Re: how to create a simple elevator simulation? Programming Software Development by trueframe To make a basic elevator simulation, first, identify the floors and the elevator's capacity. Then, use loops and conditionals in programming to mimic its movement. Include buttons for users to call the elevator and select floors. Test thoroughly for accuracy. Re: huawei switch Hardware and Software Networking by haivinhphuc commandline config DHCP no acess broadcast on switch huawei S3500 Example : Vlan 1 : gateway-list dns-list : but it's problem : gateway : = broadcast : =>the same OK. hehe. i need help ???????? commandline calculator Programming Software Development by vijayabhaskar.chowdary 1) Write a program to make commandline calculator ? Format like that : excutablefile firstoperand opertator secondoperand Ex : ./a.out 1 + 3 result : 5 .pyw in commandline Programming Software Development by ldk … want to be able to run the application also from commandline to start the application as a batch procedure with the… and parameters are available (sys.argv), I run, from the commandline without the GUI interface. So far so good, it works…, not problem. Now I want also some feedback in the commandline. I do not succeed to get any respons in the… MySql Workbench & Commandline Client Programming Databases by pro_learner … interacts with the MySql Database.But i'm using MySql commandline client.Some youtube tutorials,i saw they are using MySql… want to know is there any issue if i use commandline client instead of workbench?Both work as same?Please tell… Re: MySql Workbench & Commandline Client Programming Databases by smantscheff Use the commandline client. That way you know exactly what you're doing, and you can easily script and replicate your whole database setup. Pay attention to the various character encoding settings. repost: static methods, commandline args, arrays help Programming Software Development by nicolek808 …;Please enter the file name " + "as the 1st commandline argument."); } else{ //connect to file (does NOT create new… Re: repost: static methods, commandline args, arrays help Programming Software Development by nicolek808 …;Please enter the file name " + "as the 1st commandline argument."); } else{ Integer[] array = KashiwabaraNicole3.readFileReturnIntegers(commandlineArguments[0… Re: repost: static methods, commandline args, arrays help Programming Software Development by nicolek808 …;Please enter the file name " + "as the 1st commandline argument."); } else{ Integer[] array = KashiwabaraNicole3.readFileReturnIntegers(commandlineArguments[0]); KashiwabaraNicole3… Help with Terminal Input and Commandline Pipes Programming Software Development by winonus …. I want to get the tool to read from some commandline pipe, like C:\> type a.txt|testpipe where testpipe… Re: Help with Terminal Input and Commandline Pipes Programming Software Development by winonus … of project I cannot stop the use of pipes in commandline. However, I am thankful to Narue for your response and… Re: Help with Terminal Input and Commandline Pipes Programming Software Development by Narue … of project I cannot stop the use of pipes in commandline.[/QUOTE] This doesn't change the fact that stdin is… How to pass password using scp in commandline Programming Software Development by akileshb How to pass password using scp in commandline SCP <filename> <user>@<Toserveraddress>:<path> Here i want to use password also , how can i use ???? how to download anything from commandline in fedora Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by raviragarwal292 how to download anything from commandline in fedora Re: Login to a website from commandline Programming Software Development by yash_792 Try start [url][/url] to open yahoo site through commandline. Yash Using the LIKE statement in C# with MS Access Programming Software Development by ticktock … = null; connectionGate.Open(); dataReader = commandLine.ExecuteReader(); dataReader.Read(); if (dataReader.HasRows…dataReader = null; connectionGate.Open(); dataReader = commandLine.ExecuteReader(); dataReader.Read(); if (dataReader.HasRows… Re: Using the LIKE statement in C# with MS Access Programming Software Development by ticktock ….VarWChar, 255).Value = currentWordLetters; OleDbDataReader dataReader = null; connectionGate.Open(); dataReader = commandLine.ExecuteReader(); dataReader.Read(); if (dataReader.HasRows) { while (dataReader.Read()) { Word… Format for storing and reading date time to oledb Programming Software Development by ticktock …quot;VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)"; OleDbCommand commandLine = new OleDbCommand(TRANSACTION_INFO_INSERT_STATEMENT, oledbConnectionGate); commandLine.Parameters.Add("TransactionID&…64).Value = currentTransaction.TransactionAuditorID; commandLine.Parameters.Add("TransactionAuditor_Name"… Abstract classes Programming Software Development by torbecire …BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (; StringTokenizer commandLine = new StringTokenizer (readCommandLine(keyboard)); // Extract…// Add items to inventory item = commandLine.nextToken(); quantity = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.nextToken()); inventory[positionOf(item)] .increaseQuantity(… Killing Java Process when App Ends Programming Software Development by CrimsonGT …WriteLine("Starting Minecraft Daemon..."); Arguments CommandLine = new Arguments(args); // Hook … the Application (Command Line Parameters) LaunchMinecraft(CommandLine["file"], CommandLine["memory"]); } else { //… Function problem Programming Software Development by ThePythonNoob …(self): pass def speedlambdafrequency(self): pass def commandline(): command = input("Command: ")…#Management while stop == False: commandline() print(commandline()) if stop == False: if commandline()== "exit": print(&… Re: Transfering listviewitems into a MS SQL database Programming Software Development by ticktock … = new OleDbConnection(OLEDB_CONNECTION_STRING); OleDbCommand commandLine = new OleDbCommand(updateStatement, oledbGate); commandLine.Parameters.Add("LastName", OleDbType….VarWChar, 255).Value = currentStudent.StudentFirstName; commandLine.Parameters.Add("MiddleName", OleDbType.VarWChar… Re: help with recursion and return statements Programming Software Development by nicolek808 …+ 16 + ... + 2X) 2. Use the commandline arguments to enter one positive integer argument. 1. X… 0, 1, 1 3 2. Example output for commandline argument 5: ***** 5, 4, 3, 2,…4, 5, 15 63 3. Example output for commandline argument 10: ********** 10, 9, 8, 7… Re: Function problem Programming Software Development by TrustyTony …def speeddistancetime(self): pass def speedlambdafrequency(self): pass def commandline(): command = input("Command: ") return …, type help.") #Management while True: cl = commandline() if cl== "exit": break elif cl … Re: Transfering listviewitems into a MS SQL database Programming Software Development by ticktock … = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING); connectionToContactDB.Open(); SqlCommand commandLine; commandLine = new SqlCommand(DELETE_STATEMENT, connectionToContactDB); commandLine.ExecuteNonQuery(); string[] statementsContainer = insertStatementCreator(contactListing… Re: Function problem Programming Software Development by ThePythonNoob I've made the help function into a class. The commandline has been made into a module. Typing will … First C# Build Programming Software Development by complete … of the assembly that failed was:MyComputer at Microsoft.Build.CommandLine.MSBuildApp.Execute(String commandLine) at Microsoft.Build.CommandLine.MSBuildApp.Main() startupnextinstance (using the arg in a varible) Programming Software Development by ident ….BringToFront() MainForm.Activate() Application.DoEvents() If e.CommandLine.Count > 0 Then For Each arg As… String In e.CommandLine 'Process the commandline args Dim Dir As String = arg … Re: Transfering listviewitems into a MS SQL database Programming Software Development by ticktock …;Contact>(); SqlConnection connectionToContactDB = new SqlConnection(CONNECTION_STRING); connectionToContactDB.Open(); SqlCommand commandLine; string[] statementsContainer = statementCreator(contactListing); for (int i = 0; i <… Generic method parser / invoker Programming Software Development by tgreer … to 1) check to see if the method on the commandline exists in the program. I could create an array of… pass to the method? They wouldn't come from the commandline. I need some way of knowing, gathering, and passing in…