comport Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by girish.k.shukla hi iam using fedora 16.0 v but iam fail to open comport when try it show unable to open comport why and how i can open Re: comport Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by girish.k.shukla how i can find no of comport in our system COMport C++ problem Programming Software Development by Pačo …;windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "ComPort.h" char _tmp_buffer[256]; const char* ByteToString(char c…, int nShowCmd) { AllocConsole(); printf("Program se zaganja.\n"); ComPort Vrata("COM5", 2400, 8, false, 1); char znak… Re: Comport data writing Programming Software Development by dilansankalpa Thanxx Nick.. I tried "comport.Write(datafrmf1a4,0,datafrmf1a4.Length);" but couldn't get it done. But i didn't try "comport.Write(datafrmf1a4,0,datafrmf1a4.Length);" I'll try both and reply then.. thanx again.. COMport 0 or 1 Programming Software Development by mladen17 … reading a lot about all kinds of programs here for COMport but i need samothing less complicated so i lost interest… Comport data writing Programming Software Development by dilansankalpa …[0] = 53; datafrmf1a4[0] = 13; string datafrm = Convert.ToString(datafrmf1a4); comport.Write(datafrm); } [/code] Re: Comport data writing Programming Software Development by dilansankalpa …[0] = 13; 18. 19. string datafrm = Convert.ToString(datafrmf1a4); 20. comport.Write(datafrm); 21. 22. 23. } [/code] Re: Comport data writing Programming Software Development by nick.crane At line 19 you use [iCODE]Convert.ToString(datafrmf1a4);[/iCODE] and change the data to Unicode, so the data sent to the port is no longer what you want. Remove line 19 and try using [iCODE]comport.Write(datafrmf1a4,0,datafrmf1a4.Length);[/iCODE] (writing bytes not string). Slowing down Comport Output Programming Software Development by Krefie …boys and girls, I use at-commands through the comport. The problem is if I send "get …everything" to the comport the output is about 30 lines of text in… under a second. The c# comport listener is only able to capture about 2 of…these lines due to the fast output from the comport. How do I ensure that I get all… How to find COMPORT numbers in linux Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by nHulk i am using ubuntu 11.04, have connected an dongle to it,i am trying to find the comport no to which dongle is connected ,As in windows i get com23,com24 etc .how can i get it in linux ? Enable or disable the comport in device manager through program Programming Software Development by swathi sajja It is possible to Enable or disable the comport in device manager Enable or disable the comport in device manager through win 7 Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by swathi sajja I have code for Enable or disable the comport in device manager through program in windows xp . but that code is not working in windows 7. Is there any common function for both os. Deadlock thread when closing form Programming Software Development by clefranc COMPort.BaudRate = 9600 COMPort.Parity = IO.Ports.Parity.None COMPort.DataBits = 8 COMPort.StopBits = IO.Ports.StopBits.One COMPort.ReceivedBytesThreshold = 1 COMPort…Me.FormClosing If COMPort.IsOpen Then COMPort.Close() End If COMPort = Nothing '… Re: VB.NET 2008 serial port Issue Programming Software Development by iamai comPort.DataBits = 8 comPort.StopBits = StopBits.One comPort.BaudRate = CInt(cboSpeed.Text) comPort.Handshake = Handshake.None comPort.ReadTimeout = 1000 comPort.WriteTimeout = 1000 comPort.Open() Private Sub query_GGA() comPort Re: VB.NET 2008 serial port Issue Programming Software Development by iamai … SerialPort comPort.PortName = cboCom.Text comPort.Parity = Parity.None comPort.DataBits = 8 comPort.StopBits = StopBits.One comPort.BaudRate = CInt(cboSpeed.Text) comPort.Handshake = Handshake.None comPort.Open… VB.NET 2008 serial port Issue Programming Software Development by iamai … SerialPort comPort.PortName = cboCom.Text comPort.Parity = Parity.None comPort.DataBits = 8 comPort.StopBits = StopBits.One comPort.BaudRate = CInt(cboSpeed.Text) comPort.Handshake = Handshake.None comPort.Open… How to check serial (com) port is available or not in j2me? Programming Mobile Development by _neo_ … String getComPort() { if (comPort != null && comPort.trim().length() > 0) { return comPort; } String comPorts = System… { int idxStart = comPorts.toLowerCase().indexOf("com"); comPort = comPorts.substring(idxStart, idxStart + 4); } //midlet.… Interop Issue... Programming Software Development by skatamatic … } catch { return Setup(sSplit[0], 9600); } //***************** } public bool Setup(string COMPort, int BAUDRate) { //***************** //Hardcode setup default serial info here return HasInitialized… listview Programming Software Development by hrul … End Sub Public Sub UPdateTextBox() If comport.IsOpen Then Dim bytes As Integer = comport.BytesToRead Dim buffer(bytes) As Byte…Dim i As Integer '\\ to read data from read buffer comport.Read(buffer, 0, bytes) If buffer.Length > … Problem with BitConverter.ToUInt32 Programming Software Development by tacoman … byte[4]; switch (n_bytes) { case 1: comPort.Read(data, 0, n_bytes); retValue = BitConverter.ToUInt32… >> 8; break; case 4: comPort.Read(data, 0, n_bytes); retValue = BitConverter… FTDI/SerialPort speed issues (XP vs. W7) Programming Software Development by Ratte … settings which work well on XP: [CODE] comPort.RtsEnable = true; comPort.DtrEnable = true; comPort.Handshake = Handshake.RequestToSend; comPort.BaudRate = 115200; [/CODE] This exact same… Thread Problem Error: constructors, destructors and class operators Programming Software Development by fernandofranca …: THandle; RxCOMThread : TRxCOMThread; //===================== Abre porta serial ==================================== //=================================================================== OPEN PORT procedure OpenPort(ComPort:String;BaudRate,ByteSize,Parity,StopBits:integer); var cc:TCOMMCONFIG; SWide… form get stucked when closing the serial port Programming Software Development by dilansankalpa … every time. private void btnClosePort_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { comport.Close(); // comport is the object created in the class serialport } I think… the current processes in the program and then close the comport????? or any other solution???? How to connect to huwaie usb modem [sms application] Programming Software Development by GAiXz … New AutoResetEvent(False) Public Function OpenPort(ByVal ComPort As String) As SerialPort Dim SerialPort As … IO.Ports.SerialPort Try If ComPort <> Nothing Then With SerialPort .PortName = ComPort .BaudRate = 9600 .Parity … Re: Thread Problem Error: constructors, destructors and class operators Programming Software Development by fernandofranca … =( unit PortaSerial; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes; procedure OpenPort(ComPort:String;BaudRate,ByteSize,Parity,StopBits:integer); procedure StartListening(); type { TMyThread… Re: Thread Problem Error: constructors, destructors and class operators Programming Software Development by fernandofranca …; var Connected : boolean = false; hComPort: THandle; RxCOMThread : TRxCOMThread; procedure OpenPort(ComPort:String;BaudRate,ByteSize,Parity,StopBits:integer); procedure StartListening(); procedure SendString… visual forms application Programming Software Development by Nemoticchigga … is it gives my a null reference exception. [CODE]String^ comPort = "COM" + this->RS232CommPortNum->Value; int baudRate…::ToInt32(this->cbBaudRate->Value); SerialPort^ com = gcnew SerialPort(comPort, baudRate); com->Open(); Rs232Handle->setRs232com(com);[/CODE] This… exception Programming Software Development by Nemoticchigga … = Convert::ToInt32(this->cbBaudRate->Value); com = gcnew SerialPort(comPort, baudRate); try { com->Open(); } catch (...) { ::MessageBox::Show("Invalid… Array of createfile handles Programming Software Development by lostangel556 … bytes written to the port // Open COM port(s) HANDLE comport=CreateFile("\\\.\\COM6", GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL…(&OUTBUFFER[0], str); //write data to comm port WriteFile(comport, &OUTBUFFER, 7, &bytes_written, NULL); //paint Color on screen… Re: form get stucked when closing the serial port Programming Software Development by nick.crane … be using some interlocking to prevent multiple threads accessing the comport device simultaneously. I generally do this by wrapping my serial…