How to find calculate grades in PHP Programming Software Development by Eddie756 … used php so the only challnge am meeting is to calculate grades for the following Overall marks is 100 (Has been divided… Need help with calculating students grades using loops Programming Software Development by Yozuru … difficulity on it. These are the directions: > Specifications for Calculate grades using loops 1. Create pseudo code for your program first… Re: Grades program Programming Software Development by gibson.nathan … Class object. By creating a Class object, you can easily calculate grades and such because you have one central "storage"… have a student class, that has an arraylist for the grades of that student and then... in the main could we… Re: Grades program Programming Software Development by coil … Class object. By creating a Class object, you can easily calculate grades and such because you have one central "storage"… calculating grades using turo c programming language Programming Software Development by rukia020 Please give me a turbo c code on how to calculate grades with percentage. Re: calculating grades using turo c programming language Programming Software Development by Shankye See i dont think there are any problems till 34th line .. Now tell me how you going to calculate grades using those values mathematically than only i can help you to code it.. Newbie psuedocode review. If someone could take a look and critique. Thanks! Programming Computer Science by nefariousone … <> “ZZZ” Call Student Grades Call Calculate Grades Call Display Grades End While End Program Student Grades Open “Grades” For Output as NewFile Write “Enter… done.” Input Student, Test1, Test2, Test3 End While End Student Grades Calculate Grades Declare Total as Integer Set Total = Test1 + Test2 + Test3 … Pseudocode review Programming Computer Science by gremreeper1967 … <> “ZZZ” Call Student Grades Call Calculate Grades Call Display Grades End While End Program Student Grades Open “Grades” For Output as NewFile Write “Enter… done.” Input Student, Test1, Test2, Test3 End While End Student Grades Calculate Grades Declare Total as Integer Set Total = Test1 + Test2 + Test3 Close… I Need Help Please Anyone Programming Software Development by N17scj … student. The program should take in the name and grades for one student, calculate thier average, and display the final grade. *The… grade at a time) -ask for the students grades on the final exam -calculate grades as follows: *Regular exams are worth 40% of… I don't know how to start Programming Web Development by Jounan … help to start, please help to Write the script to calculate grades. Up to 10 scores can be entered. The raw scores… are curved and grades are assigned. Click the "Load" button to work…. This is done by pressing button Curve. Assume that the grades are assigned as follows: 90-100 = A, 80-89 = B… JPanel and JCombo Box Help Programming Software Development by Ecliptical210 …! //create the action listeners! nigga. //Panel 4 (Add/Calculate Grades) //Display the student's grades //Get Information on student, teacher Only. //tabbedPanel.setTabLayoutPolicy… python Programming Software Development by tinku.cater … individual tests and for the average test score. You must calculate grades in a function that has the test scores passed to… 'Student' object has no attribute '_students' Programming Software Development by turbo22 … to 0, 0, 0) 2. Edit an exam score 3. Calculate grades 4. Save and exit """) opt = input("… grade calculator Programming Software Development by Hanan_2 hey i got this program to calculate grades by reading from a file but im getting some error. … Re: C++ program write and display to file Programming Software Development by mandsmom I believe it needs to go around line 21 or so - But really I am not sure - i have written a code to just calculate grades before but since I had to get into the writing to a file - I have completely confused myself! Re: PHP Formula and syntax Programming Web Development by Jintu … July 11 2009 // Purpose: Write a PHP program that can calculate grades for students of CSCI 110 --> <html> <… Re: Java - Arrays Programming Software Development by saurabh2007 I can't seem to find the bug. It should work but I don't know why its seeing a null entry. All that its supposed to do is check if the entry in the first file is also present in the second file, if it is, then do nothing and if it isn't, then continue to calculate grades, but it doesn't compare the two arrays to check if id is same or not. Re: calculate the grades for a student using if..else statements. Programming Software Development by Altaf_2 Calculate a grade of student Total marks=100 Mark=int(Input(&… program to calculate student grades Programming Software Development by BOTHEILLONE I cannot figure out why my code for calculating student grades makes every number I enter an A. Here is the code. I hope someone can help. Simple problem: calculate grade averages/raised averages from file Programming Software Development by LogicalOutlier [CODE]public class Grades{ public int scoreTotal; public int numScores; double average; static String … Calculate Standard Deviation Method Programming Software Development by jhellr13 Hey guys, Working on a project to calculate the standard deviation of an array. Instructions call for…;); for (i = 0; i < grades.length; i++) { grades[i] = keyboard.nextInt(); count++; if (grades[i]==999) break; } System.out.println("… Calculate Students Grade And Grade Weightage Programming Web Development by lethalbeez … on and view/edit their personal details and check their grades. Teachers (who are also administrators) can also log in …questions are : 1 - What function should I use to calculate the grades. For example if a teacher key-in 80 the grade…I want the teachers to change the range of the grades for their subject. For example if an English teacher … calculate the grades for a student using if..else statements. Programming Software Development by shantuli … school conducts a 100 mark exam for its student and grades them as follows: Grade: Grade A: Marks>75 Grade… D: 50>Marks>40 Write ajava program to calculate the grades for a student, using if..else statement. use some… Re: Calculate Students Grade And Grade Weightage Programming Web Development by jeromemck [quote=lethalbeez;217818] 1 - What function should I use to calculate the grades. For example if a teacher key-in 80 the grade… Re: calculate the grades for a student using if..else statements. Programming Software Development by Jeffrey_6 // //a program that generates grades for the marks //capture marks for five subjects/course units //calculate the GPA //Display student details plus grades(letter, points), and GPA please members help me here Re: Grades with Arrays and Functions Programming Software Development by VernonDozier grades[]); double getMax(double grades[]); void countPassing(double grades[]); int main () { double grades[numofgrades]; double avg; double largest; getGrades(grades); computeAverage(grades); getMax(grades); countPassing(grades… only want them to display once. Calculate a value inside of the loop, … Re: calculate the grades for a student using if..else statements. Programming Software Development by kit82polo … how I will account for an unknown amount of student grades entered and then divide that number by the total SUM… of the Grades to get the GPA. I assume I will have a… and that will be what holds the total number of Grades that are entered. I am currently using two nested while… Calculate Average by dividing with unknown number in array Programming Software Development by wittykitty …count]; fp>>grades [count]; count++; } getLetterGrade(grades, lettergrade, count); getAverageGrade (grades, count); printResult (grades, name, lettergrade, …else lettergrade[i]='F'; } } float getAverageGrade (float grades[], int count) { float sum; float average; for … Re: Calculate Standard Deviation Method Programming Software Development by jhellr13 … (i=0; i<grades2.length; i++) { sumOfNumberMinusAverage+=Math.pow((grades[i]-average),2); }[/CODE] I would instantiate int sumOfNumberMinusAverage earlier… Re: Calculate Averages for a Class program Programming Software Development by bradford68 …of additional classes' Dim GrandTotal As Integer Dim Grades As Double = 0 Dim Computed_Grades As Double … 1 To NumStuTxtBx Grades = CDbl(InputBox("Enter Grades of Students Exams")) GrandTotal += Grades Computed_Grades += Grades AvgTxtBx.Text = …