194 Topics

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Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2

I need to do CSV parsing and I was wondering if this is possible with python and where I should go to learn how to code this script or get help. Let's say I have a CSV file with 20 rows and 4 columns. I need to: -Strip out the …

Member Avatar for PythonNewbie2
Member Avatar for pjoyz

Can somebody help me to read a csv file into an arraylist in JSP. that source file can be browse anywhere in the pc.

Member Avatar for gurpreet_ka

Hi all, i have a link that opens .doc files, .docx files, csv files or .xls or .xlsx files. i want silent printing of these files. Only one file opens at a time. If silent printing is not possible then atleast print dialog box should open up along with the …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The code from my answer to thread: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread292949.html[/url] Any field names with any same separator separating the values. This is straight text file reading routine, see the original thread for csv module based code. sample.dat: [CODE]id; name; email; homeaddress 123; gishi; gishi@mymail.com; 456 happy st. 345; tony; tony.veijalainen@somewhere.com; Espoo Finland …

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Member Avatar for lstensland

I am new to programming and have been reading a few books on Pyhton but can't seem to grasp what I believe is probably a simple process. I need someone to show me briefly a sample script that would allow me to open a CSV file and edit it line …

Member Avatar for lstensland
Member Avatar for ennoil

I have a csv file with 4 columns that I want to use to create menus. For example, the second column has values such as "TEST", "QA", "PROD" and a couple of others. I want to take all the values from the second column, weed out the duplicates, then create …

Member Avatar for sergb
Member Avatar for mick3339

I am trying to read a csv file and store it into a 2D array, However it give me "segmentation fault" each time I run it. Here is my code [CODE] #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { const char filename[] = "a.txt"; FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r"); if ( file != …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for JCDenton

Okay, guys, I've been at this for hours and what is surely a simply answer has eluded me! :P Here's my situation: It's a list of computer systems, basically, that the user can purchase. I need to read this file, line-by-line, into an array. Let's call this array csvline(). The …

Member Avatar for Chris147
Member Avatar for zipgenius

Hello. I am using Delphi 2010 to build a small application that builds a very very simple database in CSV file format. I am using the Jcl and JVCL libraries (TJvCSVDataset, TJvDataSource and TJvDBGrid). I set up the fields ("Last Name", "First Name" and "Email"), where "Email" is the only …

Member Avatar for est69dog
Member Avatar for Mercian

Hello all, I am currently teaching myself Python 3 and came across a project at work that would be ideal for this. The department in which I work is an IT support desk with a number of us taking calls and providing support to end-users. There is a field in …

Member Avatar for eagles1

I have an excel spreadsheet that has 2 used columns. Using Python I have to read the data in those to columns. So far I have a code that lists the item in column A and B on Python GUI. Once that is done I have to write code so …

Member Avatar for baki100
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Could someone please tell me how to read from a CSV file? Also, how to update (write) to a CSV file? Thanks, -Ashton.

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for PYGUY

HI, I've got a list of 10 websites in CSV. All of the sites have the same general format, including a large table. I only want the the data in the 7th columns. I am able to extract the html and filter the 7th column data (via RegEx) on an …

Member Avatar for PYGUY
Member Avatar for demi88

Hi to all! i need help for my program i need to read and write csv file this will be the input in my csv file folder assigned letter depth \a m 0 \b n 0 \b\c n 1 \b\c\d o 2 \b\c\d\e p 3 \b\c\d\e\f n 4 \b\g n …

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