Re: Is England Vanishing? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Ene Uran Cal Thomas is one of the many smug neocons in the … Re: how to call javabean from jsp page upon onChange event Programming Web Development by shyamNambiar cal ur jsp using a javascript ,cal that script upon onChange u can write ur bean cals in that JSP Re: Java Date Addition Programming Software Development by watchesofmay cal.add(Calendar.DATE, +1) eg:[I]<<snip>>[/I] Introducing Cal Uhl Community Center Say Hello! by Cal Uhl … my skillset, and have joined this community for its synergy! Cal Re: Introducing Cal Uhl Community Center Say Hello! by nav33n :) Welcome to Daniweb Cal ! Re: can any one tell me how to open image of .CAL extension or .TIFF extension in vb6 Programming Software Development by srikanth48 how to open .cal or .tiff extension image files from vb6.i dint get … to read image text like height,width,size,bitcount of .cal and .tiff extension image file.if there is no solution… Re: 2 datetimepickers with different initial values? Programming Web Development by sinyi …strDate=exDateTime.substring(Sp1+1,Sp2); } if (isNaN(strMonth)) intMonth=Cal.GetMonthIndex(strMonth); else intMonth=parseInt(strMonth,10)-1; if ((parseInt…gt;"; docCal.write(vCalHeader); //Calendar detail CalDate=new Date(Cal.Year,Cal.Month); CalDate.setDate(1); vFirstDay=CalDate.getDay(); vCalData="… Converting equation from infix to postfix using stack Programming Software Development by LanierWexford …."; InOp1='?'; break; } else { Check=Cal.Top(); if(Check=='+'||Check=='-') { Cal.Pop(); Cal.Push(InOp2); Cal.Push(InOp1); Cal.Push(Check); Check='#'; cin>>… Calender Won't Run... Programming Software Development by DaniwebOS …; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class Date { public static Calender cal; public static void main(String[] args) { try { //sets …int year) throws Exception { cal = new GregorianCalender(); cal.set(Calender.MONTH, month - 1); cal.set(Calender.DATE, day); cal.set(Calender.YEAR, year);… Re: Calender Won't Run... Programming Software Development by ilovejava …; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; public class Date { public static Calender cal; public static void main(String[] args) { try { //sets value DisplayDate…, int year) throws Exception { cal = new GregorianCalender(); cal.set(Calender.MONTH, month - 1); cal.set(Calender.DATE, day); cal.set(Calender.YEAR, year); if… Calendar with insertig events Programming Software Development by shahera.arafat …public void refreshCalendar(int month, int year){ int lDay = cal.get(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH); L1_HeaderMonth.setText((months[month]+"/"+year)); //Clear …++){ B[m].setBackground(Color.lightGray); int lDay = cal.get(cal.DAY_OF_MONTH); B[som+1].setBackground(new Color (220,… Re: 2 datetimepickers with different initial values? Programming Web Development by vibhaJ ….substring(Sp1+1,Sp2); } if (isNaN(strMonth)) intMonth=Cal.GetMonthIndex(strMonth); else intMonth=parseInt(strMonth,10)-1; if ((parseInt…=exDateTime.substring(tSp2+1,tSp2+3); Cal.SetSecond(strSecond); } } else { Cal.SetHour(pStrHour); Cal.Minutes = pStrMinutes; Cal.Seconds = pStrSeconds; }… At a standstill and got to get this going soon! Programming Software Development by nickelsunshine … getDepartureCalendarString() { Calendar cal = getDepartTime(); return (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "\\" + cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "\\" + cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) + cal.get(Calendar… this is the error i get: cannot find symbol method parseString(java.lang.String) Programming Software Development by elcliff …; } } class SalDemo{ public static void main(String args[]){ salary cal = new salary(); String T=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter time"…out.println(cal.GetTax(gross_salary)); System.out.println(cal.GetBonus(time,status)); System.out.println(cal.GetNetSalary(cal.GetBonus(time,status),gross_salary,(cal.GetTax(gross_salary… Re: Calender Won't Run... Programming Software Development by ilovejava omg i figured out your problem [CODE]public static Calender cal;[/CODE] since class calendar is imported you have to do this Calendar cal = new Calendar(); Re: Calender Won't Run... Programming Software Development by DaniwebOS [QUOTE=ilovejava;1689041]omg i figured out your problem [CODE]public static Calender cal;[/CODE] since class calendar is imported you have to do this Calendar cal = new Calendar();[/QUOTE] Not sure what you are referring too... I added the new method has you've mentioned but it didn't resolve the problem... How to make this CTE query print rows with 0 value? Programming Databases by 370b17m15 …BY c.coordinates_id, date_trunc('hour', t.calltime) ) , cal AS ( SELECT generate_series('2011-2-2 00:00:00'::timestamp…extract(hour from v._from) AND extract(hour from cal.stamp) <= extract(hour from v._to) AND… extract(DOW from cal.stamp) = 3 AND cal.stamp >= v._from AND cal.stamp <= v.… how to use getline for input file Programming Software Development by juan.sancen.7 …amp; percentFat); int main() { string food; float fatGrams, cal, fatCal; int percentFat; ofstream outFile; ifstream inFile;…inFile >> fatGrams >> cal; inFile.ignore('/n'); fatGrams =+ fatGrams; cal += cal; outFile << "You ate … Getting time without date Programming Software Development by MellyMel1984 …i=1; i<=x;i++){ cal.add(cal.MINUTE, 30); if(x==i){… System.out.println("cal.getTime "+cal.getTime()); calcuDate= cal.getTime(); } } System.out.… Stuck on Binary Search Function Programming Software Development by jae5086 …array then finds it. { string food[100]; string target; int cal[100]; int i = -1; do { i++; cout &…"Enter the number of calories: "; cin >> cal[i]; cin.ignore(); } } while (food[i] != "done…x] = food[y]; food[y] = tmp; int tmp2 = cal[x]; cal[x] = cal[y]; cal[y] = tmp2; } } for (int x = 0; x… Any help is appreciated Programming Software Development by mike issa …*/ #define lt_SetDueDate 0x2C /* X X 12 0 Set Cal Due Date Str: "Jan-15-2005" … */ #define lt_GetCalMode 0xAF /* X X 6 0 Get Cal Mode: "OFF" "ON" */ …:: "0..115200-1" (analog input) (cal) */ #define lt_GetAdcVolt 0xB9 /* X X 10 0… Memory leaknig problem Programming Software Development by uma.kotha89 …(); name = ad.getFirstName(); upDateday = ad.getUpdateDate(); //milis1 = cal.getTimeInMillis(); //long diff = milis1 - milis2; //diffDays = diff … System.out.println("Diference in days" + (cal.getTimeInMillis() - upDateday.getTime()) / (24 * 60 … Re: Bump in the Road Programming Software Development by AssertNull … initialcomp_Num(int n) { //Variable Declaration. int count, initial, topValue, cal; //Function will work as intended if 'n' is not less… initialcomp_Num(int n) { //Variable Declaration. int count, initial, topValue, cal; //Function will work as intended if 'n' is not less… IE7 document.getElementById problem Programming Web Development by AbberLine …br>test test om 18u30 wees op tijd!'); $cal->addEvent('Patrijbestuur', 9, 1, 2008, 'http://www…'); $cal->addEvent('Nieuwjaarsreceptie regio s Vilvoorde en Zaventem', 11, 1…// Display calendar centered echo("<center>"); $cal->display($_GET['month'], $_GET['year']); echo("<… help Programming Software Development by technogeek_42 …=5; } int tday(); void reqmon(); void cal(); void chose(); displaymenu(char **month,int count,…s++; } s=0; chose(); } void calendar::cal() { cleardevice(); setgraphmode(getgraphmode()); int l=17,…}; void windoo::menu() { c.tday();; c.reqmon(); c.chose(); } int calendar::s… Need help for MDAS rules in a Calculator. Programming Software Development by darlineth … args[]){ JFrame lor = new JFrame(); cal rece = new cal(); lor = rece.buildNewFrame(); lor.pack();….setLookAndFeel( UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); }catch(Exception e){} cal re = new cal(); JPanel northPanel = new JPanel(); JPanel southPanel … Cannot find the superclass when creating a package Programming Software Development by KSM899 …, m, y; } /** * Creat two instances of the class Cal */ Cal dbirth = new Cal(); Cal pedate = new Cal(); /** * <p>Policy constuctor<p>… filter script not working Programming Web Development by accra …Yes" class=textbox><img src=js/cal.gif onclick="displayDatePicker('date_in', this);">…Yes" class='textbox'><img src=js/cal.gif onclick="displayDatePicker('c_enddate', this);"> …Yes" class='textbox'><img src=js/cal.gif onclick="displayDatePicker('cenddate', this);">… Re: filter script not working Programming Web Development by accra …Yes" class=textbox><img src=js/cal.gif onclick="displayDatePicker('date_in', this);">…Yes" class='textbox'><img src=js/cal.gif onclick="displayDatePicker('c_enddate', this);"> …Yes" class='textbox'><img src=js/cal.gif onclick="displayDatePicker('cenddate', this);">… I get a nullpointerexception error but I don't know why Programming Software Development by bobrown101 …(); }else{ state.setText("On "); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Intent intent = new Intent(this,… button_off(View v) { MyService service = new MyService(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyService.…