Re: Fine-Tuning OpenAI Whisper Model for Audio Classification in PyTorch Programming Computer Science by habi_2 how to use the Compare multiple columns from two separate files and classify Programming Software Development by bio-grad … compare multiple columns from two separate files, but also to classify each line from @hairpin to determine if the parameters fall… File Classification Infrastructure (FCI) - System to classify file document Hardware and Software by wale89 … know about the system/application that would allow users to classify documents into category eg: (confidential, public, internal). It is somehow… How to Classify Input in Java? Programming Software Development by tformed … us to ask the user for a text file and classify the data accordingly. Example: E = Enter L = Leave So if… problems with function pointers Programming Software Development by chelo77 …; #include <iostream.h> void instruct(void); void classify(char cInput[], float fstats[], int i, int iOdd, int iEven…for (j=0; j<=6; j++) fstats[j]=0; classify(cInput,fstats,i,iOdd,iEven,iUpper,iLower,iOaverage,iEaverage); break… write to text file using fprintf() Programming Software Development by chelo77 …string\n", iChange); classify(cInput, fstats); } else …quot;pause"); break; } } } void classify(char *cInput ,float *fstats) { int j… help writing a string to textfile with fprintf Programming Software Development by chelo77 … been %d changes made to the string\n", iChange); classify(cInput, fstats); } else printf("\nthere are no occurences of… continue"); //cin.get(); system("pause"); break; } } } void classify(char *cInput ,float *fstats) { int j; int iResult =0; // int… code check: BMI Calculator Programming Software Development by whatthebobo … their BMI value //If bmi is less than 18.5 classify as underweight if ( bmi < 18.5 ) cout <<… bmi is 25 or greater, but less than 30 then classify as overweight else if ( bmi >= 25 && …; << endl; //If bmi is 30 or greater then classify as obese else if ( bmi >= 30 ) cout <<… can't delete single chars in a string Programming Software Development by chelo77 …; #include <iostream.h> void instruct(void); void classify(char cInput[], float fstats[], int i, int iOdd, int iEven…for (j=0; j<=6; j++) fstats[j]=0; classify(cInput,fstats,i,iOdd,iEven,iUpper,iLower,iOaverage,iEaverage); break… Need help for my image classification FYP Programming Computer Science by vashini13 …to use the colour visual feature like color histograms to classify images. But can anyone please give me an idea of… for the classification process. For example if we are to classify landscape images by colour, like forest, sunset, snow, bird …some ideas of the type of images to use to classify them based on colour. I though of using rock images… Neural Network Help Programming Software Development by livestrong2431 …;cstdlib> using namespace std; int pWeights[] = {0,0}; int Classify(int pInput, int pThreshold, int i, int Bias){ int classOut…}; int pInputs[] = {1,2}; int pClass1 = Classify(pInputs[0],0,0,Bias); int pClass2 = Classify(pInputs[1],0,1,Bias); do { if… Re: Neural Network Help Programming Software Development by livestrong2431 … std; int pWeights[] = {0,0}; // the weights int Classify(int pInput, int pThreshold, int i, int Bias){ // the …= 1) // the beginning of the loop { int pClass1 = Classify(pInputs[0],0,0,Bias); // at the beginning it runs… comes back with either 1 or -1 int pClass2 = Classify(pInputs[1],0,1,Bias); // the second input cout… Re: Neural Network Help Programming Software Development by livestrong2431 … std; int pWeights[] = {0,0}; // the weights int Classify(int pInput, int pThreshold, int i, int Bias){ // the …(!finished) // the beginning of the loop { int pClass1 = Classify(pInputs[0],0,0,Bias); // at the beginning it runs…comes back with either 1 or -1 int pClass2 = Classify(pInputs[1],0,1,Bias); // the second input if… Chat message classifier for unknown categories Programming Software Development by Chinney … i can solve it. I want to be able to classify messages to categories, where not all categories are known. I… add new categories as it goes, and be able to classify new messages to these new categories. I am willing to… read all messages, i merely need a python script to classify the messages I am a BSc Comp Sci student and… An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:? Programming Software Development by vps … and pass it to the c++ function. code : public class classify { 25 26 public static native Vector Submit(Vector vecData); 27…/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp # Aborted [vandana@SIOCR001 JWrapper]$ java classifyPckg.classify ./cdd can u plz help me out why am i… cin.get problems in use Programming Software Development by chelo77 …> #include <iostream.h> void instruct(void); void classify(char cInput[], float fstats[], int i, int iOdd, int iEven…(); for (j=0; j<=7; j++) fstats[j]=0; classify(cInput,fstats,i,iOdd,iEven,iUpper,iLower,iOaverage,iEaverage); break… Error at line number 782 named "ios is not declared"... Programming Software Development by nirav bhatt … learned boosted ensemble. ClassNo onboostnn::test(Description instance, long use_base_models) { // Classify the instance using each base model. // Recall that 'classifications' contains… don't use it or any subsequent base models to // classify new examples. int trigger = 0; // Add up the log(1… Reading the extended characters ? Programming Software Development by dchunt … to write a program to read a audio file and classify the various symbols into the number of times they occur… , I was hoping i could use a switch statement and classify the 256 symblos but now i've learnt the standard… How to make ellipses move at the same time in Processing Programming Software Development by blindislands …'):result |=E1;break; case('s'):case('S'):result |=S1;break; //classify the cases for the key pressed case('a'):case('A…'):result ^=E1;break; case('s'):case('S'):result ^=S1;break; //classify the cases for the key pressed case('a'):case('A… Ambiguous bases Programming Software Development by kruschev …), credithrs(chours) { } string StaffST::whatAmI() { return "StaffST"; } string classify(Person* p) { return p->whatAmI(); } int main () { vector<…; v[i]->getName() << " " << classify(v[i]) << endl; } return 0; } I get an… Comparing Google Gemini Pro with OpenAI GPT-4 for Zero-Shot Classification Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 … trained on a set of labeled examples but can then classify new examples from previously unseen classes. This is useful for… IMDB movie review dataset as an example and try to classify the reviews into positive or negative sentiments without using any… Viruses Programming Software Development by Clint1982 Hello ! My name is Clint, I'm learning at the Ben Gurion University in Israel, I make a research about viruses, how they work, way of operation, classify them into families. Does any one know sites which can be helpful to my research ? Thank you, Clint. Viruses Programming Web Development by Clint1982 Hello ! My name is Clint, I'm learning at the Ben Gurion University in Israel, I make a research about viruses, how they work, way of operation, classify them into families. Does any one know sites which can be helpful to my research ? Thank you, Clint. Re: Viruses Programming Web Development by Evenbit … a research about viruses, how they work, way of operation, classify them into families. Does any one know sites which can… Big -Theta notation Programming Computer Science by melcee … problems? this is the question: Use big-theta notation to classify the traditional grade school algorithms for addition and multiplication. That… help with pointers in this fucntion Programming Software Development by chelo77 … the value by one in each index accordingly [CODE]void classify(char *cInput ,float *fstats) { int j; int iResult =0; float… Big-Theta Problems!! HOW? Programming Computer Science by BiGPrO … do not understand this question?? Using Big-Theta notation to classify the traditional grade school algorithms for addition and multiplication. That… Help on General Best Practices for Table/Database Design Programming Databases by chris.jurado … 1 set of tables) with an additional field to differentiate/classify them as to w/c type they are (more like… "Incompatible Types" Error In an IP Routing Program Programming Software Development by letigre … must convert each dotted decimal address to binary, and then classify the address as having an 8b, 16b, 24b, or 32b… Dmho Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dave Sinkula …. Government and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) do not classify Dihydrogen Monoxide as a toxic or carcinogenic substance (as it…