204 Topics

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Member Avatar for MattD00

I am building a cms I want to iplement the ability to hide pages. I have a row in mysql named hidden which stores the values 1 and 0. 1 will allow the page to be shown and 0 will hide it. The defalut value is set as 1. When …

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Member Avatar for urbanthistleuk

Good Morning, I am after some help, I am still fairly new to php development so apologies if this one has been answered before, I have been tasked to build an email migration tracker that automates emails, this part I think I have covered, one part I am not sure …

Member Avatar for urbanthistleuk
Member Avatar for aalshamr

Hello to all am new programmer facing a problem in saving three checkboxs into database for example a b c all of the has a value in the database any one can heple from scratch I'll be greatfull regards,

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for patk570

Hey everyone, I have an array of checkboxes that hold a value from 1-30, and when I first update the database it stores these values in a comma seperated list like 1,8,9,22 in the MYSQL database. Now my question is, can I when I go to the edit page to …

Member Avatar for patk570
Member Avatar for B0716L

Does anyone know how to make a checkbox on a web page that always stays checked no matter what computer sees it? It would always stay checked on that exact web page? If anyone knows how to do this, that would be great :)

Member Avatar for B0716L
Member Avatar for devarmagan

hi in my registration page i got about 20 input fields everythings are working fine except this multiple checkboxes. i read the articles related to my isses but no joy yet becouse my code is very complecated for example the register.php datas will be validate and process by process.php and …

Member Avatar for devarmagan
Member Avatar for splacksplack

Hi I'm trying to complete this assignment and I don't understand how this PHP thing works. I can't get the value of the check box to populate and I can't get the sales tax to calculate either. He is what I have so far: <!DOCTYPE html> <!-- testproblem.html --> <html …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for maggoteer

I'm currently trying to modify 2 scripts to work together. I've gotten everything working except the script isn't passing any, or the incorrect information when it's trying to create a checkbox. Here's the code I have so far: if (strlen($q)>0) { $hint=""; for($i=0; $i<($x->length); $i++) { $f=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('id'); $g=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('item'); $h=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('price'); $y=$x->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('keyword'); …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for sweety_1

Hi Can anyone please help me.Im new to coding.Sorry i dont have any code to post.I would try to explain my problem in words.can please some one help me. I have a jsp in which i'm populating a table.In that table i have a column for checkboxes for each row.when …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Hi all, I'm currently looking at this [JSFIDDLE](http://jsfiddle.net/MH8e4/6/) and it's 50% of what I need. I have a series of Accordions on my page (a list of courses). What I would like to do is assign these accordians to categories so that when a checkbox is pressed with the id …

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for Sadun89

Hi Everyone, I have some issue due to lack of my programming knowledge. I wanna find what selected checkboxes below form was. So I don’t have good way to solve this. Quoted Text Here Thank you all

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for |-|x

Hi guys, Working on one of my web projects recently I came accross a need for presenting some readonly data as part of the user input form. The readonly property of the input tags seem to work as expected for other types of input control, but not for the checkbox. …

Member Avatar for rohitdubey
Member Avatar for rb1234567
Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for raajsj

Hi all, i am developing web application in asp.net backend MS-Sql.<br/> i have to retrieve a particular table values for example table name "costomer" and its fields are "c_id,c_name,c_contactno" like that and when i retrieve this values, it should be bind the checkbox for UI. now i've code for generate …

Member Avatar for raajsj
Member Avatar for Vixion

Hello there, I want to get all checked checkbox on the form. I always wasting my time to checking it one by one. There is a way to do this? Best regards vixion

Member Avatar for star.tamy.7
Member Avatar for xjshiya

I have an array of checkbox that is populated with data from mysql database through a query. I can submit the value of the checked checkbox into a table from a database. But I want it to be saved according to the sequence the checkbox was checked by the user. …

Member Avatar for meharsaracomp
Member Avatar for Matigo

Hello everyone I'm building my first app using Python TkInter and i would like to have someone help me with this I want to make a checkbox by default it should be False (Unchecked) And make it do something like (Sorry i only know how to do it on visual …

Member Avatar for Dimonai

Hello to everyone, my problem is, Im creating dynamacly rows in a table with a textfield and a checkbox, but to delete the rows the checkbox must be on the first column witch I dont get it, if I move the checkbox to the last column and press it, javascript …

Member Avatar for Dimonai
Member Avatar for piyusoni.soni

i have problem with checkboxlis.i have 2 checkboxlist in which 1 have items n other having subitems..now when i check in items it display its subitem in other checkboxlist..problem is if i check simultaneously many items in 1st checkboxlist it do not display all subitems ..how to solve this ..pls …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for rubai

I have a problem want to be solved. I have three pages. page1.php, page2.php page1.php has a form with two text field. one text field is for name and another is for number. there is a submit button and a "next" button too. using session I want show given name …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rubai

Hi Friends, I have 5 checkboxes. What I want is..... I want to check 3 checkboxes so other 2 will be unchecked. After clicking the next button a table will appear and checked checkboxes will show in one column and unchecked will be another column. Can you give any idea …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for NyQii

Hey there Im buzy with a asp.net c# application and using sql server as my database and using stored procedures i have a gridview with a page name and a column with checkboxes witch will aloow the user to access that specific page. My question is , is that after …

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Hello Every body I am standing on a cross road with a doubt which way is the correct way. As you all are seeing the image Groupbox and CheckBoxes all are dynamically created. What I am confused about If user select Sun Tue and Fri from XII2013SIF01 and Mon Tue …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Amit_15

I have created a elevator functionality [there are 2 floors and corresponding to each one , there is a checkbox. Depending upon which checkbox is checked, the elevator shud move to that floor. Only thing which i am not able to implement here is: Make the checkbox check automatically and …

Member Avatar for theHop
Member Avatar for Amit_15

I have created a elevator functionality [there are 2 floors and corresponding to each one , there is a checkbox. Depending upon which checkbox is checked, the elevator shud move to that floor. Couple of things which i'm not sure how to implement are: wherever i have added class "unchecked" …

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Member Avatar for beginnerpals

I wanted to give my admin the power to search professors by name and provide them with a corresponding checkbox for each search result returned to help them select entries that he wants to delete (like we have in phpmyadmin for example). I'm posting the prof_name from a form that …

Member Avatar for beginnerpals
Member Avatar for SYvonneMendoza

** //When an item from the list is selected, a checkbox along with the drawn graphics schould appear. but only the graphics appear. Help? *basic** import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.Checkbox; public class GetSelectedItemExample extends Applet implements ItemListener { Choice c; CheckboxGroup g1 = new CheckboxGroup(); Checkbox checkBox1 …

Member Avatar for SYvonneMendoza
Member Avatar for tafarie

I have a question,,, I create 1 form, and in this form I add 5 control checkbox, namely: Checkbox1 = cek1 Checkbox2 = cek2 Checkbox3 = cek3 Checkbox4 = cek4 Checkbox5 = cek5 I want to ask, 1. how to count the number of checkboxes are checked.? 2. how to …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for xjshiya

Hello. I have two tables, the itinerary table and location table. The itinerary table consists of all the itinerary: * A - B * B - A * B - C * C - B * C - A * A - C The user will select from the itinerary …

Member Avatar for xjshiya
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi how do i get the value of the checkbox list from a web page? appreciate a reply thanks

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.