyskm … As New Panel Public Sub New(ByVal video As AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer) activeControlParent = panel1 AddHandler video.MouseDownEvent, AddressOf mediaclk video.Dock = DockStyle… Play subtitles Programming Software Development by Alkis90 Is there any way to play subtitles with axwindowsmediaplayer control? If not, is there any other component that support subtitles? If not, is there any other way to do that? Re: Play subtitles Programming Software Development by riteshbest …=Alkis90;1659077]Is there any way to play subtitles with axwindowsmediaplayer control? If not, is there any other component that support… vb - 2008 Programming Software Development by markdean.expres I have this control named axWindowsMediaPlayer. Everything is going smooth. Just have one concern - I have … How to change the aspect ratio of an Windows media player by using C# Programming Software Development by swathi sajja … bars on the left and right. this.MPlayer.stretchToFit = true; AxWindowsMediaPlayer mPlayer = this.MPlayer; mPlayer.URL = "Location of a file… Re: catch Media Player Error Programming Software Development by Teme64 … oErrorItem As WMPLib.IWMPErrorItem If CType(sender, AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.errorCount > 0 Then oErrorItem = CType(sender… = -1072885353 Then CType(sender, AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.clearErrorQueue() CType(sender, AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).URL = m_TempImageFileName End If End If … Re: catch Media Player Error Programming Software Development by Teme64 … errors Dim oErrorItem As WMPLib.IWMPErrorItem If CType(sender, AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.errorCount > 0 Then oErrorItem = CType(sender, AxWMPLib….AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.Item(0) If oErrorItem.errorCode = -1072885353 Then MsgBox("… Re: catch Media Player Error Programming Software Development by sonia sardana …Dim oErrorItem As WMPLib.IWMPErrorItem If CType(sender, AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.errorCount > 0 Then oErrorItem = CType(sender,… AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.Item(0) If oErrorItem.errorCode = -1072885353 Then … Re: catch Media Player Error Programming Software Development by sonia sardana …Dim oErrorItem As WMPLib.IWMPErrorItem If CType(sender, AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.errorCount > 0 Then oErrorItem = CType(sender,… AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer).Error.Item(0) If oErrorItem.errorCode = -1072885353 Then … Re: Add video in splash screen Programming Software Development by wvusaf ….NET and set a Splash screen, you cannot add an AxWindowsMediaPlayer control to play a video without getting the cross-thread… error. Is it possible to play a video using a AxWindowsMediaPlayer control on another thread? Re: Listboxes etc. on top of video Programming Software Development by farsen …] Yes, I have a form with a embedded video player (AxWindowsMediaPlayer). When the player is playing a file/stream, certain objects… Re: Add video in splash screen Programming Software Development by AndreRet You need to create an instance of the mediaplayer BEFORE you can use it. [CODE]' Create the ActiveX control. Dim awmp As New AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer()[/CODE] You must also make sure that the axWMPLibrary is referenced in your application. Now add the code I have supplied above and let me know if this solved your problem.:) Re: Add video in splash screen Programming Software Development by wvusaf … app. Add a Splash Screen to the project. Add a AxWindowsMediaPlayer control to the splash screen. Open the project properties and… Re: Axinterop.wmpLib.dll works OK in debug build, not OK in release build Programming Software Development by SeniorAlexandro I tried to add a Reference (Axinterop.wmpLib.dll) but now I get this Error: "AxWindowsMediaPlayer" is ambiguous in the namespace "AxWMPLib" Re: Windows Media Player Control Multi Form Programming Software Development by tinstaafl Load the video in the second form through the [MediaChange Event of the AxWindowsMediaPlayer Object (Windows)]( Re: Play/Pause Button Programming Software Development by Gé48 Hi, I am working on a project with AxWindowsMediaPlayer as well. Where you use ListBoxes I use Listviews. In my project if the index of the current song is the same as the items count in the listview it will stop. If ListViewTracks.Items.SelectedIndices(0) = ListViewTracks.Items.Count Then ButtonStop.PerformClick() End If Re: C++ Music player help Programming Software Development by jonsca [quote][code]Handles panel1::MouseDown XP = MousePosition.X - this->Location.X YP == MousePosition.Y - this->Location.Y;[/code][/quote] What are you trying to do with this line? It doesn't make much sense to me. [quote][code]Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System::Object, ByVal e As System::EventArgs);[/code][/quote] This looks a lot like VB.… Re: C++ Music player help Programming Software Development by ethanbuckley Well I would like to make it work with c++, Can anyone help me with a few steps? I have been given a reference but it makes no sence to me. Re: C++ Music player help Programming Software Development by jonsca Which reference is it? The hangup here is that you're doing WinForms, which uses a different dialect of C++/CLI. From what I've heard, the best book for learning that is Ivar Horton's (which covers standard C++, C++/CLI WinForms, and MFC). If your reference is teaching Win32, you'll need to change your project type. Once you decide which of … Re: C++ Music player help Programming Software Development by ethanbuckley I will post the reference code and you might be able to tell me the type of c++ im dealing with? The code below is what I am trying to achieve with out copying (given to my year group at university) [CODE]#pragma once // Tian: insert headers for other forms or classes #include "addMusicTrack_Form.h" #include "editMusicTrack_Form.… Re: C++ Music player help Programming Software Development by jonsca That's C++/CLI see [url][/url] for a good tutorial about it. Learn to use the UI designer and determine how to use it to place the event handlers into your code (for example double clicking on button3 will place a button3_click method into your code, just a skeleton, though). Use VC++ 2008 if you can … Re: Play sounds Programming Software Development by Diamonddrake [URL=""][/URL] Download this free player engine for .net Its not big, comes will a million examples, plays about anything, anyway you want it. even allows for easy 3d sound too. Check it out! Re: Play sounds Programming Software Development by darab thanks dear your link was great and useful but i don't know how change it that i get to my aim when we play a sound it start from 00:00 but i need it start from 03:00 for example how i can do it? Thank you Re: Play sounds Programming Software Development by Diamonddrake First create some variables to hold your sound objects, you want them to have a full scope so create them directly in the class. [CODE] protected IrrKlang.ISoundEngine irrKlangEngine; protected IrrKlang.ISound currentlyPlayingSound; [/CODE] then in the form's constructor initialize the the sound engine. [CODE]irrKlangEngine = new … Re: Play sounds Programming Software Development by darab hi thanks dear Re: Play sounds Programming Software Development by srdusad Hi all, you can simply use axWindowMediaPlayer for seeking the start positio. Before start set the currentPosition property of the axwindowmediaplayer. //for 3 minutes axMediaPlayer1.CurrentPosition=180; // value in seconds