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Sometimes you look at the morning's headlines and wonder what exactly a particular CEO was thinking when they made a certain statement. Recently we've had these gems from seasoned CEOs: [LIST] [*][URL="http://www.mediaite.com/online/yahoo-ceo-carol-bartz-tells-michael-arrington-to-fk-off-video/"]Carol Bartz told Michael Arrington of Tech Crunch to f**k off.[/URL] [*][URL="http://blogs.computerworld.com/16249/steve_ballmer_admits_microsoft_is_number_five_in_the_mobile_race"]Steve Ballmer admitted his company was number 5 …

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It’s Tuesday and all eyes on Wall Street are on Yahoo, where new CEO Carol Bartz is expected to lower expectations for Yahoo going forward as the tech behemoth issues its Q4 earnings results. We’re in the midst of the tech earnings season right now and there have been surprises …


The End.